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Return of the Ancients

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    Originally posted by Lant3an View Post
    I hope it's Janus.
    *fangirl mode* (BEWARE!!!! )

    I hope so! That would be great! And if it's not him, I reeeaaaally hope he appears in this story sometime. There are so few stories with him in it, it'd be nice of he was in this one at some point.


      well wat i cant wait for is the epic converstaion between janus and stevenson!!! finallyyy something stevenson doesnt know about xD


        As much as i would like the man to Janus or Author, What about an IOA rep. from the lab they run on the moon.


          Originally posted by Burns View Post
          What about an IOA rep. from the lab they run on the moon.
          'wat' ... 'da' 'fak'?
 can't tell good from bad, which means that both concepts are abstract and don't matter... don't be afraid of acting on this knowledge...


            Frelling awesome ending
            ...i have a feeling that janus wont share info with stevenson, at least as much or in a way that would prove that janus can be trusted completely(i think that janus wont project his memories via telepathy or something and ryan wont trust him).
            Lol he(janus) might be happy to see weir, at least he would be if he were human...
            Oh and janus has genetically enhanced himself to alterran level of evolution, cuz it seems that only they use the mind link.
   can't tell good from bad, which means that both concepts are abstract and don't matter... don't be afraid of acting on this knowledge...


              Ok I was wrong, but it would have been nice to hear more about the evil plans of the IOA. Way to go Janus is back. TPTB totally lost his story ark, and now he is back.


                so that planet was just a fighter base? 'Cause it seems like that were 'tracking' the large ships some where else.


                  New chapter was good, it was especially nice to see Janus again. I am very interested to see why he and Stevenson talk about.


                    Originally posted by Serenity000 View Post
                    so that planet was just a fighter base? 'Cause it seems like that were 'tracking' the large ships some where else.
                    That or masking a fleet of large ships either on the planet or in orbit is difficult for them.

                    Plus having a Carrier base somewhere within a few minutes Hyperspace jump would prevent the bulk of their large ship fleet from being wiped out due to an Orbital bombardment situation.


                      WHAT?! JANUS?
                      I must say,I did NOT see this one coming.

                      Amazing job so far.


                        where is your artwork then for I cannot find it.


                        Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                          Alright, we clearly have a difference of opinion here - the mods are talking with those involved to sort it all out, in the meantime, as you will be aware, we do NOT permit namecalling and slurs here. Keep it friendly or we'll gag everyone involved.
                          Any problems please report the post/contact the mods. Clear?


                            Originally posted by kiwigater View Post
                            Alright, we clearly have a difference of opinion here - the mods are talking with those involved to sort it all out, in the meantime, as you will be aware, we do NOT permit namecalling and slurs here. Keep it friendly or we'll gag everyone involved.
                            Any problems please report the post/contact the mods. Clear?

                            "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                              new chapter!!! i love it!



                                ........... yeah, what I said.

