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    Originally posted by Jackie View Post
    Historical fiction is tough enough, just whenever there is a war the side that won the war gets in the history books. Imagine what would be in our history books today if the Nazis had won.
    I'm not going to touch on the subject of how many died. I was at Auschwitz, I stood in the gas chambers and saw the ovens. No matter how many died, a lot never returned home. And also, I'm never going back there...

    Anyhoodle, I was actually more thinking along the lines of German soldiers using more than brute force to round up their prey. It's a scary thought that I'm capable of writing such a situation - I did leave much to the imagination still and decided to keep on a fairly low side of things.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by Jackie View Post
      Historical fiction is tough enough
      Depends on who you are, I guess, and the bent of your novel. My (teen-aged) son is a veritable font of WWI and WWII "knowledge", but all of it deals with military.

      I love research, so long as it's prior to the Industrial Revolution, and I avoid politics like the Plague. The average reader will not squawk over small indiscretions (like having stirrups on a saddle in Arthurian Britain or serving potatoes at Prince John's table), but it's fun to try to get it right. For me, anyway.

      When you consider that all things are eventually skewed by the POV of the winners of the wars and then, inevitably, by the smeared mirror of time, writing historical fiction does not have to be difficult; the further back you go, the more creative license you can play with.
      Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
      Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


        Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
        ...and I avoid politics like the Plague.
        If you don't want to get lost in your writing that is indeed the best thing to do.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          If you don't want to get lost in your writing that is indeed the best thing to do.
          I get lost in politics in RL--never know who to vote for and that sort of thing. I guess I just don't understand all the double-dealing and such not. I'm definitely best avoiding politics. And when I do have to touch on politics, even just a bit, I prefer dealing with a monarchy for some reason.

          Plot bunnies are giving me an original historical, based around the turn of the epoch (from BC to AD), so there'll be some research. Also, a fan fic in which the Stargate is revealed to the citizens of Earth and the program continues. That one could get ugly fast unless I just set it in the future (well after the revelation) and deal with the relationships or adventure/new alien menace side of things.
          Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
          Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            I'm not going to touch on the subject of how many died. I was at Auschwitz, I stood in the gas chambers and saw the ovens. No matter how many died, a lot never returned home. And also, I'm never going back there...

            Anyhoodle, I was actually more thinking along the lines of German soldiers using more than brute force to round up their prey. It's a scary thought that I'm capable of writing such a situation - I did leave much to the imagination still and decided to keep on a fairly low side of things.
            honestly, they didn't really use much for brute force. People had time to pack even. You would be amazed how docile people can be when they someone one in a unifrom. Those who were in hiding saw some force but most were simply told you need to leave and go to the station. The Nazi's simply revoked thier citizenship and sent them notice. Imagine getting notice from the government that you are no longer a citizen and need to leave the country. That's what happened for most.

            Other's were locked up in gettohs and such. Most who had the means left on ther own thier own for another country far in advanced.

            I knew a man (rest his soul) from Egypt/Sudan area. When the Brits turned Sudan over to the locals and left the whole country went into chaos. He worked for the banks, middle class. His wife said they could stay there anymore, the place was going be over run by radical muslims and they needed to leave. They sold what they could and left it all behind. Some of his family went to Australia, others the UK, Canada and he was "lucky enough" to be accpted into the USA.

            The major problem is finding where to go. Immigration was the biggest issue. It made so that family had to go to different countries.

            The germans started deporting jews and OTHERS long before the shooting started. From 1933 they were deporting people to other countries. Most left on thier own, some feared the immigration departments wouldn't accept them in other countries. Many opted to be relocated to Palistine. (now isreal)

            If you're using brute force, Nazi kicking down and door and draggng people out...You're using hollywood models. You could use that model in america's modern drug war for that matter.

            The Germans did not put all the Jews in camps and deport every Jew there either. Many were also in the military and some were also in the Nazis themselves. It's not as cut and dry as Hollywood and the governments made it out to be. There is a number of contradictions to the official stroy.
            Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


              Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
              Depends on who you are, I guess, and the bent of your novel. My (teen-aged) son is a veritable font of WWI and WWII "knowledge", but all of it deals with military.

              I love research, so long as it's prior to the Industrial Revolution, and I avoid politics like the Plague. The average reader will not squawk over small indiscretions (like having stirrups on a saddle in Arthurian Britain or serving potatoes at Prince John's table), but it's fun to try to get it right. For me, anyway.

              When you consider that all things are eventually skewed by the POV of the winners of the wars and then, inevitably, by the smeared mirror of time, writing historical fiction does not have to be difficult; the further back you go, the more creative license you can play with.
              the key to understanding politics is under standing the money system. That's also the key to understand history and war. All wars are based on money. Including ww2.

              People are not interested in details like, potatos...unless your writing about great potato famine. But to write about historical fiction you need to know history has 2 sides and it is written by the winners.

              The main part everyone MUST understand is the money system and how it affects you. If nothing else please understand this:

              There are 2 monsy systems. Private central banking and Government owned banks.

              Private central banking is western banking and the problems we are facing today is a result of this system. The revolutionary war was NOT faught over tea taxes, it was faught over the stamp act...or private central banking.

              The private central banks puts money into the system by loaning it out at interest.

              Government owned banks puts into the system by minting it themselves and spending it into the system. No interest.

              Under private central banking more money is owed in debt than is actually created, under this system you cannot have technology that would free people of energy cost. You cannot have Zero Point energy or else it would harm those who operate the central bank and make money via debt banking.

              Under government issued money, you can have free energy for the money system would not affect the energy system. You could have Zero point energy and be free of standard oil and such.

              Nazi germany had a government issued money system which allowed for the Germans to persue technology and gave them the jet first. They were also trying to devlope Zero point energy...or ZPM's.

              Under our banking system, any banking system that allows for the devlopment of advanced energy would be a threat to them, for if energy was free...we would not need to go the banks.

              The system we have is evenutally going to our life time. Could be early as next year. The problem is more debt exist than money. The government has to borrow more moeny just to pay the interest from the previous loan. All money in our system was created by a loan. That is why the debt get's higher...It will never, ever go away. Can only juggle the numbers but the debt is always there.

              In order to keep this system going when government does not have enough moeny from taxes, to invade and take the resources of another country. But since that would be look pretty barbarric in this day of age, they need to send in mercinaries to cause trouble and then go invade and bomb the other country to save them. lol.

              But, the end game is the collapse of the money being issued for eventually it will inflate to the point no one will want to use it because it is worthless. What we currently have today and real reason we are n the middle east is this money system.

              The US dollar is going to collapse according to our own government by 2027 at the latest. It was collapse! So, alll the us dollars and euros too...willl be worthless. When this happens savings bonds, 401k's IRA's, pensions (even though they are proected by law) will all go to zero.

              Money is connected directly to war. And there was no such thing as a wrld war till the Federal Reserve was established in the USA. There were 2 attempts at private central banking prior in the USA. Both were shut down before it ruined the country. This last one, the federal reserve (not really federal btw) has lasted 100 years and has destroyed the dollar. It's dug in so deep it's not going down without a fight.
              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                I want to add that...For writers who want to expose the Stargate in a story, is the reason tptb would never want the gate to be known is it would ruin them finacially. If we actually had a stargate and had all this advanced tech, it would go against the interest of the banking system to let the info out.

                So, if you were to write about disclosure, there would be 2 reasons to not let the info out. The government wanting a edge on war technology and the banking system keeping everyone in debt so they continue to become rich at the top.

                If we do have a secret space program the government would never let us know or have that technology because it would ruin thier banking buddies who make them rich. Greed is the reason to hide the program and keep the advanced technology hidden.

                So, the implication would be the SGC and it's staff are being exploited to enrich super rich people, keep the people of earth poor and without advanced technology and to keep the SGC staff in line they would have to be lied too and be told the people eaither could not hande the truth, the technology would used for terrorist, or some other excuse.

                Because if the staff were to find out that thery have been risking thier lives, saving the planet and making bankers and politicians richer in the process while they, themselves see the value of the moeny go down due to inflation...That might piss Jack off a bit.
                Last edited by Jackie; 05 August 2012, 08:01 AM.
                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                  Do you really want me to take you serious here?

                  Allow me to give you a few hints of how docile exactly the Germans were. And I know they started with registrations before the war. They passed a regulations Jews and others had to follow, restricting their movements, which I think was a fair indication to any of the afflicted groups that something was brewing and it wasn't good.

                  But as my time period for my war-part runs between december 17, 1943 (the previous to last day French Jews were rounded up and taken to Drancy and later to Auschwitz - of which a handful returned) and May 8, 1945 (offical end of WWII), I am thus more interested in what the enemy soldiers were ordered to do.

                  Anyways... a few interesting links:

                  NOTE: clicking on any of these links will not lead you to images of piles of dead bodies. I did my best to avoid those. Though I'm sure that they are available on the websites if you need tangible proof the Germans were less than docile in their means to get the message across.

                  Kazerne Dossin - short history lesson here
                  Warsaw Ghetto - extra info on the ghetto
                  Auschwitz - history lesson here
                  Krakow Ghetto
                  United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
                  Map of camps both labor and extermination

                  Yad Vashem - Jewish orientated - The Holocaust

                  Lists of victims - from Yad Vashem so all are likely to be Jewish and lists are not complete

                  Anyhow - I'm curious where your info comes from? So please, PM me your source as this is the end of this conversation in this thread.

                  Back to writing - I've wasted enough time now. Even though I found some really interesting websites.
                  Last edited by Falcon Horus; 05 August 2012, 08:24 AM. Reason: Ignorance leads to spelling mistakes too... *sigh*
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    Do you really want me to take you serious here?

                    Allow me to give you a few hints of how docile exactly the Germans were. And I know they started with registrations before the war. They passed a regulations Jews and others had to follow, restricting their movements, which I think was a fair indication to any of the afflicted groups that something was brewing and it wasn't good.

                    But as my time period for my war-part runs between december 17, 1943 (the previous to last day French Jews were rounded up and taken to Drancy and later to Auschwitz - of which a handful returned) and May 8, 1945 (offical end of WWII), I am thus more interested in what the enemy soldiers were ordered to do.

                    Anyways... a few interesting links:

                    NOTE: clicking on any of these links will not lead you to images of piles of dead bodies. I did my best to avoid those. Though I'm sure that they are available on the websites if you need tangible proof the Germans were less than docile in their means to get the message across.

                    Kazerne Dossin - short history lesson here
                    Warsaw Ghetto - extra info on the ghetto
                    Auschwitz - history lesson here
                    Krakow Ghetto
                    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
                    Map of camps both labor and extermination

                    Yad Vashem - Jewish orientated - The Holocaust

                    Lists of victims - from Yad Vashem so all are likely to be Jewish and lists are not complete

                    Anyhow - I'm curious where your info comes from? So please, PM me your source as this is the end of this conversation in this thread.

                    Back to writing - I've wasted enough time now. Even though I found some really interesting websites.
                    I don'[t need a bunch of links. Just read this one:


                    ask yourself if everything you were showing in auschitz is true and to the fact then why are people currently sitting jail for questioning it? You only make holocaust revision a crime if you have something to hide.
                    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                      Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                      I love research, so long as it's prior to the Industrial Revolution, and I avoid politics like the Plague. The average reader will not squawk over small indiscretions (like having stirrups on a saddle in Arthurian Britain or serving potatoes at Prince John's table), but it's fun to try to get it right. For me, anyway.

                      When you consider that all things are eventually skewed by the POV of the winners of the wars and then, inevitably, by the smeared mirror of time, writing historical fiction does not have to be difficult; the further back you go, the more creative license you can play with.
                      I'm currently plauged by the original fic that I'm writing, set @ 1650 -I want to be as historically acurate as possible, because I am using a real historical event, but I want to have an interesting story with great flow. I want to bring people to this historical event and have them walk around in the know?

                      Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                      Plot bunnies are giving me an original historical, based around the turn of the epoch (from BC to AD), so there'll be some research. Also, a fan fic in which the Stargate is revealed to the citizens of Earth and the program continues. That one could get ugly fast unless I just set it in the future (well after the revelation) and deal with the relationships or adventure/new alien menace side of things.

                      *looks around* has anyone seen SF&Coffee or Sealurk lately??
                      sig by Ikorni

                      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                        Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                        I'm currently plauged by the original fic that I'm writing, set @ 1650 -I want to be as historically acurate as possible, because I am using a real historical event, but I want to have an interesting story with great flow. I want to bring people to this historical event and have them walk around in the know?
                        Which historical event might that be? Or is it a secret still? *curious*
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Which historical event might that be? Or is it a secret still? *curious*
                          Keeping it under my hat for the moment -it's pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of history, but close to me because my ancestors are involved. If I ever get it written, I would love nothing more than to share it.
                          sig by Ikorni

                          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                              I'm currently plauged by the original fic that I'm writing, set @ 1650 -I want to be as historically acurate as possible, because I am using a real historical event, but I want to have an interesting story with great flow. I want to bring people to this historical event and have them walk around in the know?
                              Then I would suggest you center it around a character or a couple of characters that people can relate to, with the event secondary. The movie Titanic was placed in that place at that time, but what do we remember most? Jack and Rose, and their impossible love. First, you need your characters--who might they be? Study the time a bit so that information about the time can be inserted seamlessly. I had fletching in one of my stories; my characters were making their own arrows while they sat around a fire in winter, waiting for one of their women to give birth. It worked right into the scene of their worry for her and their inability to help with the birth; since they couldn't protect her from death in childbed, they were making weapons to protect her should she and the baby survive.

                              Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post

                              *looks around* has anyone seen SF&Coffee or Sealurk lately??
                              Which one? Or both? (Applies to both the comment and the question--in answer to the question, no I haven't. In response to the comment, I can't wait to get started on both ideas, but I've got to finish ITB before people stop reading. )
                              Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                              Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                                Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                                Keeping it under my hat for the moment -it's pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of history, but close to me because my ancestors are involved. If I ever get it written, I would love nothing more than to share it.
                                I had to run out for a second while I was in the middle of responding to your post. That sounds great--you've already got characters and they're your ancestors! How awesome is that?
                                Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                                Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)

