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BWT 3.2 :- revenge of the Tau'rie

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    *On the bridge of the Enterprise, during the attack*
    *Massive sparkles, explosions all over*
    Larsson;Every thing has been taken out!Hull breach all over!
    Prep for an emergency EVAC!
    Larsson;No need to. The Aeon has entered hyperspace.
    *Tigress drops out and beams a team over, then goes to hyperspace*
    *An alarm starts to beep*
    A ship is aproaching!All hands to battle stations!
    *The ship dropps out, it's Atlantis*
    Atlantis;We are beaming a repair drone over. We have found an incredible peice of tech. It is an Adriani power core, More power full then the Hellions them selves!
    Wow. Let's hook it up, and get on the way*
    *3 hours later, we enter temporal space. Tracking down the Aeon quikly since she, and a handfull of Terran vessels have it.*
    Aeon, commander Heart!This is Commander Rasunda of the Adriani vessel Enterprise!Stand down, or we will open fire!
    Dh;Yes. I have regained my memory Rasunda. I remember now. The battles of Chorus Prime and every thing.
    Good. If you would beam over and we'll take care of you. And I have to say, the hull of the Hyperion is strong. There is many things still there.
    Dh;Ok. If I could just be beamed over now.
    Okay. But, could you take the helm?Larsson is at weapons now, and Hansen was killed.
    *With that said, we enter hyperspace. And drops out over Tigress and Ranger.*

    My fan-fic, swedish outpost


      NOTE: Hey ras, the 3 legacy races (hellions, harrucians and adriani) ARE ALL THE SAME STRENGTH. Your core cant be more powerful than the hellions, that doesnt make sense and we are all tthe same. it has always been this way.

      Dh; Wait Rasunda!
      Ras; What?
      Dh; I must do something. I will tell you later tooday.

      Sig by Draygon.


        NOTE: Okay dh. Very well. I forgot.
        Commander, you may. You can take the TS Phoenix. It's rather new. But it has 3 ZPMs.
        Dh;Ok. I'll take it.*Dh leaves with the Phoenix, which has a little bit of helion tech. It was supposed to be inside the Hyperion, but it was in space dock.*
        Larsson, lay in a course for Lunar colony. I guess hyperdrive?
        Larsson;No. Temporal drive is the best. But our hull is insatble. But it will hold.
        Very well then. Temporal drive to Lunar colony(Terra?).
        *The Enterprise goes to ´temporal drive*

        My fan-fic, swedish outpost


          *im taking the aeon cityship not a 304, but it is still mine*

          AI; Our database has been updated with everything from your mind.
          Dh; So i can actually look at my memories?
          AI; We took only the knowledge of the war and technology. Taking memories was strictly forbidden by Hellion law. Even the shadows obeyed this law.
          Dh; Why?
          AI; Memories are what define you biological forms. If you had no memory, you would not The Hellions, and moreover, the Legonian alliance, kept this at the very core of who they were. To let every individua e themselves, nothing more nothing less.
          Dh; That is indeed true. But now that i have my memory back, we must do something. Wait a minute, you know what i did, dont you?
          AI; Indeed. It was your strongest memory, and it could not be prevented leaking into the system. You accomplished what the legonians could not in millenia, they lost billions if not trillions of lives and countless ships. And their final contribution, the Hyperion, ended it all.
          Dh; They are at peace.
          AI; I now.
          Dh; Good. So, this ship is Hellion?
          AI; It is Legonian
          Dh; All 3 of them built it?!
          AI; It is more hellion based, but there are harrucian and adriani elements to it yes.
          Dh; I sucked up eveyr last bit of hellion energy source i could find to take out the shadows. We need an alternative source of power or this cityship will fail.
          AI; Is this the last piece of hellion tehcnology?
          Dh; No. There is an entire planet, which i named hellion. It is my planet so to speak. It is filled with huge cities, and we have recently begun incorparating hellion technology into our ships, the Hellion Safeguard Ships. (HSS).
          AI; Good...Good.
          Dh; Now, do you now any other power source that is enough to power this ship?
          AI; The ***ZERULIUM = hellion energy source - most powerrful in universe*** zerulium is gone.
          Dh; Is there any more in other galaxies?
          AI; The hellion's explored hundreds, rather thousands of galaxies, but only this one had Zerulium. The element is gone.
          Dh; Naquadah generators wont work..and neither will ZPM's. Im going to have to use the hellion knowlegde i obtianed fomr being ascended, kinda, to build a new revolutionary generator.
          Ai; It will take years to manufacture with just one human.
          Dh; Get your other drones, you will be helping.
          AI; What about your frineds and other Terra people?
          Dh; NO! They must not be involved. This technology may be shared, btu they cannot know how to make it. its too dangerous to let this tech get out there.
          AI; Very well. Let us begin.

          *Weeks go by, i spend hours and hours a day in a room with a hologram all around me in shaped of walls with heavy heavy amounts of equations on them. I move them with just my hands, and after 4 weeks later*

          Dh; Wait a minute...
          Ai; You..-
          Dh; I HAVE IT!!
          AI; Extremely well done.
          Dh;; YESSS!!!!!!
          Ai; How coudl a human do this? not even the hellions would have com eup with this
          Dh; We need to get building this.
          Ai; You must rest. We will build it.
          *in 2 days, the generator, the size of a football field, is made. It is perfect, a siilver mettalic hull is shown on the outside, huge it is. It has several ssections, large sections, filled with green energy which pulsates. A sound engaged as the generator finally activates*
          *on the bridge of the cityship*
          Dh; Let's see...*i press some panels and so does the AI with extendable arms*
          AI; Efficiency is at 360%. Shields can be fully powered with weapons, and we can use the Inter-optical drive.
          Dh; whats that?
          AI; A step up form the temporal drive. Where as the temporal drive woudl take 3 days to get form one galaxy to the next, this drive, the most advanced the hellions ever built, can travel fomr galaxy to galaxy in seconds.
          Dh; Thats how they explored so many.
          AI; Indeed.
          Dh; Take us out.

          Sig by Draygon.


            On the Oddyssey, over the lunar colony.
            G.T : DH left for a little while.
            Ranger: That's good.
            G.T: Why?
            Ranger: It's just, I find it harder to work with him after what he did. (Character feelings.)
            G.T: It wasn't.....
            Ranger: I know, I just have to get over it. Sometimes it takes a while.
            G.T: Yeah.
            Ranger: Anyway, I've been having these weird dreams. Going back to my past. It's creepy.
            G.T: Really?
            Ranger: Yeah. It started after I destroyed all the City ships in the galaxy. I guess the Ancients don't like me messing with their acention project.
            G.T: Maybe, you never know.
            Suddenly I disapear. I re-appear in front of a council of acended Ancients.
            Ranger: What? How....?
            Head Ancient: You have been going places you shouldn't be, commander Ranger.
            Ranger: What do you mean?
            HA: Project Acention.
            Ranger: Oh. I still don't get what you're getting to.
            HA doesn't look pleased.
            HA: You have been going to the highest plane of exsistance.
            Ranger: Why is that bad?
            HA: It is too much power. Not even our evil brothers the Ori went that far.
            Ranger: I still don't get it.
            HA: Long ago the Shadows found their way to acention. We were able to stop them from going to the highest plane.
            Ranger: What does this have to do with me?
            HA: You opened the door for them to bypass us. We can no longer stop them from reaching the highest plane.
            Ranger: That's bad.
            HA: Indeed. The acended Shadows are now trully all powerful, but there is one hope.
            Ranger: Which is?
            HA: You.
            Ranger: What?
            HA: Only you can stop them, Ranger.
            Ranger: How?
            HA: Use project acention and Acend to the highest plane. You can stop them from there.
            Ranger: How long would I have to stay there?
            HA: You only have two choices. You can acend and stay for forever keeping the shadows out, or you can acend and de-cend the shadows. If you de-cend the shadows then they will build a new empire.
            Ranger: How many are there?
            HA: Thousands.
            Ranger: I'll do it.
            HA: Good.
            I re-appear in front of G.T.
            G.T: What happened?
            Ranger: Meeting with the head ancient of the acended. Questions later, I have to go.
            An hour later. I have de-cended the Shadows and have sent their location to the fleet. ( Go get 'em boys!!!!!)

            God Bless America


              G.T: Wells, take us to that planet.
              Wells: Yes sir.
              We enter Temporal drive.
              Two hours later we drop out.
              G.T: Fire everything we have.
              Wells: Yes, sir.
              Thousands of drones come out of the Trojan along with some Hellion and Adriani beams.
              G.T: Overload a ZPM and beam it into the planets core.
              Does so.
              G.T: Let's get out of here.
              As the Trojan enters Temporal Drive the planet explodes behind us.

              One week later.

              Wells: I'm glad the Shadows are gone.
              G.T: Me too, the Beavers are a easy enemy compared to the shadows.
              Wells: Agreed.
              I get a vibe that something bad is about to happen.
              Wells: Sir, I'm picking up hundreds of Beaver ships headed this way.
              G.T: Full power to shields and weapons. Let them come.
              Does so.
              The Beaver ships drop out of hyperspace and begin to fire, all of them.
              ( until this battle is done, no one come to my rescue)
              G.T: How we doing?
              Wells: Better than a 304 would do, but this is wearing down our sheilds.
              G.T: How many Beavers have we killed?
              Wells: Two hundred out of five hundred.
              G.T: Good.
              Wells: Sheilds at 37%.
              *sparks fly and pipes bust*
              G.T: Any more power we can hook up?
              Wells: No sir we have everything here.
              G.T: How much longer can we take this?
              Wells: Not much sir.
              I stand up.
              Suddenly the bridge is hit, half of it blows up killing all but Wells and myself.
              Wells: SIR!!
              I whisper from the floor.
              G.T: Keep fireing.
              And then I pass out.

              Ten minutes later the battle is over leaving the Trojan with no power floating in space.


                the balthamos spits out of hyperspace over the trojan and goes to 100m above it. Olsen notices a fleet of 3 shadow hives (controlled by beavers) inbound for the two craft. the fleet drops out and see nothing. they leave and the two ships decloak from the Balthamos' cloak. the powerful 304 then tows the Trojan back to Lunar base (((fill me in guys FTW)))

                EDIT : sorry had no idea
                Last edited by Commander Thor; 22 October 2009, 03:41 AM.


                  Commander Thor, Glad to have you back!
                  Well, I don't think that we can use shadows any more, since dh killed them all of, But maybe some "leftovers" at some planet or so. And the Enterprise as now an Adriani warship after a major upgrade by the ship. It's a new class of ships, but it cannot be replecated**

                  C-Thor, what is our status?
                  C-Thor;150 inbound. Shadows.
                  what?I thought they're all gone. But some planet could have hidden them.
                  C-Thor;Ok. I recommend to get battle ready, they're 1 minute out.
                  Yes. This is the first time the Enterprise in it's Adriani state, goes up agains shadows. With our 4 brand new adriani cores, this should be rather easy!

                  My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                    NOTE: Guys, dont tell me i sacrificed the Hyperion for nothing. Leave the shadows be. The beavers will now return to power, using abandoned shadow ships and th ebeavers will learn shadow tech making them as strong as shadows almost. just give it time, bring the beavers back into the BEAVER war thread!

                    *in the aeon cityship, it drops out over a massive planet, bigger than the sun*

                    Dh; Run scans, i want every last inch of that planet scanned.
                    AI; Very well......*bleeping noise* We have located a single citadel at the sout eastern continent of the planet.
                    Dh; What is it?
                    AI; Its energy signature corresponds with that of Ancient technology.
                    Dh; ...*more bleeping noises* They have fired. Full power to shields and power up cannons.
                    *many drones shoot up and crash into the Aeon's shields*
                    Dh; Damit. this is the wrong planet. Lets go.

                    *back with rasunda*

                    Dh; So i see the hyperion is still alive.
                    Ras; If you call that alive. She's in many pieces, entire sections drifting apart.
                    Dh; The inner shielding system would have protected many sections form being blown up, and the blast wave would have just gon around the shield. Im getting readings that we have laost about 1/4 of the ships hull.
                    Ras; Youre thinking of salvaging her?
                    Dh; I have been working on it for quite some time. And with this revoloutionary new power source..
                    Ras; What power source?!
                    Dh; ..crap. forget i mentioned it.
                    Ras; Cmon Dh.
                    Dh; I built a generator with hellion knowledge. It is far greater at producing power than anything i have ever seen or built.
                    Ras; We have just obtained several adriani power cores.
                    Dh; Ah...good. yes good. We are only running at 35% efficiency and you are on par with us for now. Seems like the adriani have good power generation technology. Not even the Harrucians can keep up to 35% efficiency of my generator.
                    Ras; It is only because i have several cores. normal adriani ships only have one.
                    Dh; Yes, the same rule would apply to the harrucian technology, i see.
                    Anyway, we are looking for a piece of technology.
                    Ras; For what?
                    Dh; We are planning on placing this cityship at the heart of the new hyperion.
                    Ras; Merging those 2 ships would be astronomical!
                    Dh; I now. This will be at the heart of the ship, the control centre and habitance quarters. The rest of the ship will be entirely aimed to fight. It is basically the hyperion, but with an absolutely massive boost of power, system efficiency, weapons and shield technology.
                    Ras; Sounds cool enough to me. There are 150 beaver ships incoming, all upgraded with shadow technology.
                    Dh; The beavers are finally back?
                    Ras; Yeah. they have rebuilt since the shadows decimated them, and they have incorporated much shadow technology into their ships, makign them extremely powerfull.

                    2 weeks later

                    Dh; Finally it is done
                    *the cityship is in the middle of the HUGE hellion Supership, the Hyperion. She is back! better than ever! the ship is huge silver and green, with hundreds of weaons platforms*
                    Ras; Dh, the beavers are here.
                    Dh; Lets show thes ebeavers our upgraded ships ras!
                    Ras; Yeah!
                    Dh; BRING IT!
                    *the enterprise and Hyperion begin fighting the enemy ships, both ships being hit by tons of enemy fire but destroying over 90 ships ocmbined o teh first few minutes*

                    Dh; Bring beams online.
                    * i look to me left and right, and marks and watts are there. They survived, i beamed them into a shielded compartment!*
                    Watts; Gladly sir!
                    *beams shoot out of my ship, pure white and green, and slice up the enemy ships in seconds. With several more 304's and ZEUS class ships helping out, the battle is decisively over thanks to me and ras*

                    Ras; WOAH! thats some serious power you got goign dh.
                    Dh; You to ras.
                    Ras; Well, we have to get back out there. We only have a couple hundred ships, and the beavers ar eback on track. LEts get going.
                    Dh; Agreed. But first, there is something i must do. Marks, take us out.
                    *the hype enters a weird mist of light and dissapears, and in seconds is in another galaxy, where i destroyed the shadows species*

                    Dh; There is one thing, we must do.
                    Watts; Why are we back here?
                    Dh; Even though they were evil, they never left one of their kind behind. They were a fierce oponent and very prideful and loyal to themselves. Even after all this, i have some respect for them.
                    Watts; ...thats amazing sir. after all this, all they did, you still can do that.
                    Marks; they killed us off by the billions..
                    Dh; Just like us, there is more to them, than meets the eye.

                    *when i was on the highest plane, the shadows ascended there. they realised that they were not one with the universe until that moment and what they were doing was wrong. They exist with the Legonians now, and are no longer evil,and only i now this*

                    *i press a button on my chair, and a black hole is made exactly where the shadow fleet perished. it will be there forever*

                    Dh; Testament, to the shadows.
                    *the hype leaves*

                    Sig by Draygon.


                      NOTE: Guys, dont tell me i sacrificed the Hyperion for nothing. Leave the shadows be. The beavers will now return to power, using abandoned shadow ships and th ebeavers will learn shadow tech making them as strong as shadows almost. just give it time, bring the beavers back into the BEAVER war thread!

                      *in the aeon cityship, it drops out over a massive planet, bigger than the sun*

                      Dh; Run scans, i want every last inch of that planet scanned.
                      AI; Very well......*bleeping noise* We have located a single citadel at the sout eastern continent of the planet.
                      Dh; What is it?
                      AI; Its energy signature corresponds with that of Ancient technology.
                      Dh; ...*more bleeping noises* They have fired. Full power to shields and power up cannons.
                      *many drones shoot up and crash into the Aeon's shields*
                      Dh; Damit. this is the wrong planet. Lets go.

                      *back with rasunda*

                      Dh; So i see the hyperion is still alive.
                      Ras; If you call that alive. She's in many pieces, entire sections drifting apart.
                      Dh; The inner shielding system would have protected many sections form being blown up, and the blast wave would have just gon around the shield. Im getting readings that we have laost about 1/4 of the ships hull.
                      Ras; Youre thinking of salvaging her?
                      Dh; I have been working on it for quite some time. And with this revoloutionary new power source..
                      Ras; What power source?!
                      Dh; ..crap. forget i mentioned it.
                      Ras; Cmon Dh.
                      Dh; I built a generator with hellion knowledge. It is far greater at producing power than anything i have ever seen or built.
                      Ras; We have just obtained several adriani power cores.
                      Dh; Ah...good. yes good. We are only running at 35% efficiency and you are on par with us for now. Seems like the adriani have good power generation technology. Not even the Harrucians can keep up to 35% efficiency of my generator.
                      Ras; It is only because i have several cores. normal adriani ships only have one.
                      Dh; Yes, the same rule would apply to the harrucian technology, i see.
                      Anyway, we are looking for a piece of technology.
                      Ras; For what?
                      Dh; We are planning on placing this cityship at the heart of the new hyperion.
                      Ras; Merging those 2 ships would be astronomical!
                      Dh; I now. This will be at the heart of the ship, the control centre and habitance quarters. The rest of the ship will be entirely aimed to fight. It is basically the hyperion, but with an absolutely massive boost of power, system efficiency, weapons and shield technology.
                      Ras; Sounds cool enough to me. There are 150 beaver ships incoming, all upgraded with shadow technology.
                      Dh; The beavers are finally back?
                      Ras; Yeah. they have rebuilt since the shadows decimated them, and they have incorporated much shadow technology into their ships, makign them extremely powerfull.

                      2 weeks later

                      Dh; Finally it is done
                      *the cityship is in the middle of the HUGE hellion Supership, the Hyperion. She is back! better than ever! the ship is huge silver and green, with hundreds of weaons platforms*
                      Ras; Dh, the beavers are here.
                      Dh; Lets show thes ebeavers our upgraded ships ras!
                      Ras; Yeah!
                      Dh; BRING IT!
                      *the enterprise and Hyperion begin fighting the enemy ships, both ships being hit by tons of enemy fire but destroying over 90 ships ocmbined o teh first few minutes*

                      Dh; Bring beams online.
                      * i look to me left and right, and marks and watts are there. They survived, i beamed them into a shielded compartment!*
                      Watts; Gladly sir!
                      *beams shoot out of my ship, pure white and green, and slice up the enemy ships in seconds. With several more 304's and ZEUS class ships helping out, the battle is decisively over thanks to me and ras*

                      Ras; WOAH! thats some serious power you got goign dh.
                      Dh; You to ras.
                      Ras; Well, we have to get back out there. We only have a couple hundred ships, and the beavers ar eback on track. LEts get going.
                      Dh; Agreed. But first, there is something i must do. Marks, take us out.
                      *the hype enters a weird mist of light and dissapears, and in seconds is in another galaxy, where i destroyed the shadows species*

                      Dh; There is one thing, we must do.
                      Watts; Why are we back here?
                      Dh; Even though they were evil, they never left one of their kind behind. They were a fierce oponent and very prideful and loyal to themselves. Even after all this, i have some respect for them.
                      Watts; ...thats amazing sir. after all this, all they did, you still can do that.
                      Marks; they killed us off by the billions..
                      Dh; Just like us, there is more to them, than meets the eye.

                      *when i was on the highest plane, the shadows ascended there. they realised that they were not one with the universe until that moment and what they were doing was wrong. They exist with the Legonians now, and are no longer evil,and only i now this*

                      *i press a button on my chair, and a black hole is made exactly where the shadow fleet perished. it will be there forever*

                      Dh; Testament, to the shadows.
                      *the hype leaves*

                      Sig by Draygon.


                        Note. I agree with you Dh. welcome back C-Thor!!

                        Wells: Thanks for the ride C-Thor.

                        C-Thor: Where's G.T?

                        Wells: G.T is in a coma.

                        He motions back to the charred bridge.

                        C-Thor: Oh.

                        Then Ranger's ship drops out of Temporal drive.

                        Ranger: What happened to you guys?

                        Wells: Beavers, and lots of 'em.

                        Ranger: How many?

                        Wells: Five hundred.

                        Ranger: Darn beavers.


                          Welcome back C-Thor.

                          On the Oddyssey.
                          Ranger: What happened to G.T?
                          Wells: Half the bridge exploded.
                          Ranger: Well that was nice of the beavers.
                          Wells: Yeah.
                          Ranger: Well, I can only say one thing.
                          Wells: Which is?
                          Ranger: Revenge is sweet.
                          Wells: Indeed.
                          Ranger: Green.
                          Green: Yes sir?
                          Ranger: Beam Wells back to the Trojan and get us to the nearest beaver fleet.
                          Green: Yes sir.
                          Wells is beamed off the Oddyssey and we enter temporal drive. We drop out a few seconds later in front of two hundred unsuspecting beavers.
                          Ranger: Hail them.
                          Adams: Yes sir.
                          Ranger: This is commander Gate Ranger of the new,new Terra fleet.
                          Beaver commander: What do you want?
                          Ranger: Revenge.
                          BC: What?!
                          Ranger: Power weapons.
                          Green: Yes sir!
                          Ranger: Target their bridge.
                          Green: Yes sir.
                          Ranger: One last thing, were you the ones that went after a single Lantian vessel?
                          BC: Yes?
                          Ranger: Fire!
                          The Beaver bridge was instantly destroyed. All the other beavers open fire but they do little damage. The Oddyssey is ,however, spreading her justice to the beavers.
                          Ranger: You asked for it!
                          Green: Yes sir they did.
                          Ranger: Destroy them all.
                          Adams: Yes sir.
                          Within an hour the entire Beaver fleet is decimated.
                          Ranger: That was easy.
                          Green: Yes sir.
                          Ranger: Get us back to the fleet position.
                          Adams: Yes sir.
                          The Oddyssey jumps to temporal drive.

                          God Bless America


                            thanks for the greeting all. i hate my life gah >

                            any way sorry to be nit-picky already but it has been argued in science and tech that you cant increase power of a weapon due to it's capacitors having a limit but maybe only increase the rate of fire as the capacitors would recharges and discharge at an increased rate. only way your weaps and shield could be stronger DH was a bigger capacitor...which as Balthy is just a heavily upgraded 304 it is most likely.

                            again i'm sorry im just a physics lover and i had to get that across


                              Note:Okay Commander Thor. But we are "above" the phsyics. And why does your life suck?I love my life. I really <3333 my life!

                              General;Rasunda, one of our out lying outposts, has been attacked. It is protected by a shield. But it won't hold for long. It's about 30 beaver warships around the planet. Nothing to worry about.
                              Okay. Will do sir. Rasunda out.
                              Well then. I think that we should use our hyperdrive. It's been a while since we used it.
                              Larsson;Yes sir.
                              *The Enterprise goes to hyperspace*
                              *10 minutes later*
                              Larsson;We are about to go out of hyperspace.
                              Me on intercom;All hands, we are about to drop out of hyperspace. Prep for iminent combat. All hands to battle stations.
                              *The Enterprise drops out of hyperspace*
                              Beaver vessels, you are attacking a Terran colony. Stand down or be destroyed.
                              Beaver;We will do no such thing!
                              Major Cooper, please make thoose ships go away.
                              *The Enterprise opens up. With every thing it got. quickly destroying all but 2 ships. Which gets through the atmosphere. On a kamikaze*
                              Follow thoose ships! take them out!
                              *The Enterprise goes into the atmosphere as the 2 beaver ships closes in on the outpost. And it's a civilian out post. With a few milion people living there*
                              Cooper, take them out!
                              Cooper;I can't, we are to close to the coclony!
                              Do it anyway! FIRE!
                              *Cooper fires. Destroying 1 ship, which slam into the Enterprise, not the colony.*
                              Larsson;Sir, we are at 200 meters!The ship is another 150 meters away!We can't do this!
                              *The Enterprise fires. But as the ship disintegrates, it hits the colony, destroying it*
                              We are getting abit to close to the ground!
                              Larsson;I know!But since we upgraded, she is much more slugish!
                              Computer;Warning for iminent impact.
                              Get us uP!
                              Computer;50 meters.
                              Me on intercom;All hands brace for impact!
                              *The Enterprise slams to the ground. But there is no visible damage.*
                              *I wake up, and nothing is damaged. just some person damage.*

                              My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                                Originally posted by Commander Thor View Post
                                thanks for the greeting all. i hate my life gah >

                                any way sorry to be nit-picky already but it has been argued in science and tech that you cant increase power of a weapon due to it's capacitors having a limit but maybe only increase the rate of fire as the capacitors would recharges and discharge at an increased rate. only way your weaps and shield could be stronger DH was a bigger capacitor...which as Balthy is just a heavily upgraded 304 it is most likely.

                                again i'm sorry im just a physics lover and i had to get that across

                                didnt you read? The generator is the size of several football fields.

                                Sig by Draygon.

