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    Originally posted by Starfist View Post
    Furry or Fuzzy Dice are stuffed six sided squares of fur. Held to together by a piece of string and marked up like normal six sided dice. Usually used to decorate cars and hung from the rear view mirror.
    Ah yes, those things. I almost got myself a pair, but with Mickey shape 'dots'

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      Originally posted by Princess Awinita View Post
      And then you bit the Death Star's planet destroying laser main powercable... more lit up then the tree last year! I never knew a Lemming could turn THAT color before
      Apparently neither that I.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        Apparently neither that I.
        Hehehe, neon green, neon orange, neon purple, neon pink, all those colors combined!!

        No wonder you're not allowed on the Daedalus anymore

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Too much neon, I reckon. Glow-in-the-dark-Lemming!
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            So, and then I met the Fifth Doctor Peter Davison. And Strax' Dan Starkey... and Doctor Beverly Crusher Gates McFadden. It was a splendid afternoon.
            *iz jealous*
            sig by Ikorni

            "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
            "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

            SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              Too much neon, I reckon. Glow-in-the-dark-Lemming!
              You shine brighter than a solar flare!

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                My brother was in Santa Cruz lately and sent me a picture of the sign for the "Introducing Jack O'Neill Lounge"

                I can't find a Google image to share, though.

                If you're going to allow yourself to be offended by a cat, you might as well just pack it in -- Steven Brust



                  *goes to drool and try to write*

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Hello folks.

                    Anyone consider trying a Stargate reboot?


                      Originally posted by Lord Hierarch View Post
                      Hello folks.

                      Anyone consider trying a Stargate reboot?
                      Roland Emmerich (director of the original movie) is doing just that. He is discarding all of SG-1, Atlantis and Universe as something that never happened and carrying on where the movie left off.
                      No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                      It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                        Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                        Roland Emmerich (director of the original movie) is doing just that. He is discarding all of SG-1, Atlantis and Universe as something that never happened and carrying on where the movie left off.
                        I was thinking something like the re-imagined Battlestar.


                        • 8 seasons. SGC fights the System Lords, work with the Asgard and Tok’ra. Beginnings of the Jaffa Rebellion and temporary defeat of the Replicators. Return of Anubis and the Replicators/Asurans. Asurans wipe out the System Lords, battle Anubis. Use of Dakara device to wipe the Asurans out. Ba’al betrays Anubis and he dies. Ba’al becomes the Supreme System Lord and plots while the Lucian Alliance and Free Jaffa Nation takes shape. Wraith are awakened and begin feeding on many worlds. Wraith attack Earth and cull many cities. Disclosure.

                        • 5 seasons. Loses Stargate, finds another one. Tries to dial Earth, fails (SGC shut down). Thinks Atlantis was lost in Wraith attack. Wraith use Attero Device to blow up Stargates all over the galaxy. Atlantis has to survive without Earth support. Enters a galaxy that is reeling from the collapse of the System Lords and now contending with the Wraith. Witness the rise of the Lucian Alliance and the beginning of a Wraith Civil War.

                        • The mission will always be the journey itself.

                        8100 BC:
                        • The Wraith awakens from their slumber and encroaches on Lantean-protected worlds. From the shadows, the Wraith grows in numbers as they test the defenses of Lantean defenses. At first, the Atlantis High Council dismisses the sightings of Wraith ships as mere rumors. Then the Wraith depopulates a Lantean colony. The High Council orders the use of the Dakara Device on the Wraith. The Wraith responds by launching waves of kamikaze ships at the device, destroying it. Lantean Security is deployed. The Lantean-Wraith War begins.

                        8050 BC:
                        • The war is going very well. Despite their numerical superiority and unmatched ferocity, the Wraith are technologically inferior to their Lantean rivals. A single Lantean ship is able to take on several Wraith ships by its self. Confident in their victory, Lantean Security begins sending its fleet deeper into Wraith-infested space. Calamity strikes when a plague spreads throughout the Lantean populace. The Lantean advance comes to a halt and the Wraith take this opportunity to capture a number of these vessels and reverse-engineer their technology and adapt their power sources to reignite the flames of a reengineered war machine. Countless Lantean cities fall and billions of lives are lost in the ensuing chaos. Not since the Great Reunification did the Lanteans have to fight an enemy with powers that rivaled their own. It soon becomes clear that no matter what weapon the Lanteans devise, the war is already lost. The Wraith are everywhere.
                        • Some Lanteans undergo ascension.

                        8007 BC:
                        • Siege of Atlantis begins.

                        8000 BC:
                        • Atlantis is abandoned.
                        • Some Lanteans return to Earth.

                        3100 BC:
                        • Narmer, the Enduring King, unites the Two Lands after triumphing over his rivals and besting their “divine” patrons. He then turns on his benefactors by wielding their own magic and technology against them, driving the Goa’uld from Egypt. Many Goa’uld begin leaving Earth, feeling that there is no real reason to stay on Earth anymore when they have their own worlds full of human slaves. Narmer reigns for 62-years and leads military expeditions into Canaan to protect Egyptian interests and settlements in the region. While hunting on the Nile, he will be killed by a Goa’uld assassin. Ironically despite leading a rebellion against the Goa’uld, Narmer will later be remembered as a man who introduced their worship into Egypt.

                        2001 CE:
                        • The 9/11 attacks.

                        2003 CE
                        • The Iraq War begins.

                        2007 CE:
                        • The Stargate is activated.

                        2008 CE:
                        • Abydos cartouche is found.
                        • Terella is taken over.
                        • Vagonbrei is locked out.

                        2009 CE:
                        • Babel Tower is completed. This is the public face of Stargate Command, a military research-firm. It is at Babel Tower where high-ranking US military officials privy to the secrets of the Stargate Program conduct special projects and research. It is here where the least dangerous alien technology is studied and taken apart. The Stargate is transferred from Creek Mountain to a secret basement level underneath Babel Tower.
                        • A team of archeologists in Mexico uncovers an ancient tomb with a Sarcophagus, which contains the Goa’uld Hathor. They accidentally awaken her from her long sleep. She is dismayed to find that she does not know where the Stargate is or if the Goa’uld are still active. With the world changed so radically, she opts to try and create a modicum of her formerly lavish lifestyle. She bangs head with the cartels and suffers for it.
                        • Demons.

                        2010 CE:
                        • Research begins in using Naquadah in nuclear weapons.

                        2011 CE:
                        • The Iraq War ends.

                        2012 CE:
                        • First contact: Hebridians.

                        2013 CE:
                        • A decision is made to make a preliminary strike against the Goa’uld once the SGC has a rough idea of their strength. The SGC uses a naquadah-enhanced nuclear warhead on a Goa’uld stronghold discovered the previous year. The planet is called Chulak. Many attempts are made to dial the planet again fail and it is presumed the Stargate was destroyed. News of this success outrages the current President who does not approve.
                        • A tech agreement is made.
                        • F-302 enters production.

                        2014 CE:
                        • Ra reclaims Abydos.
                        • SGC is shut down.

                        2016 CE:
                        • Mexico falls into civil war.
                        • Rise of Hathor.

                        2018 CE:
                        June 26:
                        • Horus attacks Earth.
                        • Horus is killed.

                        July 27:
                        • The Charter of the SGC is signed.
                        • The IOA is formed.

                        SG-1 and Atlantis would take place in the same galaxy. The Lanteans ruled the galaxy, then ran afoul the Wraith. They beat the Wraith but the plague destroyed their civilization. The Wraith took advantage of this to zerg rush the Lantean cities. Atlantis was on Earth and took off on random jumps to try and shake off the Wraith. When it landed on a world on the edge of the galaxy, the citizens returned to Earth.

                        The Goa'uld rise around the end of the war by abandoning their original hosts and taking the Unas host. The Unas were brutal, industrial people. They learnt how to use the Stargate. While Atok and his kin infiltrated Unas civilization, the Wraith came and culled them. This left a scar on the Goa'uld psyche. With their slave armies, Atok rampaged across the galaxy. They discovered the ruins of Lantean cities and built proto-Ha'tak's (Temple Ships) to travel in space too. The Wraith awoke every 500 years to feed. The Goa'uld adopted a policy of complete eradication of any advanced civilization to not only remove a threat to the Goa'uld, but deny the Wraith a food source. Wraith scouts and slumbering hives are destroyed.

                        The Lucian Alliance, Genii, Aschen, and others (like Jaffa Warlords) would slowly supplement the Goa'uld System Lords. Earth carries a big stick but it can't be everywhere at once. Their human rivals would paint Earth as a villain, saying that the Wraith, Replicators/Asurans, the Aschen homeworld, and other bad things, are the fault of Earth. If you mess with Earth, they will destroy you. Join the Alliance, and we will protect you. With Jaffa warlords fracturing or enslaving human worlds for resources and manpower, it would seem like a good prospect.

                        Universe would be the game changer. A extra-galactic ship. Unimaginable Lantean tech.


                          I suggest you take that info and write it yourself.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            I suggest you take that info and write it yourself.
                            I'm trying to figure out how to start it. This is what I have for the "first season":

                            SEASON 00: 02 EPISODES: 2018.
                            01: Storming Heaven P1.
                            • The SGC Is reactivated. Horus is on his way. The President is given a clip show of everything the Stargate Program, under the NID, did prior to its shutdown by Senator (President) Kinsey. All Earth has to defend itself is a few space fighters and an Al’kesh. The show ends with Horus ship being detected. All F-302’s are being deployed to engage the Ha’tak with Naquadah-enhanced nuclear missiles. Death Gliders are deployed.

                            02: Storming Heaven P2.
                            • Death Gliders and F-302’s are fighting. Nuclear missiles are being intercepted before they can hit the Ha’tak. Horus watches from his throne room, as the Tauri defenders are whittled away, unaware that a cloaked Al’kesh has docked with his ship. Fifty soldiers leave the Al’kesh and head for the throne room. Some of them were part of a previous mission to try and capture a Ha’tak – a mission that went badly for them. While the SGC would like to capture the ship, destroying it is the mission. Jaffa see them and the ship is put on alert. Shooting happens and the SG teams are captured. Horus brings them to watch their world be destroyed. Then bombs go off in the engine room and the humans use that to shoot Horus and make their escape. Only a handful makes it back to the Al’kesh and escape before the Ha’tak goes KABOOOOM! They return to Earth where they are hailed as heroes. A memorial is planned for the dead SG members. The President makes a speech on their heroism and signs the charter of the SGC with its mission and goals.

                            2018 CE:
                            • Horus attacks Earth.
                            • Horus is killed.
                            • SGC is chartered.
                            • Discovery of a second Stargate.
                            • Discovery of the Antarctic Ruins.

                            2019 CE:
                            • News of Horus death reaches Ra. Apophis and Cronus move to take his territory, but Ra claims it as part of his own. He grieves for Horus and orders the System Lords to marshal their collective strength to wipe Earth out. The SGC is unaware of this until the Tok’ra contacts them. The Tok’ra wanted to know why a Ha’tak abandoned its post and find out who was stupid enough to kill a System Lord. The Asgard, contacted earlier after slight diplomatic SNAFU over Cimmeria, agree to a meeting to bring Earth into the Protected Planets Treaty. Earth agrees to give up their Stargate in exchange for Asgard protection. The System Lords are unaware that Earth possesses a second Stargate, which does not fall under their jurisdiction.
                            • Apophis is captured by a new type of foot soldier superior in every to the Jaffa. This new Goa’uld moves to lay claim over Apophis worlds and fleet. Cronus, however, is faster and takes over much of Apophis territory. This new Goa’uld, Sokar, joins the ranks of System Lords but is left with a handful of Apophis worlds. The Tok’ra begin their attempts to infiltrate the ranks of Sokar but this is surprisingly difficult.


                              I'd say you're off to a good start.

                              If you make it a 13-episode season, then you can really stick to the core idea and get the action flowing.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                I'd say you're off to a good start.

                                If you make it a 13-episode season, then you can really stick to the core idea and get the action flowing.
                                I was thinking nine episodes for 2018, ending with them finding the second Stargate in the Antarctica ruins. Season 2 would be 13 (13+9 = 22 episodes. 1 and 2 were supposed to take place in the same year.)

                                SEASON 01: 09 EPISODES: 2018.
                                01: Hebridian Aftermath P1.
                                02: Hebridian Aftermath P1.
                                03: The Enemy Within (Reboot).
                                04: Alpha Site.
                                05: Brief Candle (Reboot).
                                06: Sodan and Bra’tac.
                                07: Thor’s Hammer (Reboot).
                                08: Need/First Commandment.
                                09: Solitudes (Reboot).

                                2018 CE:
                                June 26:
                                • Horus attacks Earth.
                                • Horus is killed.

                                July 27:
                                • The Charter of the SGC is signed.

                                August 15:
                                • The SG learns the Goa’uld not only wiped out the Gate Colonies, but also wiped out the Hebridian, the Orbanian, and the Galaran civilizations. SG-Teams, Search and Rescue Teams, and researchers are sent through the Stargate to locate survivors and find samples of technology that could be used to defend Earth.

                                August 22:
                                • Hebridian and Serrakin survivors are found. They blame Earth for the destruction that the Goa’uld brought down on Hebridan. They take hostages and demand reparations. The survivors are traumatized and want to know why Earth abandoned them. The hostages explain the shutdown of the original SGC and then mention the attack on Earth. This only aggravates the survivors since Earth managed to do what a fleet of cruisers could not: defend their world from the Goa’uld. Since the attacks three years ago the survivors are rebuilding in secret. One of their colonies managed to escape discovery and they’ve been shipping people off the homeworld. The fear is that the Goa’uld will return to finish Hebridan in the near future. The SGC sends more teams to negotiate. Things slow down, and then it turns out one the alien is a Goa’uld! The Goa’uld blows up a reactor, killing hundreds of survivors. The Hebridians blame the SGC and threaten to kill the hostages. Somehow the hostages discover the Goa’uld and convince one of the aliens to listen to them and prove to the others that the Goa’uld have infiltrated their ranks. The Goa’uld tries to escape but is killed.

                                August 23:
                                • It turns out the Goa’uld wasn’t killed, it just jumped hosts. When the SGC does medical checkups on the returning teams, they discover a snake-like creature around Kawalsky’s neck. He tries to escape through the Stargate but is shot and restrained. Put into isolation, the SGC tries to interrogate him. The Goa’uld boasts of how he is torturing Kawalsky and ripping his mind apart. He boasts that the SGC can’t do anything to stop him. The SGC knocks Kalwalsky out and drags him to the Stargate where they mercy kill him and vaporize the body in unstable vortex of the Stargate. This is the first genuine casualty of the Earth-Goa’uld War.

                                September 12:
                                • The SGC is establishing new off-world sites. These multinational colonies will serve a variety of purposes, the chief of them being the ability to study dangerous alien technology without threatening the Earth’s safety. The Alpha Site falls under attack by animals – Blind Wolves. They rip through the colony and catch the colonists off guard. They lose the Stargate facility and are surrounded. The survivors fight back and plan how to get access to the gate. The problem is if they don’t open the gate and contact the SGC, they will think that the planet was compromised. Their GDO’s will be locked out and they won’t be able to get pass the Iris. They use their remaining grenades and rockets to try and scare the Wolves back so the SG team can make it to the Stargate. The plan works but the wolves are trying to get in the facility. They dial the DHD and use their GDO’s to request assistance. SG Teams come through to pacify the horde. The survivors return to the SGC. The base commander suggests building some walls around the sites for protection.

                                September 19:
                                • SG Team travels to Argos.

                                SEASON 02: 13 EPISODES: 2019.
                                10: Alternate reality – Prometheus designs.
                                11: Tokra P1 (Reboot).
                                12: Tokra P2 (Reboot).
                                19: Ma’chello (Goa’uld) takes a new host. He wants to live before dying.
                                21: Mission to steal a Prototype-Ha’tak. Encounter with Teal’c. SG teams captured.
                                22: Mission to steal a Prototype-Ha’tak. Bra’tac vs. Teal’c. Ship is destroyed.

