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BWT: The Rebellion.

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    Originally posted by Commander Thor View Post
    Barely in range of the receiver, the suits uplink was reduced to minimal transition, John tapped where his ear should be as the icon indicating Heart on his HUD began to flash, meaning he was taking damage. Due to the limited uplink John was left confused as he spoke to Heart.

    "[i]Tell me you are okay Heart, Where are you and what's going on? This seige will take four more hours till the sheilds down, another 6 till I have the citadel under my control. What's happening? Are you able to connect Chi Chi to the citadel, What's engaged you?"

    We stood in a stalemate for about 20 seconds before i received a transmission from John.

    I disengaged my forearm armour and slipped my arm out of it, releasing my grip on the man in front of me. I jumped and kicked him in the side of the head with every bit of force i could muster, as his massive body propelled backwards from my kick. He was unconcious.

    "I'm ok but ive lost use of one of my hands..." i looked down and it was heavily disfigured. "Ive been engaged by an unidentified target thus far, but he's part of project nova. You dont now what that is and no files are going to tell you, its completely off the book. They are super warriors, far beyond us or anything else we have met up to this day. The one i just knocked unconcious will heal extremely quickly, im transferring my location to you know"

    Sig by Draygon.


      He nodded now to his four generals, this new powerful rebel motion will hold their new citadel with an extreme vigor. Over 10,000 troops inside utilising recovered human weapons and stolen Beaver ones. Stolen Beaver tanks, and other such vehicles as well as aircraft. This group willl fight back using their own technology against them. The Omega Spartan walks off, 4 men in tow wearing similar but smaller armour. These are the new Delta Spartans. Nowhere near the strength of the upgraded Omega Warriors, but able to give the BEavers, and most any foe hell. A contingent of troops follow them, and soon four Alkesh are full up and they head up to Orbit to meet up with Heart.

      On the Station Chi Chi 6's HUD links up to 5's better now, and can see the damage done, he steps to the man after seveal minutes of patrolling with the small army of 200 he brought broke up into detachments of 40, before further to teams of 8. His men began to occupy the station as his new "Spartan" team meet up with Heart. He introduces everyone and then removes his helmet to speak to Heart openly.


        Originally posted by Commander Thor View Post
        He nodded now to his four generals, this new powerful rebel motion will hold their new citadel with an extreme vigor. Over 10,000 troops inside utilising recovered human weapons and stolen Beaver ones. Stolen Beaver tanks, and other such vehicles as well as aircraft. This group willl fight back using their own technology against them. The Omega Spartan walks off, 4 men in tow wearing similar but smaller armour. These are the new Delta Spartans. Nowhere near the strength of the upgraded Omega Warriors, but able to give the BEavers, and most any foe hell. A contingent of troops follow them, and soon four Alkesh are full up and they head up to Orbit to meet up with Heart.

        On the Station Chi Chi 6's HUD links up to 5's better now, and can see the damage done, he steps to the man after seveal minutes of patrolling with the small army of 200 he brought broke up into detachments of 40, before further to teams of 8. His men began to occupy the station as his new "Spartan" team meet up with Heart. He introduces everyone and then removes his helmet to speak to Heart openly.

        I take off my helmet.

        "I see you've got some new members to your squad"

        "Delta spartans, highly trained. What's been going on and who the hell is that?" 6 says.

        "We need to secure him" I say, as John signals his delta spartans to move towards the man.

        "They won't be able to restrain him. Hold on, i need to access the mainframe. He re-writ the entire AI security system"

        "What? Not even supercomputers or us could manage that"

        I begin to access the ai and manually delete it. A slot from the pillar ejects and i fire my weapon into it. The ai is dead. I configure the console and the man is suddenly encased in white light and vanishes.

        "I've transported him to the only room on this station that can hold him. Take a look" I turn on a camera which goes through to the console on the pillar.

        The huge man is restrained by pure energy, which, when struggled against, renders him completely unconsious for well over 5 hours. It is unbreakable when you are locked to it.

        "Ok, since that is over with, who the hell is he?" John asks. I turn to him now.

        "50 years ago a project was conceived by the highest military officers that were ever in existence. The project was named NOVA, relating to when a star goes supernova, releasing it's humongous amounts of power and potential in one last final attempt. This project had several failed attempts. They used countless drugs and substances, countless trials and countless errors. Some horrible thing happened...bodies completely twisted. 21 years ago, they finally figured out the perfect combination of enhancements along with some of the most genetically perfect candidates ever seen in humanity." I pause to pick up my forearm armour.

        "They were tall, had dense bones, were faster and stronger than anyone else they would come across, had they had a childhood of course. They were put through these enhancements when the growth plates were at a peak growth stage, and this was determined to be at puberty. Doing it when they were fetuses was far too dangerous. They forged warriors so big and strong no beaver from any part of the universe could of matched them..However. They came across a problem. The substrate of all those drugs and enhancements led to a prolonged chemical inbalance in the brain. This means that we didnt detect it until the candidates were fully enhanced. We chased them for almost a year, but we couldnt catch one... Little did we know, thise chemical inbalance corrected itself after a year or two, so our efforts were completely wasted. But one has survived."

        "What was your involvement in all of this?"

        "I was involved in the development of substances, training of candidates..and i also tested some of the enhancements."


        "It doesn't really matter, because there is a beaver virus ravaging my body as we speak..."

        Sig by Draygon.


          John slumped his head, looking about this was Chi Chi, the most advanced construction the humans had conceived, there had to be something he could do. He slid the helmet back on, and passed on what he was going to do. He then nodded to his squad and began to head out to where the med bay was on his HUD. He got a map downloaded before the concole was destroyed. They made their way surrepulously to the med bay, found it after a couple of hours searching and began to go through everything, computer files, paperwork. It all.


            Originally posted by Commander Thor View Post
            John slumped his head, looking about this was Chi Chi, the most advanced construction the humans had conceived, there had to be something he could do. He slid the helmet back on, and passed on what he was going to do. He then nodded to his squad and began to head out to where the med bay was on his HUD. He got a map downloaded before the concole was destroyed. They made their way surrepulously to the med bay, found it after a couple of hours searching and began to go through everything, computer files, paperwork. It all.

            "John...There is nothing you can do.." I say quietly over our helmet comms.

            "I've got to try"

            "Don't you think i already have? Its part organic and part nano-tech. This is the most advanced thing i have seen the beavers develop. They are making leaps in technology John, and if we don't stop it soon, they will decimate us. I've been saving this final effort for this moment."

            "What are you talking about Heart?"

            "Goodbye for now, friend."

            "What? No!" He exclaims as he is beamed to his HQ with his squad.

            I re-activate the station AI. I didnt destroy it, just re-set it.

            "Chi chi, are you ready?"

            "Yes, commander. We are at 100% efficiency."

            "Beam our guest here."

            The NOVA was beamed right infront of me.

            "I need your help"

            "I should kill you and return to my commanding officer.."

            "Your commanding officers are dead. ALL of them. Most of our military infrastructure was destroyed in the great war. I have one final task i need to complete, but i cannot do it alone. I need you....Humanity, needs you."

            He salutes, realising what i am talking about.

            "I will signal the ships to initiate a quick strike on Earth before we leave"

            "Ill do it." I said, activating a comms.

            [[["This is Luitenant Heart, authorisation code gamma-two-four-three-xeno. De-cloak, all ships. You will engage beaver ships in orbit and decimate their main ground installations. FREE OUR WORLD FROM THE BEAVERS, BROTHERS!"]]]

            All around the station, magnificent ships decloak and raise shields, accelerating at blistering paces towards all beaver ships in orbit. In total, 34 ships had bheen built and hidden. I was on the bridge of the main flagship.

            "Task force bravo engage beaver vessels at south-west region of America, the rest of you know what to do. Chi chi, open fire with forward beam cannons on the beaver super-carrier"

            The chi-ceti station de-cloaks, revealing a huge ship. The known station was merely the tiny forward section. The ship launched barrages of beam cannon shots which tore through beaver ships.

            All around the globe beaver ships went down, and the main beaver surface strongholds were completely wiped out. We lost 8 ships.

            "Despatch ALL non-essential craft and assign them to John's command, Chi chi. Earth is his now, he just needs to sweep up. Get us out of here..."

            The fleet jumped into hyperspace above a planet littered with destroyed cities and ships blazing with fire, falling to the earth. The beavers orbital capabilities were decimated.

            Sig by Draygon.


              With the orbiting fleet now gone, the few cruisers that were pelting his shields were gone. His citadel was under siege while he was away.

              Entire fleets fell to the ground, a ship miraculously missing the citadel and crushing the beceiging army. The entire army is then beamed, into seperate parts, equal parts. Hundreds of troopes being put in each capital city with supporting tanks and vehincles, ships and fighters from orbit providing anti-air cover. The rebellion was almost complete.


              Over Antartica 3 304's fire downwards with their upgraded railguns, the exploding rounds pelting into a forcefield covering the Antartic Outpost. The BEavers have gained control, but while the shield is in use, the weapons can't be. 3 weeks after the inital rebellion the human's forces come together in one attack on the shielded out post, infiltrating it after the shield finally falls. 10,000 Beavers inside, stuck in a corner. 10,000 Humans, armed to the teeth. And the first full "Spartan" team since the beginning of the war was deployed in full action against the last beaver stronghold on Earth.
              Meanwhile the other four ships (2 304's, one MPB 305 and a new swanky 404) scout aruond cloaked, takin gout the few individual ships left in the system. The 404 decloaks in one instance, ripples of purple [pplasma couting it's shield, before 3 beams simultaneously rip out of the Tau'ri ship and tear the Beaver craft apart. It the decloaks and moves on, leaving the wreckage to fall into Jupiter.


                **AAAAAAAAah, sorry for being gone so long.... been busy and away from home**
                *I'm on the Washington above the 'old' base, Last Hope*
                Major Wilkingson;Sir, we just got this in: earth's been liberated by a Major Smith and a Commander Heart.
                My god. Wilkingson, begin beam ups of all emergency supplies, earth'll...*An alarm starts to blare*
                Wilkingson;Sir! Ten beaver cruisers just dropped otu of hyperspace, they've started to bombard the base!
                Shields, open fire on those ships! Is the Reagan responding?
                Wilkingson;Yessir, they're getting hammerd though. *Suddenly, the lights goes out all over the ship*
                What the hell is wrong, major?!
                Wilkingson;One of the beaver vessels fired some sort of power draining weapons at us... Sir! The Reagan just lost shields!
                Do we have our beaming system online?!
                Liuetenant;For the moment, sir.
                Good. *The bridge shakes and sparkles flies from consoles, that eluminates the bridge.*
                Wilkingson;Hullbreach deck 28! Sir, one of our main power conduits is on the verge of overloading. It runs through the entire of deck 29 and half deck 28. If that conduit blows...
                Send teams down there, try to get it under control.*It's too late, from the bridge window, you can see a large explosion completely blow out deck 29 and half deck 28, all sections.*
                AAAAAAAAH! Do we still have engines?!
                Wilkingson;Only sublight and thrusters at about 29%!
                Lay in a course for the lead beaver vessel, remove the safties of all our nukes! Soudn the evacuation alarm.
                Wilkingson;Aye sir.
                This is General Rasunda to all hands, get to the nearest lifepod station, abandon ship.
                WIlkingson;Sir... Look.*Suddenly, an explosion is seen in the distance, at the star in the system that the base lies in. It's like a gigantic ball of fire*
                Last Hope's been destroyed... The automated weapon seems to have worked. Say your final prayers while you can, major.*Then the ball envelops the remains of the Reagan, then the beavers go... And lastly, me and the Washington is destroyed in the artificial supernova. Over 70.000 earth humans are dead.*

                My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                  *in subspace the fleet of 28 ships is travelling. im on the bridge of the flagship*

                  "Intel reports coming in from Earth sir, looks like they are winning now."

                  "Excellent news.." i cough, as blood hits the inside of my helmet. My hud has a humanoid figure n the bottom right corner showing my status, and this exploded up to show me a larger view. It pointed to several locations which were higlighted red and listed the following

                  -Gastrointestinal bleeding
                  - Muscle tissue degradation/ approximately 40% lean mass lost
                  - Left kidney failing, right functioning at 60% efficiency and falling
                  - Bones thinning and losing density
                  - Manifestation of attacking beaver virus in the left frontal lobe and cerebul cortex
                  - Loss of most hearing/ Eyesight/ Balance

                  The suit is compensating for things such as balance, sight, hearing, loss of strength and bone density, but cant do anything for the internal things.

                  "Are we close?" I ask the onboard AI chi chi.

                  "14 hours, sir."

                  "NOVA, meet me in the engineering lab." i say over the comms.

                  Sig by Draygon.


                    The few ships he had, met at Pluto, crushing the last few Beaverion cruisers left. Once all the human ships made it back to Earth, bombers and other ships brought the thousands of vehicles and troops up to them. As many as could be taken. Within but a few hours John's new army was pressing out back to the galaxy, as a supernove in the distance indicates Rasunda's fall-back plan was activated. He sighs with a show of sadness and dismay.


                      Note: Sorry for being gone so long.

                      Gem: Where am i?

