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Return of the Ancients

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    I'm thinking the US got some inside info about an impending attack by the Chinese/Russians to seize the Stargate... far fetched but interesting since Jack even said things could get a bit dirty.


      I get the feeling Earth is going to


      If you want something a little more visual, here's the gist of what i see in my head.

      This is of course as long as the AAS doesn't come by and 'save us" from ourselves, which i think is likely given that we were prefaced with him "training" a la Jedi. Also Earth is the capital of the "Alterans" so of course the AAS is going to take an interest in whether it's a nuclear cesspool or not.

      I do think the Jaffa attack on teh chinese was pretty woeful. Why didn't the H'tel just beam away the gate immediately to capture EVERYONE?

      Ironically, both me and Aer'ki chose "Deja Vu" as the titles of our respective series Season 1 finales This leads me to believe that the "Deja Vu" in his instance is from "Full Alert" where the Goa'uld had infiltrated Russia. mine was obviously "The Eye" and "The Return p2"

      While it's nice to see technobabble explained in dialogue with some nice character stuff instead of the technical manual of before, it's getting that "script" feel again with little description of where they are or what they're doing.
      Last edited by Aragon101; 09 March 2010, 01:04 PM.
      Originally posted by Apostle's Message Redux
      Shepard understood. Given the situation, he wasn't sure that exposing the planet to this kind of secret was smart. Miranda had regaled him with stories of how horrible 20th century Earth sounded in her history lessons and it made him leery. "I agree, god knows what would happen if Grunt got loose."

      Joker snorted and muttered loudly. "Run! It's The Incredible Hulk! Kill it with fire!"
      Read the story ---- Apostle's Message Redux, ME/SG Crossover


        my version of how the asgard beams could work, aer'ki's physics style ...assuming the 'energy stasis' and that 'hyperspace bubble' don't dissipate instantly (i'm assuming the ship is generating the field to keep it in the hyperspace), asgard beams could work by encompassing the 'traveler' in both of those fields and launching/'cheating' him in the direction of end coordinates, the amount of 'energy fields' applied would determine how far the object would travel before 'decheating' and returning to this dimension... this also means that the more power one can 'imbue' into a 'traveler' the further he can be sent...
        ...look, fake physics

        edit: just realized that beaming to the ship doesn't work with this theory ... damn
        Last edited by NIMBUS; 09 March 2010, 07:47 AM. can't tell good from bad, which means that both concepts are abstract and don't matter... don't be afraid of acting on this knowledge...


          I'm getting the feeling that jack is going to ally himself with stevenson/bra'tac soon.


            Chapter 4 is up!

            Fingers crossed for Chapter 5 tomorrow.


              WOW..... chapter 4 was fantastic, I need chapter 5 asap before i bite my arm off.


                it would be awesome if aerki will start WW3 in chapter 5


                  Okay, that was a pretty good chapter, and I did not see that coming. Makes me really eager for chapter 5.


                    I think this whole "international coup" thing is a bit silly, to be honest. And even if that is the case, America has gradually been giving up control over the program for years. For everyone to suddenly be all gung-ho patriotic and anti-world seems a little strange, and if the President decides to give up the stargate, whatever the reason, what's the basis for Jack to go rogue? So what if it leaves American hands, considering most of the funding and direction behind the operation the past few years has been 90% IOA anyway?

                    To me it just doesn't add up, although I did like the George scene in general.
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                      What O'Neill stressed to the IOA and about why they have to disband is that they played the same political games out there that they play on Earth.

                      But the governments out there are in no mood for children's games, the threats are too great and things are to chaotic and unstable for the Taur'i to treat the galaxy as playground to experiment and do as much as they can, believing that there are no consequences.

                      But the Osser incident proves other wise, hell the Tok'ra were pissed beyond belief that the Taur'i will sign treaties it has no intention of following (which does not happen on Earth actually unless said treaties are made that vague to allow loop holes, which most have, more than likely they thought that the Tok'ra treaty was worded so strictly the IOA felt compliance was incompatible with their goals). Both the Jaffa and Tok'ra will not allow the nation states of the Taur'i to set up little fiefdoms across the galaxy and become the new Goa'uld.

                      O'Neill's point was the US went through this already with the NID and the Trust and paid the price. But they also gained valuable knowledge from their mistakes. The IOA on the other hand is too green and for all intents and purposes has been shielded from the consequences by the US.

                      The IOA is also chafing under the idea that the US is only defense minded in its policy toward the rest of the galaxy. It has trade and defense packs but cares too much (in the IOA's mind) about maintaining allies in case of outside threats. The IOA feels the galaxy, thanks to the Gou'ald and the Orii is theirs to be exploited. The nation states of Earth can move in and create vast empires like they did in the past, on the backs of weaker or more primitive cultures. Essentially take what happened during the cold war to the third world to the rest of the galaxy. China on Osser already created a banana republic (in this case the cash crop being narcotic space corn) to run as it pleases.

                      Jacks fear is that the moment the Gate is in a third world country administered by the IOA, the gloves come off (what ever restraint the IOA nations acted under before is gone) and they will make Earth the enemy of the Tok'ra and the Jaffa. Then the likes of the Ashen will walk in and wipe us from existence.

                      This is what Hammond didn't understand either the president (probably not Obama based on how far things have changed vs our time line) basically committing political suicide by giving up the US's only real leverage over the IOA. No American president stays in office if by his actions or inaction's he weakens the US that much.

                      So something is up.

                      Its ironic though since what Jack purposed to the IOA replacement is what the Russians (through Col. Chekhov) for years. To integrate international personal in all levels of the SGC. So that actions and decisions made by it and with in it reflect the goals of all the peoples of Earth.

                      I think this just typifies why the Gate has to go public, the light of public scrutiny can cause great problems but it also prevents many many others.


                        The goverments love to live the lie.

                        It would be quite an interesting development. It wouldn't impact the coming front against the Wraith, since Earth can't call the shots.


                          Originally posted by ussrelativity View Post
                          The goverments love to live the lie.

                          It would be quite an interesting development. It wouldn't impact the coming front against the Wraith, since Earth can't call the shots.
                          Given that pretty much everyone has better ships than Earth now, i think there's a much higher risk of Earth just self-pwning or walking assbackwards into a situation where only outside influence can save us. It's happened on SG before, so i can totally see that coming. Prediction? O'Neill might try and STEAL the stargate to keep it from being used, and leave Earth with only ships to move around. since most have been taken by Stevenson (Earth has what? 2-3 ATM?) their mobility is severely curtailed until they can steal another gate nearby.

                          See, if the IOA wanted a gate so badly, they could just steal one.

                          Actually, i just had a thoght, Janus is from the "future". He could easily tell Stevenons that Earth is about to self-pwn and he just shows up right on time to steal all the nukes away in mid-flight. maybe even claim it's the "rapture" or something. It could be used as a pretense for Stevenson to take the place of the messiah! Wow. i could so see this happening too
                          Originally posted by Apostle's Message Redux
                          Shepard understood. Given the situation, he wasn't sure that exposing the planet to this kind of secret was smart. Miranda had regaled him with stories of how horrible 20th century Earth sounded in her history lessons and it made him leery. "I agree, god knows what would happen if Grunt got loose."

                          Joker snorted and muttered loudly. "Run! It's The Incredible Hulk! Kill it with fire!"
                          Read the story ---- Apostle's Message Redux, ME/SG Crossover


                            I could see this happening.

                            We could find out sooner or later.


                              Chapter 5 is up.

                              It's a short chapter, but that's probably because it leads into the second half of the episode.


                                Awesome! 10/10

                                "For any of you poetic types…and you know who you are…the SGC just became the Alamo."

