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Fanfic Writers' Virtual Water Cooler

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    I guess it really does come down to what the writer considers to be adult content. As a writer, I will warn mainly for graphic sexual content, because I don't really have blood and gore or over-the-top swearing. If bits and bobs are mentioned (or discussed in great detail), I rate it and throw in a caution so the reader knows WHY it was rated as I did. For instance, I will say, "rated for graphic sexual situations--non-con, dub-con, slash"
    Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
    Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


      I know non-con; what's dub-con?

      If you're going to allow yourself to be offended by a cat, you might as well just pack it in -- Steven Brust


        Dubious consent.

        (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
        Sum, ergo scribo...

        My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
        now also appearing on DeviantArt
        Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


          Just out of interest, do you guys think slash deserves higher ratings by definition? Is a G-rated slash fic equivalent to an M-rated het or gen fic?


            Originally posted by Raelis View Post
            Just out of interest, do you guys think slash deserves higher ratings by definition?
            Not necessarily, but I do warn. Okay, yes, a bit--I personally would never give it a less than PG-13, just because of the nature of the topic and the world we currently live in. If I have two male characters' names in the title piece and it's a romance, that could mean that they are each having a romance with one or two women, or one is helping the other (Cyrano de Bergerac style) or that it's a bromance. Some people don't want to read the bromance, so I warn.
            Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
            Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


              Get it. It's just that I've read a lot of slash that does not have any sex scenes in it,not even a hint - the most that they contain is a chaste kiss scene. So it would never occur tome that it still should be rated PG-13 or M. But I get what you mean...

              I think it helps when an archive allowsyou to list an actual pairing, like AO3. Then there's no need to warn for slash. I can see how it might be necessary on sites like, though.


                Originally posted by Raelis View Post
                Just out of interest, do you guys think slash deserves higher ratings by definition? Is a G-rated slash fic equivalent to an M-rated het or gen fic?
                No, I don't think it does and if I were to write slash (which I don't) then I would rate it the same as I would a heterosexual version of the relationship. However, I do think the pairing should be listed in the header info (or like on AO3) just in case people interpret the two male characters and the romantic genre as two heterosexual relationships with other (wo)men, like Whytewytch said. Not because it's slash (I always list pairings for my fics in header info) but because some people might not ship the same way.
                Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                On FFnet or AO3

                My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                  Originally posted by fems View Post
                  No, I don't think it does and if I were to write slash (which I don't) then I would rate it the same as I would a heterosexual version of the relationship. However, I do think the pairing should be listed in the header info (or like on AO3) just in case people interpret the two male characters and the romantic genre as two heterosexual relationships with other (wo)men, like Whytewytch said. Not because it's slash (I always list pairings for my fics in header info) but because some people might not ship the same way.
                  I completely agree with you on this.

                  (The other day I ran into a fic that was listed as gen, but actually contained a threesome... Boy, was I surprised. Even though I did not mind,I can understand why it might give other people pause. So yeah, warning for any kind of pairing, het or gen (or a threesome in this case) - definitely necessary. )
                  Last edited by Raelis; 11 July 2012, 09:28 PM.


                    I always put down the characters and the pairings, and whatever else that I would like to know when reading a fic. I know there are people who don't read a fic if there's even a smidgen of a hint of a slash/femslash relationship, even if the main pairing is het or it's supposed to be a general fic with something of a hint or wink in the background.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Raelis View Post
                      amaradangeli and Whytewytch,I've sent you both PMs.

                      Personally, I don't define mature fic by whether it contains sex, violence or swearing (although if it does,it's definitely mature). Just 15 minutes ago I finished reading a story that contained none of these things, but I would still define it as mature because in it the author dealt with emotional and mental trauma suffered by the characters who had undergone a terrible medical procedure against their will. All the gory, scary details were left "off-screen", but this story is definitely something I would qualify as mature. Another story I read recently dealt with the subject of extreme case of phobia. Also, there was no swearing,sex,or violence. Still, a story that, to my mind, had mature themes.

                      That said,I don't believe a story should contain some kind of traumatic experience to count as mature. But if it does, and the consequences of the trauma are handled appropriately, believably and respectfully, it's a mature story to me.

                      Any story that handles difficult subjects with respect and realism is mature.

                      That's my preferred definition,anyway.
                      Ummm.... which fandom was this fic for? If it was Sanctuary or SG-1/SG-A related, could you send a link my way? I'd love to get in on it.


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        I always put down the characters and the pairings, and whatever else that I would like to know when reading a fic. I know there are people who don't read a fic if there's even a smidgen of a hint of a slash/femslash relationship, even if the main pairing is het or it's supposed to be a general fic with something of a hint or wink in the background.
                        Raising hand--that's me. I have absolutely no interest in slash, preslash, femslash or any other aspect of slash. If that does it for you, more power to you, but it leaves me cold (I also tend to avoid straight romance [ie, without adventure], au, time travel and pwnage by any character). I don't like it when authors refuse to label their fic.

                        If you're going to allow yourself to be offended by a cat, you might as well just pack it in -- Steven Brust


                          Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                          Ummm.... which fandom was this fic for? If it was Sanctuary or SG-1/SG-A related, could you send a link my way? I'd love to get in on it.
                          Sent you a PM.


                            Originally posted by Raelis View Post
                            Sent you a PM.


                              Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
                              I've noticed a plot bunnies for adoption thread here, but is there a collection of prompts? I've found some prompt/challenge areas on the dedicated fanfic websites, but most don't seem to have new-ish things to fill and I'm not sure I want to fill a five (or more) year old prompt.

                              I posted this question the other day but I think it got lost in the fray while we were talking about betas. (And zombies...)
                              Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                                I don't think there is a thread for prompts or even challenges here, but I haven't been around that long here so you should probably do a search of the forum before making a new thread for it.
                                Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                                Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                                On FFnet or AO3

                                My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.

