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Stargate Universe: Off the Beaten Path (One Shot)

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    Stargate Universe: Off the Beaten Path (One Shot)

    Some notes before reading:
    A. This is not meant to be canon, but that's why it's FF. If you wanted to force it in canon it would be after Time, but before Justice. It explains what happened with the water.

    Chapter One:

    Eli Wallace sat, Kino in hand, on a bench in what was now the mess hall of the Destiny. His documentary was coming along rather well, but one thing was missing. A simple, ordinary day. Every day on the Destiny had been nearly fatal. With his life almost always in jeopardy, he began to desensitize himself from the fear of death. Of course he still dreaded the day when he took his last breath but after zooming through a sun several billion light years from home, it was hard to worry about death without thinking about what he had lived through. To his left, Chloe was resting her head on Scotts shoulder. Figures he thought to himself. But before he had the time to dwell on his feelings, Rush bolted in.

    "The Destiny dialed up a new planet. Scott, Eli we need to hurry. We have-" he looked at his watch. "About six hours before we're off. We need to get whatever we can from this planet or-"

    "We all die! Ahhh!" Eli said sarcastically. He was laughing at what he said when he noticed everyone around him had death-looks on their faces. "What? Isn't that usually the idea? C'mon! I can't be the only one that noticed that!” Still the looks remained. "Oh fine.” He got up and followed Scott and Rush out of the mess hall.

    In what Eli was now calling the Gate room, TJ, Rush, Greer, Young, Scott and Eli were gathered around the display of the Kino. Eli had sent it through moments ago, and the images looked appealing.

    "Looks like a jungle planet." Eli thought aloud, gazing at the beautiful vista.

    "It seems like it should have what we need." Rush replied to Eli's thought. Rush moved from his spot, and grabbed three large bags. “Inside of these are containers. We need to fill these with fresh water, if we find it.”

    "Maybe this time the water won't kill us." Greer said, scowling at Rush.

    "Ok, Save the fighting for later. Let's just go through the gate." Scott suggested, grabbing Greer’s arm. Greer nodded and shrugged off Scott’s hand. He didn’t’ t look back as he walked through the event horizon. TJ, followed by Young and Scott went through next, their rifles in a ready position.

    Here we go again Eli thought to himself as he took his pre-gate breath of air.

    "You do know that you don't have to hold your breath when you go through the gate right?" Rush asked quizzically. Eli shrugged. They both walked through the gate bags strapped to their shoulders.


    Eli was falling. Suddenly, he was submerged in water. It filled his nose as he hit the surface of a lake. He broke through the surface of the water and saw that everyone else was having the same predicament.

    "See! That's why I hold my breath!" He yelled at Rush.

    "Eli! Why didn't you warn us! You're the Kino guy!" Scott yelled at him from a few feet away.

    "When have I ever had a reason to check the ground!?"

    Greer, who had found solid ground twenty or so feet away, called out to them. "You'd better look up..."

    All six heads looked up in unison at the gate that was floating above them.

    "This complicates things." Rush stated.
    Last edited by Gamma626; 27 March 2010, 02:26 PM. Reason: Fixed some errors and spelling.
    Stargate Chicago Con 2010 Attendee

    Chapter Two:

    Eli sat on a small boulder he had found, and watched as Rush paced, trying to think of a way to get them home. The console was on the shore, but it didn’t look like they would be able to reach the gate. Greer and Scott had left, scouting the area around the gate, making sure that they would be fine staying there.

    “Look, Rush, we have five hours. If you stay here, I can take a small team with me, and we can find what we need. You, Eli and TJ can stay here, just tell me what I need.” Young suggested his hand outstretched in a way that implied that he wanted to help. Rush began to rub the stubble on his face. It was starting to grow into a full on beard.

    “Colonel, as much as I like that idea, you need me to tell you what is safe and what isn’t.”

    “Dammit Rush! You aren’t the only person capable of doing anything here! Just tell us what we’re looking for, and I promise you we’ll get what you need.” Young grunted out through clenched teeth. He was trying to stop himself from hitting the man with all his might.

    “Fine. Have it your way. Eli, I assume you know what I need by now. Yes.” The way he said yes gave Eli the notion that he had better know or else.

    “Uh, yeah. Sure.” Eli stood up and walked next to Young. Young reached for his radio and hit the talk button.

    “Greer, Scott. Come back to the gate.”

    “Copy that, Scott out.”

    In a matter of seconds the two men were back and ready for orders.

    “Greer, You come with Eli and myself. Scott, you are in charge of the Gate base.”

    “Gate base?” Eli asked looking back over his shoulder.

    “It’s a base. At a gate. Gate base.” Young stated, annoyed in his response.

    “Fine. Whatever floats your boat.” Eli retorted, his hand up in the air.

    “That’s it!” Rush exclaimed. “We use the surrounding trees, build a small boat structure, and climb to the gate.”

    “That’s not one of your best ideas, but I don’t see a ladder around here. Get to work.” The Colonel

    Rush rolled his eyes and pulled out a knife from his pocket. “I had it with me.” He stated before anyone could ask. He began to slash at the bamboo like trees.

    Young motioned for Greer and Eli to follow him.

    “So are we the away team? Cause, ya know, I’m wearing a red shirt. And I really don’t like that fact right now.” Eli said, a hint of fear in his voice.
    Last edited by Gamma626; 27 March 2010, 02:27 PM.
    Stargate Chicago Con 2010 Attendee


      Chapter Three:

      The further the team got from the gate, the hotter it got. The jungle was getting more and more dense as they moved forward. Eli had his Kino zooming around him as he made contorted faces at the camera. Greer turned around to him and grabbed his shirt.
      “You stick your tongue out toward that floating ball again I’ll cut it off.”

      Eli’s eyes went round. Greer let him go and Eli put the remote in his back pocket. He looked around and saw, oddly enough, exactly what they needed. He tapped Young on the shoulder and pointed.

      “Look! A fresh water stream. That’s what Rush needs us to get. The water on the Destiny, as I guess you know, is contaminated. Hand me the bag that Rush gave you before we left.” He said, snapping his fingers, still looking at the small stream. Young obeyed and gave him the bag. Eli sat down near the creak bed and pulled something that looked like a chemistry set.

      “We were on a hunt for fresh water? Why didn’t we use the water that we fell into?” Greer asked, cocking his head to the side.

      “What didn’t you smell it? It was obviously salt water. Any way, with this here… thingy, I can test to see if it’s contaminated with the same organisms as the other water.” He looked up. “Rush figured out a way to test for it. What? That’s the kind of stuff we spend our time on.”

      Eli scooped up some of the water from the creak bed and hit the switch on the panel that the beaker rested on. A series of number appeared. Eli gave out a cheer. “Ha ha, it works! We have water!”

      He pulled out the giant container that was stored in the bag with the tester machine. He placed a tube that was connected to the container in the water. It began to suck water from the creak.

      “Two or three of these ought to give us enough water for a month!” Eli exclaimed joyously.


      After the first container was filled, Eli and Greer carried it back to the gate base.
      “You found the fresh water?” TJ asked, taking hold of the side that Eli was holding. Eli let go and put his hands over his head. He was winded. Maybe I should do more yoga with Chloe.

      “Rush, dial Destiny. We might not be able to get back ourselves, but I think we might be able to toss the containers back through the gate.” Young commanded.

      Rush nodded and dialed the symbols. The familiar kawoosh brought relief to Eli. Young picked up his radio and called out “Destiny, this is Colonel Young. We have good news and bad news. The good is that we know have fresh water.” Greer, Eli, TJ and Scott were picked up the remaining two bags and began running for the gate. Rush continued fasting a boat. “The bad news is that we don’t have a way to reach the gate.”

      Suddenly, Rush looked up. “For god’s sakes, why didn’t I think of that before.” He ran over and took the radio from Young. “Who is on the other side?” He asked.

      “It’s Chloe.”

      “Ok, Chloe, I need you to ask the people on board if they have any form of rope, or something that they can throw through the gate so that we can climb back up.”

      “Ok. I’ll dial… er… I’ll have someone else dial you when I find something.”

      Rush had a look of satisfaction on his face as the two final water containers arrived. Scott and Greer readied themselves to throw the water containers through the puddle. He checked his watch. “And with three hours to go. I think we’re getting the hang of this off world stuff.” As the Destiny dialed back, Rush gave a rare smile. We’re fine for at least a little while longer.
      Last edited by Gamma626; 27 March 2010, 02:32 PM.
      Stargate Chicago Con 2010 Attendee


        Some notes by Gamma626.

        I know, a couple of the characters were underused. But I might use them in another one shot.

        The containers that get the water are explained in a prequel one shot.
        Stargate Chicago Con 2010 Attendee


          its looking good, I like it so far.


            you DO realise a gateconnection is one-way, right?

            and i'm not sure. there is a puddle of salt water, and the gate.. hovers in the air? or is it attached to a tree ?


              Have you seen Atlantis? They aren't one way there.

              And yes, the gate hovers there. The planets gravitational field works with the gate in a way that two magnets work. They repel each other, but not enough for the gate to
              rocket into space. If gates in space is accepted I don't see why this wouldn't be.
              Stargate Chicago Con 2010 Attendee


                Originally posted by Gamma626 View Post
                Have you seen Atlantis? They aren't one way there.

                And yes, the gate hovers there. The planets gravitational field works with the gate in a way that two magnets work. They repel each other, but not enough for the gate to
                rocket into space. If gates in space is accepted I don't see why this wouldn't be.
                WHAT!!?? where did you get this idea?? gates in SG1 SGA and SGU has allways been one way only radio signals can go both ways.

                also how could you even compare a gate in high orbit with a hovering one? the principles are not the same.


                  That's exactly what happens in the story. Did you read it? They use radios. Also... It's a story. I'm sorry I don't have the needed degree in physics for fan fiction.
                  Stargate Chicago Con 2010 Attendee

