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    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    So you could still be close to 30!!

    How about protein?

    Good lass, and good luck!!
    "Close to 30"--I like that; I'll have to use that. Considering the grand scheme of time itself, I am indeed "close to 30".

    Not really paying attention to the protein so much--I'm already tracking so much that it's difficult to make my numbers all line up some days. I naturally am having to get protein, as it's the only thing that's high enough in calories, but low enough in carbs and cholesterol and (to some extent) sodium--the exception being eggs. Unfortunately, I find some sources of protein, like chick peas, too disgusting to contemplate, let alone to masticate.

    *loves huggles*

    Originally posted by Princess Awinita View Post
    Honestly; I do not get all the hype of Dr Who, or Star Trek, Star Wars and Assassin's Creed and Castle for me please thanks!
    Me, either. But I am a fan of both sci-fi and fantasy, enjoying Battlestar, as well as the Hobbit.
    Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
    Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


      Originally posted by fems View Post
      Wasn't his name Logan Cale?
      Yes, it was... Delilah did say Logan.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        And I was like... "Hey, wasn't that...? That was him."

        He didn't.
        Aww, pity.
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          Dark Angel... I really liked that.
          I can understand why it's got a good fan following. I can also understand why it failed. If the main idea of the show was Max finding her siblings, which easily transitioned into the escape of all the nomilies, then they put way too much emphasis on the problems between Max and Logan. With that as the plot, there was no need to keep them apart.

          And they couldn't make up their mind how to keep them apart. They made it more and more far fetched.

          So I can see why it only lasted two years. There was no over-riding vision for the show.

          ETA: NCIS also once had a character named Logan Cade (some people think that was a shout-out to Logan Cale).

          ETA2: I also have a lot of problems with the exceedingly fictional Seattle in which the show is set. Just to mention one thing, the writers set up a meet at "Yesler & Viaduct" (Yesler being the only real Seattle street name I saw in all the scripts). You'd be hovering in mid-air if you did that, because the viaduct is a thing, not a street. The street running under it is Western. The highway running on it is US99.

          If you're going to allow yourself to be offended by a cat, you might as well just pack it in -- Steven Brust


            Why do the Stargate/Atlantis books have to be hard to get hold of. Sometimes one of my three local Waterstone's shops have some of them in stock, and I've ordered some before through them and haven't really had that much of a problem. Until now. I've basically waited 9 and a half weeks for Waterstones to turn round and tell me it's restricted and they can't order it. And I wanted to read that book as well. I'm going to try though, see if I get any luck there.

            But in the meantime I have this George Mann book to finish, I also need to finish b2 of Game of Thrones and also A Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. And then after that I want to read A New York Winters Tale, and The Three Musketeers.

            As for what I'm a fan of, I'd definitely say I like a lot of Sci-Fi, I'm also into Crime drama's as well and also fantasy/supernatural type shows. I've never really been a huge fan of Comedy shows. It's more Sci-Fi/Fantasy and Crime Drama, definitely with a lot of action. I'm also a huge fan of Costume Drama's as well.
            McKay: A Bow and arrow, what is this, Lord of the Rings.
            Tony: Why do you think I call him Legolas.
   - a03 || Tumblr


              Nikki, have you checked Fandemonium's website? I saw recently that they were reprinting some of the books

              FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                Originally posted by IamDKScully View Post
                Nikki, have you checked Fandemonium's website? I saw recently that they were reprinting some of the books
                I haven't, but I will be sure to do that. I've been able to get both the Season 4 books from Atlantis pretty easily, and I have one from S3 and a couple from S1, and a few Stargate books. But I was trying to get Homecoming, the post S5 Atlantis book. Anyway I will definitely check their website.
                McKay: A Bow and arrow, what is this, Lord of the Rings.
                Tony: Why do you think I call him Legolas.
       - a03 || Tumblr


                  Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
                  I did notice the grammar and spelling got better in later chapters (doing something different with the current beta, maybe?) but the format was really tough for me to follow - likely because I was jumping around. If I get some spare time in the next couple of days I'll take a bit of a closer look and see if I can come up with something concrete for you.
                  what do think would happen if i posted this at the end of chapter 18
                  I’m looking for a beta and co writer if you’re interested contact me via pm or review. The benefits of being involved in this is as fallows
                  1. You get to have your own OC or wright your own scenes for the story.
                  2. You will have access to the story bible I will make which will tell you all the ideas I have.
                  3. You know when I’m doing something stupid and can call me on it before it done.
                  4. If you decide to write your own story based on this version of the starship troopers universe it is or may be cannon.
                  5. If you want to do a cross over with another SCI FI franchise based off the Forth weapon event I will help beta or co write.
                  My Stargate SG1/Starship Toopers (based on Mongoose Publishing work) crossover
                  7th Fleet Lost


                    I don't know what on earth is going on with me these days. I'm a linear writer. Always have been. An yet, I currently have 2/3 of chapter 25 written, non of 26, 1/2 of 27 and two scenes for 28. I'm pretty sure I'm either losing my mind or my muse is just ****ing with me. (It occurs to me that GW is going to bleep that out. Use your imagination… )

                    Originally posted by L4 of the WEST View Post
                    what do think would happen if i posted this at the end of chapter 18
                    I’m looking for a beta and co writer if you’re interested contact me via pm or review. The benefits of being involved in this is as fallows
                    1. You get to have your own OC or wright your own scenes for the story.
                    2. You will have access to the story bible I will make which will tell you all the ideas I have.
                    3. You know when I’m doing something stupid and can call me on it before it done.
                    4. If you decide to write your own story based on this version of the starship troopers universe it is or may be cannon.
                    5. If you want to do a cross over with another SCI FI franchise based off the Forth weapon event I will help beta or co write.
                    You can do that. You're making a lot of assumptions about your audience, though. If it were me - and it's not so take this with a grain of salt and just in the spirit of getting you the help you want - I'd put an author's note (beginning or end) that simply says you're looking for either a proofreader, cowriter who is good with the mechanics of the English language, a beta, or any combination thereof. List out a few reasons why you want/need the beta so volunteers know what they're getting into. And then, for the love of all that is holy, make sure you carefully read stories written by those people and/or the emails they send you so you can be sure they've got chops before you start working with them.
                    Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                      My Stargate SG1/Starship Toopers (based on Mongoose Publishing work) crossover
                      7th Fleet Lost


                        Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
                        You can do that. You're making a lot of assumptions about your audience, though. If it were me - and it's not so take this with a grain of salt and just in the spirit of getting you the help you want - I'd put an author's note (beginning or end) that simply says you're looking for either a proofreader, cowriter who is good with the mechanics of the English language, a beta, or any combination thereof. List out a few reasons why you want/need the beta so volunteers know what they're getting into. And then, for the love of all that is holy, make sure you carefully read stories written by those people and/or the emails they send you so you can be sure they've got chops before you start working with them.
                        mmmm alright though less assuming more enticing was the plan. also i have a author note area it's called Federation News Network
                        *And then, for the love of all that is holy, make sure you carefully read stories written by those people and/or the emails they send you so you can be sure they've got chops before you start working with them.
                        hmm what resons do i need a beta well there
                        Dyslexia making it seem like i can not do English well (is doing that on purpose)
                        there the i need some one who can tell me it's a little overboard
                        there the fact that i need some help with characterizations with the SG1 universe
                        Spelling and grammar
                        i can think of anything else
                        My Stargate SG1/Starship Toopers (based on Mongoose Publishing work) crossover
                        7th Fleet Lost


                          Originally posted by IamDKScully View Post
                          Ummm...I made my daughter a hat instead while watching Dr. Who (I'm desperately trying to get into it and am assured by my nieces and nephews that I just need to get past season 1 -- half way there) and I watched the first episode of Sherlock and I think I am in LOVE!!!!
                          Oh, hello....YES!

                          It only gets better, IDK! So much so that my Muse is completely head over heels...

                          ps: he is a pretty man (with the curly hair...)

                          Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
                          Goodness but I hope you mean the reboot. I'm in love with the Ninth Doctor. I just can't help it. And Rose, what a spitfire! She's neither the favored companion nor is Nine the favored doctor, but still, it's a combination dear in my heart!
                          Nine was my "first," so I'm very protective of him, and of Rose (she was my interpreter and ambassador, after all).

                          I vaguely remember scenes of Four, but no complete episodes (I was either too little or my parents were not fans). I have gone back and watched the very first episode of the show "An Unearthly Child", and loved it as well. If I had more time and resources I would probably attempt to watch all of the eps, but I'll content myself with catching clips here and there.

                          Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
                          On second thought, maybe it is a somewhat shippy thing. Because while I don't ship Nine with Rose, Christopher Eccleston as Nine was hot in a way I can't properly describe.
                          ...he just made you want to take his hand and run. :3

                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          Chris (to me) Was "his own Doctor", he did not really "need" companions, and I can see the attraction to a strong "alpha" Doctor, be they male or female.
                          He really captured that "broken and alone, but putting on a good" face vibe that was appropriate to someone who had single-handedly annihilated his own people and their enemies. I loved the episode "Dalek" for the complex emotional undercurrent.

                          Originally posted by L4 of the WEST View Post
                          so would putting something like this in the description help
                          Currently looking for a Beta, and Co writer with good knowledge of Stargate and basic knowledge of Starship troopers
                          I was following the conversation, L4; Amara was doing such a great job answering that I honestly had nothing productive to add!

                          Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                          Unfortunately, I find some sources of protein, like chick peas, too disgusting to contemplate, let alone to masticate.*loves huggles*
                          ...even hummus???? O.o

                          Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
                          I don't know what on earth is going on with me these days. I'm a linear writer. Always have been. An yet, I currently have 2/3 of chapter 25 written, non of 26, 1/2 of 27 and two scenes for 28. I'm pretty sure I'm either losing my mind or my muse is just ****ing with me. (It occurs to me that GW is going to bleep that out. Use your imagination… )
                          LOL. I didn't know it did that! >.<
                          sig by Ikorni

                          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                            Especially hummus. *shudder*
                            Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                            Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                              Originally posted by L4 of the WEST View Post
                              what do think would happen if i posted this at the end of chapter 18
                              I’m looking for a beta and co writer if you’re interested contact me via pm or review. The benefits of being involved in this is as fallows
                              1. You get to have your own OC or wright your own scenes for the story.
                              2. You will have access to the story bible I will make which will tell you all the ideas I have.
                              3. You know when I’m doing something stupid and can call me on it before it done.
                              4. If you decide to write your own story based on this version of the starship troopers universe it is or may be cannon.
                              5. If you want to do a cross over with another SCI FI franchise based off the Forth weapon event I will help beta or co write.
                              Originally posted by L4 of the WEST View Post
                              mmmm alright though less assuming more enticing was the plan. also i have a author note area it's called Federation News Network *memorizing*
                              hmm what resons do i need a beta well there
                              Dyslexia making it seem like i can not do English well (is doing that on purpose)
                              there the i need some one who can tell me it's a little overboard
                              there the fact that i need some help with characterizations with the SG1 universe
                              Spelling and grammar
                              i can think of anything else
                              Well, there's a line between enticing and sell and, for me, you crossed it. (Then again, I'm a salesman's worst nightmare. A slight whiff of salesmanship and I'm hightailing it out of there…)

                              Anyway - what I meant by making assumptions is you're assuming that your readers want to be writers within your universe. It's been my experience that's almost never the case. Nearly 20 years in fandom and I've seen maybe half a dozen stories that people wrote inside someone else's universe. Your mileage may vary. In any event, if someone did take you up on your offer to co-write it would be assumed they'd get to write scenes (either on their own or in concert with you) and influence characterization, plot and world building.

                              You've got another option that hasn't been mentioned in a while: a ghostwriter. This would be a person you handed your notes to, they wrote your story, and then you went back and made notes on content and structure. If they write without credit - ghostwriter. If they write with credit - cowriter.

                              I nearly forgot - your list of reasons is a great place to start!
                              Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                                Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
                                Well, there's a line between enticing and sell and, for me, you crossed it. (Then again, I'm a salesman's worst nightmare. A slight whiff of salesmanship and I'm hightailing it out of there…)

                                Anyway - what I meant by making assumptions is you're assuming that your readers want to be writers within your universe. It's been my experience that's almost never the case. Nearly 20 years in fandom and I've seen maybe half a dozen stories that people wrote inside someone else's universe. Your mileage may vary. In any event, if someone did take you up on your offer to co-write it would be assumed they'd get to write scenes (either on their own or in concert with you) and influence characterization, plot and world building.

                                You've got another option that hasn't been mentioned in a while: a ghostwriter. This would be a person you handed your notes to, they wrote your story, and then you went back and made notes on content and structure. If they write without credit - ghostwriter. If they write with credit - cowriter.

                                I nearly forgot - your list of reasons is a great place to start!
                                hmmm alright
                                I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
                                My Stargate SG1/Starship Toopers (based on Mongoose Publishing work) crossover
                                7th Fleet Lost

