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Stargate Atlantis - Allies

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    Hmm...good points. Well, am already doing a follow up bit, with Shep playing it cool. Teyal telling Larrin how worried he was, Shep just doing the "well, your a valued ally. Wanted to make sure you were okay," thing.

    I'll have a read through and see where I can change it.

    McKay bashing is deliberate. i admit. Caldwell, not so much. He just happened to be the chosen arse of that section. Next time it will be someone else. Probably Woolsey again
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      Originally posted by Garrowan5th View Post
      Hmm...good points. Well, am already doing a follow up bit, with Shep playing it cool. Teyal telling Larrin how worried he was, Shep just doing the "well, your a valued ally. Wanted to make sure you were okay," thing.

      I'll have a read through and see where I can change it.

      McKay bashing is deliberate. i admit. Caldwell, not so much. He just happened to be the chosen arse of that section. Next time it will be someone else. Probably Woolsey again
      With Shep specifically, body language is how he shows what he's feeling. In a situation like that, i think he'd be still and tense, sort of like a pillar of stone amidst the flood of suffering around him. He acknowledges it, but it just flows around him.

      For his 'emo', look at end of Ghost in the Machine, when he stands there looking at the gate. Just a silent pain he has to endure.

      Characters freaking out like that should be kept to a minimum, and only ever characters who aren't used to violence. When it comes to characters losing (or almost losing) people they love, it really depends on what the character intends to do.

      An example from something other than SG would be hte movie "Taken". When Liam Neeson's character learns his daughter's been kidnapped, what does he do? He calmly tells the kidnappers to let her go, or face the consequences. When that doesn't work, he dives straight into tracking her down and god have mercy on anything between him and her. (I loved Taken. It's emotional rage refined IMO. none of the useless screaming or 'emo' stuff, just laser focused anger )
      Originally posted by Apostle's Message Redux
      Shepard understood. Given the situation, he wasn't sure that exposing the planet to this kind of secret was smart. Miranda had regaled him with stories of how horrible 20th century Earth sounded in her history lessons and it made him leery. "I agree, god knows what would happen if Grunt got loose."

      Joker snorted and muttered loudly. "Run! It's The Incredible Hulk! Kill it with fire!"
      Read the story ---- Apostle's Message Redux, ME/SG Crossover


        Yeah, Taken rocked.

        I'll go over it, see what I can change.

        The follow up, I plan to have Sheppard with his arms folded, making his semi-serious, semi-sarcatic comments. You know, with that little fake half-smile Flannigan pulls off? Not admitting to much, especially not infront of Larirn and Teyla. The way he was Sateda

        Did you read it as he was flapping and frantic? I wanted it to come across more that he was determined. His little outburst to Ronon was one of anger at what happened. I'm pretty sure I mentioend he did some things whilst keeping his composure....owell, if that's not how it came across, I'll obviously have to do some editting. To the keyboard...! Oh, wait......
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          G5 it's doing great, don't change a thing man....well the typo's you can change

          Thanks to Commander PJOZ for the siggy


            IOA At it Again

            "This is strange," Macara muttered.
            "What is?" Sheppard muttered, looking across the table. Well, occasionally looking over the table at Macara. The rest of the time he was looking at one of the pretty Australian expedition members.
            "I thought you were all worried about Larrin?" Ronon growled.
            "Worried, me? No, concerned maybe. Why would I be worried?" Sheppard replied.
            "Yeah, believe that and you'll believe anything," Macara muttered.
            "You were saying, major?" Teyla urged.
            "Ah, yes. It's strange. Since the strike against the Genii, we haven't heard a single thing about the Nephilim. No attacks, o troop movements, sightings, anything. It's a little...worrying." Macara said, making a little dig at Sheppard.
            Sheppard made that little half-smile thing that he did, and looked around. The mess was a busy place today and, happily, he could see a good mix of uniforms. Americans, Atlantis personnel, Brits, Aussies and some Travellers. If nothing else, at least they were pulling together.
            "You'd prefer if we were under attack, major?" Teyla asked.
            "Not at all. I just want to know where they are and what they are doing, is all."
            "That is a very good point." Sheppard said, standing up and lifting his finished lunch tray. "I think we should proba........"
            "Colonel Sheppard to the conference room, please, colonel Sheppard to the conference room," the tannoy went off loudly, startling some of the people in the mess.
            "Typical. Major, you have Gate Operations for the moment,"
            "Sir," Macara replied, standing as well.

            "I'm sorry, but so far I've done the best I can." Woolsey said. Once again he was joined by British, Russian, Australian and IOA big-wigs. One of the other IOA men, named, rather suspiciously, John Smith, was doing most of the talking, although the dignitaries were turning their impotent anger to Woolsey.
            "The IOA, along with the SGC, has come to realise that the situation is becoming untenable. With this latest request for troops, it has brought much more trouble to the Gate Alliance in terms of funding and secrecy. In none of our other conflicts has the SGC committed so many personnel to combat. The original siege of Atlantis had one of our biggest commitments. And the Ori war, whilst intense, did not have full infantry companies engaged at one time." Smith said simply.
            "We have never fought an opponent such as this," Caldwell said simply.
            "It also costs money to keep these operations going," Woolsey pointed out, though somewhat reluctantly.
            "Also, we cannot keep providing aid to other nations of the Pegasus galaxy." Smith chimed again. "We need the resources for our own people."
            The doors opened a fraction, and Sheppard spoke up as he entered the briefing room. "Those people are under attack because the Nephilim want us."
            "That is not the point. We cannot afford to keep up such commitments. Also, I have some further bad news," Smith said, his brow furrowing slightly.
            "Get on with it," Caldwell said, arms folded aggressively.
            "We are not posting more forces to Atlantis; in fact, we are going to scale back troop numbers in the city. We have decided we may return to original forces levels."
            The room erupted then, angry voices going back and forth.
            "Richard, did you know about this?" Caldwell barked at Woolsey, who just shrugged unhappily.
            "Enough!" Sheppard tried to calm the situation. "Stop it!"
            There was a 'whumph' that stilled the room. Ronon had his pistol out on stun, and had shot the ceiling. The assembled dignitaries sat back in shock.
            "Thanks chewie. Mr Smith, how do you expect us to continue the fight against the Nephilim and win it with reduced forces?"
            Smith looked the colonel up and down, not one hint of emotion escaping his face or his expensively-suited body language. "We are not sure you can defeat them. At least, not in this Galaxy, colonel Sheppard."
            This time, instead of anger, there was just stunned silence.
            "Withdrawal will begin in a month, gentlemen. And until then, try to keep your offensive activities to a minimum, please," Smith finished, carefully arranging some papers into his briefcase, in preperation to leave.
            "No British soldier will leave Atlantis until the GTF says so," Salmon said sharply. "The IOA may control the SGC, but in the Gate Alliance treaty that brought the GTF into existence, we have as much access to the Gate as required. We also have our own ships now. We will remain here until the threat is defeated."
            "Can you dedicate that level of support?" Caldwell asked quietly.
            "Our government will not be happy taking the burden, but we have, so far, made great advances in Ancient technology found around UK territories thanks to our Atlantis involvement. Also, we know that the Nephilim pose a massive threat. And if our funding to the IOA will not be used fighting here, then we will withdraw it and use it ourselves,"
            "Now, General..." Mr Smith began
            "Mr Smith, the Nephilim are not a threat like the Wraith were, where we could keep them in the dark about Earth's location. Whether you want to admit it or not, they have inter-galactic travel abilities, and the knowledge to come for us. I am sure the US government will not let you abandon this campaign either, but until such times as they sort out the political front, we will do what we can."
            Sheppard felt his chest swell with pride; he had never once thought the UK, in his opinion a nation of conservative shopkeepers, would take such a hard line.
            "If the Brits stay, so do we," Deakin said for Australia. “We won’t let the Pommes show us up.”
            "Very well, that is your own concern," Smith said, for the first time showing something other than indifference as anger creased his face. "Woolsey, I'll see you in your office, please,"
            "Of course."
            "Mr. Woolsey, we have just checked our sensors. The Anakim have left orbit," Macara's voice came over the comms.
            Woolsey looked shocked "Did they say why?"
            "No, sir. But McKay picked up a signal; they had tapped into city communications. They were listening to your meeting. About 3 minutes ago, they stopped and just...left.""Brilliant," Sheppard said. "Just Brilliant."
            Last edited by Stewart5; 23 December 2010, 12:30 PM.
            385 Heroes coming Home

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              YAY glad to have it back,missed it terribly, great as always BB,its getting tense in there. keep up the good work, and i know your busy but its worth the wait


                Well done my boy, well done indeed, good to have you around again. Any aid I can give, just ask
                My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                  I am so busy it's not even funny But I couldn't abandon it
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                    Originally posted by Stewart5 View Post
                    I am so busy it's not even funny But I couldn't abandon it
                    Good for you Lad! Great to see you still around

                    Ah the IOA, a great device for showcasing political idioticness
                    Originally posted by Apostle's Message Redux
                    Shepard understood. Given the situation, he wasn't sure that exposing the planet to this kind of secret was smart. Miranda had regaled him with stories of how horrible 20th century Earth sounded in her history lessons and it made him leery. "I agree, god knows what would happen if Grunt got loose."

                    Joker snorted and muttered loudly. "Run! It's The Incredible Hulk! Kill it with fire!"
                    Read the story ---- Apostle's Message Redux, ME/SG Crossover


                      Well, I have had a few too many digs at the US, so I thought I;d give them a break.

                      HOWEVER..............after seeing the news today, Mr Crichton not so generous.....
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                        Give em hell Mr Crichton On a trivial note, which is related, but does Larrin's ship have a name?
                        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                          Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                          Give em hell Mr Crichton On a trivial note, which is related, but does Larrin's ship have a name?
                          The Aurora? Not a clue. I checked Stargate wiki and it doesn't. I shall have to make one.......

                          Did you here what the supposed US SFs did? They went on a deliberate hostage-rescuing mission, yet took and USED frags as they stormed the building. NOT flashbangs. The Scottish hostage was killed by one of their grenades. *slow claps*
                          Why didn't they just give us the location? We saved a bunch of hostages earlier this year, we are perfectly capable of doing it again.
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                            The young lass? I heard it was T'ban who chucked a grenade, so much for truth in reporting.

                            I've been there, I know what it's like. Damned crazy. Those fellows will be doing a lot of sould searching I think
                            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                              Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                              The young lass? I heard it was T'ban who chucked a grenade, so much for truth in reporting.

                              I've been there, I know what it's like. Damned crazy. Those fellows will be doing a lot of sould searching I think
                              It wasn't the reporters who got it wrong mate, the US claimed it was the Tali's, but US SEAL helmet cameras have proven, it was one of them that threw it
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                                That's really bad, we're still getting news here about it, latest is one of the captors detonated a body bomb when he saw the SEALS coming.

                                How far have you updated the
                                My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                                sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier

