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Plot Bunny Adoption

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    Oh, another stray bunny....

    AU - What if an alternate SG-1 comes through - with two Sam's? Turns out in that galaxy, Sam has an identical twin. I think of her twin as Amanda (in homage, of course).


      Here is an idea for a FanFiction:

      Challenge #6: "Parental Rights"
      Taking place sometime shortly after Tony & Angela adopt Billy in Season 7, this FanFic would revolve around Angela, who feels that she doesnt have enough of a say, when it comes to Billy, so she tries to find a way to approach Tony about this.


        Here's a crazy idea that just came into my head. Shockingly it fits beautifully

        Jack O'Neill.. and Nancy Sheppard

        the concept just boggles my mind :|
        Originally posted by Apostle's Message Redux
        Shepard understood. Given the situation, he wasn't sure that exposing the planet to this kind of secret was smart. Miranda had regaled him with stories of how horrible 20th century Earth sounded in her history lessons and it made him leery. "I agree, god knows what would happen if Grunt got loose."

        Joker snorted and muttered loudly. "Run! It's The Incredible Hulk! Kill it with fire!"
        Read the story ---- Apostle's Message Redux, ME/SG Crossover


          I once came up with a variation of the "Ancient Flavored Orici" idea that's kind of floating around The story was that the Ancients create their own version of the Orici. Only instead of impregnating a human woman, they resurrect a person who died during from the Prior Plague because the Ori Followers find the of an undead monstrosity running around with all the powers of the Orici freaking terrifying.

          Or a story where Adria is converted from the POWER OF ROCK!
          Written in Blood, My First Stargate Fanfiction.


            Originally posted by grendelsbayne View Post
            I have one idea for an sg-1 fic which I'd be interested to see what someone could do with it. I do reserve the right to do my own version eventually if I want, but the probability of that ain't very high

            Anyway, the idea is basically for a new Goa'uld: Tezcatlipoca, the Aztec God of the Smoking Mirror. He was a god of war, beauty, and temptations who was the archenemy of Quetzalcoatl (the Giant Alien we met in "Crystal Skull").

            Some interesting possibilities the story could touch on:

            - Explain the giant aliens
            - Return of Nick Jackson
            - Return of Zipacna ("Pretense") who is also from central american mythology
            - The Smoking Mirror technology; Tezcatlipoca is called the god of the smoking mirror because of an obsidian mirror he wore on his chest in which he could see all the thoughts and deeds of men
            - The lesser evil concept; Tezcatlipoca was really harsh in lots of ways, but he was also sometimes considered a champion of righteousness. He was said to punish wrongdoing (although, often he tempted the person into doing the wrong to begin with) and he rewarded goodness with riches and prosperity. He was also called the protector of slaves and masters who mistreated "Tezcatlipoca's beloved children" were severely punished.
            - The Jaguar Guards; a fun chance for a new Jaffa culture with a different dynamic
            - The truce idea; In legend, Tezcatlipoca ruled over the First World until it was destroyed by Quetzalcoatl. Then Quetzalcoatl ruled over the second world until Tezcatlipoca returned and destroyed it. After two others got a shot, Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl decided to work together to restore creation.
            You know, there's a novel out there - City of the Gods, published by Fandemonium - that covers a lot of this ground. We also get to see Daniel's grandfather Nick again... and there's something about the Furlings...


              I have a plot bunny that I started on last Thanksgiving and it's gone nowhere!
              Here it is:

              It was late. Jack had been in the flower shop for hours.
              No matter how hard he tried he couldn't, just couldn't find a gift for Sam.
              Ah Sam... his Sam, the Sam that was in bed -not knowing he sneaked off to go shopping- still asleep.
              It was then one of the employees spoke to him.
              "Uh, sir. We close in 5 minutes." he said. He looked like he wasn't even 18.
              Jack turned, "What? Oh, OK." This would make finding a gift that much harder. Then the employee started to look through the older flowers, Probably to throw them out Jack thought.
              "Um, could I see those?" He asked when he got closer.
              "I don't think you want any of these. There pretty old."
              Jack looked at the colors. "They're perfect!"
              "OK." He gave Jack the flowers...

              Not my best work as it was when I first started writing. Bunny free to a good home.
              And if you do write it, please pm me the link, I would love to read it.


                Rather odd plot bunny, but i've been watching TNG over again with my dad (in spanish no less) and we just finished watching "Conspiracy" in the first season. If you know the episode, parasitical larva take over a host and control them. There's even a "Queen" that can take over a host as well.

                So i was thinking, SG/TNG crossover maybe an alternate universe where the Goa'uld fled the Milky Way after SG took over, there's the Star Trek third world war which anihillates everything, and it just goes from there. The Tok'ra could have evolved into the Trill, etc etc etc...

                Need to think more on this but those parasites (which were later retconned into the Borg) would be an interesting premise. Ancient Ha'taks, upgraded to TNG levels invading the Federation!
                Originally posted by Apostle's Message Redux
                Shepard understood. Given the situation, he wasn't sure that exposing the planet to this kind of secret was smart. Miranda had regaled him with stories of how horrible 20th century Earth sounded in her history lessons and it made him leery. "I agree, god knows what would happen if Grunt got loose."

                Joker snorted and muttered loudly. "Run! It's The Incredible Hulk! Kill it with fire!"
                Read the story ---- Apostle's Message Redux, ME/SG Crossover


                  The Tok'ra could have evolved into the Trill, that bunny is old lol


                  Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                    Originally posted by absolutdc2001 View Post
                    Jack on the ship in Unending.
                    Originally posted by YutheGreat View Post
                    I agree with this completely. General Landy should have been replaced with O'neil. O'neil is legendary among the asgards I had hoped they would have been able to say their good byes. It also give the Sam and Jack relationship one last hurrah!
                    That idea is actually what got me started writing fan fic, I wanted to read a story with Jack being a part of the events during Unending and when I couldn't find one I wrote my own. I have since come across a few others, so there are some out there if you're looking. If anyone is interested in reading mine, it's called Unending Revised (hmm... I wonder if the title would give it away ) and I will start posting the sequel to it soon, it will be called Continuing on from Continuum (I know, my titles are oh so original, oh well )
                    Stargate Distinguished Service Medal

                    sig by me


                      the asurans ally with the wraith after they realize that the lanteans are their common enemy
                      R.I.P Stargate 1994-2009


                        well i have to add my "two cents" here

                        so my bunnies (i have been trying to write those, too - but my muse is HIDING and RUNNING AWAY all the time

                        1. What if: Jolinar (the Tok'ra) ended up in Jack? What if she managed to kill the Ashrak with the help of Jack (who clearly is more of a soldier then Sam - special black opps training paired with goa'uld strength and healing should make a pretty tough enemy, even more if you hand him a handdevice in order to fight the Ashrak)

                        Add: If you want to Ship, I would like you making it SamJack or JackJanet - or make up an OC Tok'ra they can be with

                        second add: How would the story procede with a Tok'ra (she will stay in Jack!) on the Team? Even more if said Tok'ra helps them develop Goa'uld like technology much faster?

                        Third add: Tinker a bit with Jolinars backstory (she fought a systemlord once in order to topple him, the story says, so answer the question: How did she have enough forces to do so and are there some of her forces left?)

                        fourth add: change jack a little (colonels can't be as dumb as he sometimes plays being, so give him a little more background (like why he doesn't like scientists...he might even be one himself and might have lost faith after charlie died through his own gun))

                        fifth add (^^): make the team bigger and give them "real" weapons (they are sometimes less good equipped then a rich man on safari IMHO...their weapons are inadequate for a larger fight, they can't take gliders down regularly (each team member should a least cary one "use and throw away" rocketlauncher (or a stinger projectile - with one member (jack) having the launcher for them)....

                        2. Add a Tok'ra to the Atlantis cast (either by having a Team member implanted (find a reason - must not be illness/certain death, it can be a "normal" decision, too) or by adding one of the existing ones (or an OC) to the team)

                        add: my fav. for this would be sheppard (him being a Tok'ra - even more: A scientist Tok'ra who is as good as mckay - and sheppard therefore is too as he can access the symbiotes knowledge....could imagine a lot of funny things happening (tok'ra tell sheppard something mckay says out loud at the same time (mckay recognizes that john is not listening) and such

                        3. add a third "goa'uld" faction to the play (tok'ra, goa'uld and ?) (one that maybe isn't liked by tok'ra and goa'uld (and is more hightech then both of them) and wants to be friends with earth, even sends one of their number to join SG-1 (make it female - if you can - and have her take interest in jack who is unresponsive (or does not want anything to do with her) and later comes around

                        4. have some aliens (who might be as old as the asgard) contact earth, offering technology for protection (they might be "too peaceful" to fight in a real war or they could have as much problems as the asgard and might turn to earth in order to have one problem (the goa'uld (or even the ori)) taken care of (if you want: the offer could have a catch - though i would prefer one without the catch)

                        5. have SG-1 visit planets they have once been to again (in later seasons) in order to take left over technology (or find out what happened to allies there....)

                        planets on the list would be: tollana, bedrosia (the one with the religious war on), euronda, the one the rand protectorate was on (to get the ori satellite), ex-goa'uld base worlds (abandoned after the replicators killed the systemlords off) etc.

                        add: be creative what could be found there

                        add: have them visit by ship (could be good, for example if the tollans survived and tried - in panic (after being nearly annihilated) to destroy Daedalus-Class ship

                        6. have earth take over Ra's ship from the pilot (so they have goa'uld tech at the start of the series)

                        7. make the asgard survive (how do they find out? - maybe the asgard core tells the asgard what technology the humans use (and someone picks up the signal))

                        8. add a known tok'ra (not jacob and not martouf or one of the really well known (and therefore most written about)....) to the SG-1 team (anise might be a good choice...her taking intereset in daniel at first and in jack later on - jack might come around, too (sorry, but i like anise ))

                        9. what if sam had a symbiote (can be either goa'uld or tok'ra) in her at the start of the series? (that's how she knows as much about the gate to compile the software to opperate it without a DHD)

                        add: sam (the real consciousness might be "dead" - braindeath due to some cause or the other and the symbiote might be of a group of symbiotes that take only hosts that have no active mind (lunatics, braindead people...) or it might be of a group that is neither tok'ra or goa'uld (but still shares the body and does not take it over)

                        add: funny situation - tealc finding this out (and trying to kill her...)

                        10. earth has a "ship" problem (their fleet is to small to cover the galaxy against an enemy (wraith (maybe one rouge ship made it to the galaxy (a ship left over from the fight with the ancients, the ship might have left because it's commander (no queen) thought they would loose the fight), ori or something new - like furlings that have "turned" from being a respectable race (one of the great 4 as we know) to being conquering maniacs) and they need to get more ships - how they manage? your story!

                        add: they might trade with the jaffa (ships for supplies, training (in ship repair - or ship building (handing the jaffa a blueprint of a design with the same abilities as the prometheus (without asgard upgrades) etc.

                        add: they might say (to tok'ra and jaffa) without us you would not have won against the goa'uld, we demand 1/3 of all their ships left over! (they would have earned them, too as they did most of the dying, fighting and providing (materials, hide outs (SGC, Alphasite), minds (without us: no Kul-Weapon!) etc.)

                        add: might trade with another race

                        add: they might raid old planets (like above: tollana for example, or main worlds of the systemlords


                        so my ideas (i got a few more...) hope someone tries them (PM me if you do, ok? i would like to read them, too)

                        greetings LAX
                        ps: more then one person is allowed to try one of these (i have no problem with that - the more the merrier - as for slash please spare my bunnies (as it SQUICKS me....exception: femslash)
                        pps: no i don't hate gay people (tollerate them - as long as i don't have to be gay)
                        Last edited by Laxian of Earth; 05 April 2010, 12:06 PM.


                          1. Asgard are alive, they have been kidnapped and forced into a virtual environment. They faked the detonation and suicide of themselves because they were forced to do so by a mysterious unknown race far superior to their own and the Ancients. This race was the reason for the formation of the alliance in the first place. Probably has been done before, if anyone knows of such a work let me know so I can read it and see how it is.

                          2. Teyla's people have been altered by Michael and have been conducting experiments on bringing him back through their own pieces of him that he implanted in them.

                          3. Rush uses communication stones and it malfunctions exchanging his consciousness with an alternate version of himself, someone worse than him currently who has killed off his alternate crew through his actions. He disables the communication stones so the real Rush can't get back. Said this somewhere before.

                          4. The Furlings are an underwater race. They were only brought into the alliance due to their advancements as a culture and their efficiency in harnessing a planet's core's heat when the other races were still exploring their respective galaxies. They have wondrous habitats deep underwater. They are discovered when SGC attempts to establish perimeter early defense systems on the outer planets. They crash into Europa and make an initial botched violent contact with them. Only one person is left who becomes their prisoner. He learns their culture while they keep him for observation and extract information. He befriends them. The latter parts are of my own contrivance.


                            Okay, so, while watching another science fiction show at the weekend (you find our which one soon) and it got me thinking, about the good crew of the Starship "Destiny" and, well...

                            What would happen if some DALEKS came through the Stargate? (Crossbred Plot Bunnies are okay right?).

                            Just fun this image of those Diabolical Pepper Pots rolling out of the Gate on Destiny.

                            And then later, Doctor Rush and Chloe running for their lives down a corridor on Destiny while being chased by said Evil Daleks.

                            And...thats all i got.

                            Any takers?
                            [''... I laugh at your reality..''][ STARGATE FAN COMIC: 'Hallowed Turf' ] [-DeviantArt-] [ ".... and a seagull."]



                              For the talented writers here, we have round two of the Gateworld FanFiction Competition, be nice to see some new faces (writers) down there

                              My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                              sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                                Hi! I'm new here and I have some plot bunnies up for adoption.

                                Bunny #1: What if SG-1, General Hammond, and Dr. Fraiser faked Jolinar's death at the hands of the Ashrak (Sam & Jolinar talked instead of Jolinar going to talk to Cassie) and Sam remained as her host? Obviously they need to find a way for the symbiote not to tripp the Goa'uld alarm thingy, but SG-1 continue as usual as far as the NID and most people are concerned.

                                Now fast forward until Sam becomes the new Commander of Atlantis. How does she explain her situation to Dr. Beckett, what does Jolinar think of the Wraith, and so on?

                                Bunny #2: What if Lady Heather from CSI: Las Vegas became the new psychologist after Heightmeyer was forced to commit suicide?

                                Bunny #3: What if Cameron Mitchell from SG-1 and Henry Mitchell from Charmed (Paige's boyfriend/husband) were brothers or cousins? Imagine Paige and Henry having children who decides that orbing to see Uncle Cam is a fantastic idea... It's even better if Cam and the SGC people doesn't know about magic prior to this.
                                Save me from the sin of self-destruction.
                                Forgive me, I can't stop.

