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Fanfic Writers' Virtual Water Cooler

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    Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
    My problem isn't that we do it - hell, I tend to do *some* warnings despite my feelings on the subject. It's the overall principle of it being expected that bothers me.
    Well, personally, I'm not ever going to take anyone to task for not putting up warnings. It's ultimately the writer's decision what to do with their story and how to present it. I respect that.

    Like I said, if the writer brings up some things that I actively try to avoid any mention of, I will simply stop reading them. Not just the story in question, but everythins the author comes up with in the future. But I will not send them any angry emails explaining why I was upset or hurt. it's my business,not theirs.


      Originally posted by fems View Post
      It's not the rape itself that bothers me but the fact that most fanfic authors deal with it so casually so I would like a heads-up if there's going to be rape, because while some people write nice fluffy fics or whatever they suck at the mature stuff.

      That's certainly true. I think that's more a comment on the overall quality of the writer's work, though. Which means I wouldn't have been going back to them anyway.

      I'm not sure I've seen writer's treat rape casually, but I've seen my fair share use it as a catalyst to get two characters to hop into the sack and have a little "healing" sex. Mhmm. So sure...
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        Originally posted by Raelis View Post
        Maybe because fanfic writers are in more danger of getting drowned in angry emails?
        I dunno if thats true so much anymore Raelis. With the evil beast that is facebook (now THERE'S some real horror for ya ), and authors often having sites and such, leaving "angry emails" really isn't that hard. There may be a certain level of seperation and filtering going on, true, but thats about it.

        I've come to expect it, honestly, because in every fandom I was in putting warnings is considered common courtesy among fellow fans. Kind of like fannish etiquette. But if you are interested in the why, I'm sure there's a lot of meta about this in the interwebs...
        I'll accept your definition on Netiquette as enough for me
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by Raelis View Post
          Well, personally, I'm not ever going to take anyone to task for not putting up warnings. It's ultimately the writer's decision what to do with their story and how to present it. I respect that.

          Like I said, if the writer brings up some things that I actively try to avoid any mention of, I will simply stop reading them. Not just the story in question, but everythins the author comes up with in the future. But I will not send them any angry emails explaining why I was upset or hurt. it's my business,not theirs.
          Precisely. Agree wholeheartedly. This. Etcetera.

          I can back-button like nobody's business.

          Personally, the thing that bothers me most in fic, the thing I just can't forgive an author for, is poorly written story (bad or unbelievable plot, bad grammar, bad spelling, bad characterization). I'll get behind this whole warning thing if authors will have to start warning for being bad at being authors...
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            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            I dunno if thats true so much anymore Raelis. With the evil beast that is facebook (now THERE'S so real horror for ya ), and authors often having sites and such, leaving "angry emails" really isn't that hard. There may be a certain level of seperation and filtering going on, true, but thats about it.
            Oh, I think there's plenty of filtering there. And anyway, a published writer may choose not to read that. They get paid for their books. But a fanfic writer? Feedback is all they get. They can't choose not to read comments. And if most them are leftby angry commenters, well, that has to suck.

            Anyway, I think of warnings as a sort of advertising: this is the type of fic this is. After all, I am a consumer and I like to be informed of what kind of product I'm going to consume! What if it causes indigestion?


              Originally posted by Raelis View Post
              Anyway, I think of warnings as a sort of advertising: this is the type of fic this is. After all, I am a consumer and I like to be informed of what kind of product I'm going to consume! What if it causes indigestion?
              I'm more interested in tags. I'm much more likely to be looking for something rather than looking to avoid something. Some days I want to read stories where something awful happens to a character. Perhaps I'm about to write a story like that and I want to get in the right headspace. (Or make sure I don't duplicate something that's already been done.)
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                Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
                But books in the book store don't come with "Rape", "Murder", "Blood" warning lables - they come with summaries and teasers. The reader is left to draw their own conclusions.
                Err... yes, books are labelled. They are classified into categories, after which they will be reviewed and classified again.

                Strong violence, rape, blood and gore, ... I do think these are but a few things even published author's like to warn for. It's the day and age for it.
                However, those that read books generally know what they get themselves into if they like to read adventure tales, or fantasy, or horror, or whatever else.

                However, the difference with books and fanfic is that the first requires the reader to use his imagination to the fullest, while the latter has the support of whatever TV-show/film/Cartoon it was written for. Less imagination, but more character orientated. I think many readers filter stories on favorite characters, or favorite genre. I don't know... This is all assuming that...
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
                  I'm much more likely to be looking for something rather than looking to avoid something.
                  So am I, mostly.But there are things that I never want to see in fiction (like the afore-mentioned torture of animals, or sexual abuse of children), and know I will never want to read a story that presents a graphic description of such things. So I feel perfectly justified in seeking out warnings for such things...

                  Anyway,I don't think it's necessary or even possible to warn for every single thing that may upset someone. But a simple "contains violence/rape/disturbing themes"or something like that? Yep, I think it should be there.
                  Last edited by Raelis; 12 July 2012, 12:47 PM.


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    Err... yes, books are labelled. They are classified into categories, after which they will be reviewed and classified again.

                    Strong violence, rape, blood and gore, ... I do think these are but a few things even published author's like to warn for. It's the day and age for it.
                    However, those that read books generally know what they get themselves into if they like to read adventure tales, or fantasy, or horror, or whatever else.

                    However, the difference with books and fanfic is that the first requires the reader to use his imagination to the fullest, while the latter has the support of whatever TV-show/film/Cartoon it was written for. Less imagination, but more character orientated. I think many readers filter stories on favorite characters, or favorite genre. I don't know... This is all assuming that...
                    Well, perhaps we're talking about two different things. I don't have a single book at home that has a warning label on it. Nor do I have to shop in a specific section of the store for books that feature rape or murder or death or gore - they're simply mixed in with the books for whichever genre they most closely resemble.

                    For instance, my book club recently read We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver. The book is about a Columbine like killing. There's not a warning on that book for anything of the thing you could imagine it would need one for in a fannish community. Same story with Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult.
                    Last edited by Amara D'Angeli; 12 July 2012, 12:46 PM. Reason: temporary amnesia regarding proper capitalization of proper nouns
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                      Totally never want to read RPF and adult/minor pairing.
                      Not particularly fond of slash (m/m) but not totally averse to it.
                      Not particularly fond of certain pairings but again not totally averse to it (except one).
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
                        Well, perhaps we're talking about two different things. I don't have a single book at home that has a warning label on it. Nor do I have to shop in a specific section of the store for books that feature rape or murder or death or gore - they're simply mixed in with the books for whichever genre they most closely resemble.
                        This is *exactly* what I am talking about.
                        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                        The truth isn't the truth


                          Every bookstore I go to - labels-galore.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by Raelis View Post
                            So am I, mostly.But there are things that I never want to see in fiction (like the afore-mentioned torture of animals, or sexual abuse of children), and know I will never want to read a story that presents a graphic description of such things. So I feel perfectly justified in seeking out warnings for such things...
                            Yeah, I don't want to read those things either. Well, I did read a memior written about a man who was abused as a child. It was horrifically uncomfortable. But it didn't have a warning. I did, however, know exactly what I was getting into because of summary on the back.
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                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              Every bookstore I go to - labels-galore.

                              Where? Where are these labels? What are the labels for? Can you give me an example because I'm really starting to think we're talking about two different things here.

                              My book stores are set up with categories like: Fiction, Fantasy, Historical, Biography, Self-Help, etc. I can't simply walk over to a shelf that says, "Torture". If you've got a book with a warning on it, could you give me a title? I'd like to see what these things look like.

                              ETA: I just did a quick google search on "warning labels on books" and got some hits that suggest that libraries in certain areas are putting warning labels on their books. But I'm not sure we're talking about libraries here.
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                                Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
                                Yeah, I don't want to read those things either. Well, I did read a memior written about a man who was abused as a child. It was horrifically uncomfortable. But it didn't have a warning. I did, however, know exactly what I was getting into because of summary on the back.
                                A summary works. But, like I said before,not every summary is that detailed. Many are vague. Many do not help me understand just how graphic the violence is going to be. I still think those authors who don't include such information in their summaries should warn for such things.

