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Return of the Ancients

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    Jeeze, this is why fan fanaticism scares me..
    if you are talking about me, i don't know where you got that fanaticism bit from, but you are totally wrong. yes i like this fan-fic and it's the best i've read, but it has nothing to do with what i wrote in previous few pages.
    what you mis-toke as fanaticism was nothing more than little defending, because to me it looked like a brutal attacking and i don't like seeing people(not in this case) being attacked... now that i see it was a 'constructive criticism' i'l stop voicing my opinion in this matter...
    Last edited by NIMBUS; 27 September 2009, 09:42 AM. can't tell good from bad, which means that both concepts are abstract and don't matter... don't be afraid of acting on this knowledge...


      Originally posted by Aragon101/Loneranger-1
      but any writer wishing to improve will treat a detailed review with concrit and suggestions (as i've done) like gold!

      I'm interested in everyone's HONEST opinions, whether they're positive or negative. If you think I've done a great job, I want to hear it. If you think I screwed something up, I want to hear it.

      Everyone: Don't berate those that disagree with your opinion...argue the points, not with the person.

      Also, don't treat those that like the story as mindless minions. If you want them to respect your opinions, respect theirs.

      P.S. I figure if people are arguing over what I wrote, then I accomplished my objective. I don't want stories that are obvious or predictable, and if people are seeing different angles that's good for me.

      On occasion you come up with something better than I was planning.
      Stargate: ROTA wiki


        You know you've accomplished real success when the fanbase starts going at each other about what happens in the story.

        I wonder if I can make that happen with mine. Something tells me with what I've already got planned will do just that.


          once u said it was almost like erosion i understood when i read that part i got the impression that stevenson moved the entirety of hte iris forward which would of allowed the full kawoosh to form. It was a well written chapter what i didnt like so much about it was taht u didnt really elaborate as to wat the other groups did while they were encarcerated or what ellis did... although they probably jsut sat there doing nothing. Overall the story in my opinon was well portrayed, i was able to imagine wat was happening whihc is good but i still feel that stevenson is a bit overpowered, yes he is an Alteran but almost everything has been going good for him latley (aside from what he learned from woolsey) plus this is only the beginning and he is basically alone i would have figured there would be problem after problem for him.


            In my opinion, all this seeing to the other side of the gate is uncalled for. Couldn't he have just telekineticly push the iris forward a millimeter and then kawoosh?

            And the wraith are being quiet.. too quiet. You think an armada of hyperspace capable warships would have come to their attention by now.

            Aside from that, I'm with s09, the changes are a bit disconcerting, the IOA was never outright evil (unless they've been taken over by some Mysterious Man/Organization/Aliens), neither was Wolsey.


              Originally posted by Alx
              i didnt mean it like that m8 =/

              well i understood it perfectly...
              i too understood it
              Originally posted by Aragon101/Loneranger-1

              Aer'ki knows my opinion and i've given him my ConCrit, its up to him whether he takes it or not and that's as far as i can go. Alot of people are enjoying this fic and it's not my place t say whether it's right or wrong. My reviews so far have been opinions. not flames.

              Just because i'm not fushing all over myself going "omg this is lik umptybillion times bettar than canon' and worshipping at Aer"ki's feet doesn't mean i don't enjoy it and wanna keep reading.

              However i can say that in my opinion this is what i think. and honestly what i've written in my reviews IS what i think. Aer knows i love the concept, just not his delivery. and that's okay. We have different style and different thoughts on "What is Stargate" as well as some chracters THAT"S ALRIGHT.

              If he thinks Daniel would turn his back on Sam in a plot to get her to understand, that's his opinion and i can respect it, i don't agree with it, but i'll respect it.

              I've refrained from starting an argument simply because i don't see why you're being so defensive. Writers thrive on ConCrit, Maybe in the beginning they love the "Great Job!" Reviews,but any writer wishing to improve will treat a detailed review with concrit and suggestions (as i've done) like gold! It's up to Aer now whether he listens to it or not.

              So put the handbag down, give the same respect we've given you, and understand that not everyone is going to love this fic to the same level you do.
              XD i actually lol'ed at that last paragraph
              Originally posted by s09119 View Post
              Jeeze, this is why fan fanaticism scares me... people, honestly, you have no idea how infuriating it can sometimes be to post a story, check back a day later, and see nothing but "OMFG THAT WAS THE BEST THING EVER WRITTEN YOU ARE GOD" when you know that there must be things you could improve on. When your readers just begin gushing your praises and anyone who points out a potential flaw is screamed at and verbally castrated, it's enough to make you a little hesitant to continue.

              The only reason the characterization really stood out here is because, even though it may have been 2 years, we haven't seen the characters evolve and change, and have been given no indication that their basic personalities are now radically different. Had we watched two years of these people begin to slip towards the "evil" side, it wouldn't be so jarring, but we haven't, and so it is. Besides, it's only an opinion, there's no need to get so hostile over it. The majority of the episodes posted are very good and thoroughly entertaining, it's just that the last two slipped a little IMO.
              crap i'm supposed to put a proper reveiw on your fic about parting of ways

              sorry i totally forgot


                Originally posted by Commander Thor View Post
                crap i'm supposed to put a proper reveiw on your fic about parting of ways

                sorry i totally forgot
                Haha, it's not a big deal or anything. I don't havea "review each episode or face certain death" policy in place xD

                Although speaking of reviews, I forget; does the website where Aer'ki posts the episode allow for reviews? I'd be interested to see what non-GateWorld readers are saying if so.
                Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
                Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


                  Originally posted by s09119 View Post
                  Haha, it's not a big deal or anything. I don't havea "review each episode or face certain death" policy in place xD

                  Although speaking of reviews, I forget; does the website where Aer'ki posts the episode allow for reviews? I'd be interested to see what non-GateWorld readers are saying if so.
                  yeah it does...and also i sort told you i would, but a Q what did you think of my "crap" reveiw directly after PoW pt2? (your last ep of S15)


                    So do you think the repository they are going after will be removed from it's place on the planet and moved to earth? If it is then they will be visiting earth again, and this visit won't be so quiet...
                    Btw, i got to say one thing in darth-waider-stevenson subject - i don't want him to go evil, because, he will probably be defeated and everthing will go back to normal, and normal isn't fun... ok he will probably be beaten by alterrans he made and they will remain, but it's not the same.
                    Last edited by NIMBUS; 29 September 2009, 07:39 AM.
           can't tell good from bad, which means that both concepts are abstract and don't matter... don't be afraid of acting on this knowledge...


                      By now the repository must have been extracted by Earth (assuming they have the means to actually do that. I may have to rewatch The Fifth Race and Lost City again for that.)
                      Last edited by ussrelativity; 29 September 2009, 08:48 AM.


                        I think that it has to be something extremely disgusting and disgraceful to make up for what happened at the end of chapter five. But that still isn't really enough to snap Woolsey's neck though. I think that this is turning more and more into a 'Heroes storyline'. It starts off wonderful and interesting, (you look around wondering what the H*** is going on here?) then it starts to unravel and the writers start to loose the plot of things. After reading through chapter 5 again, I realised that most of what AVFan said is correct.
                        Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                          Oh, and just another point that I completely forgot about- Why did McKay go back to Earth? I thought he had said something in Ch.4 about there being nothing to go back for because he had already been gone for so long.

                          Just something I was thinking about...

                          Proud supporter of His holy BAGness!


                            Yea what stevenson said about mckay seemed suspicious to me aswell... i say that mckay is working as a part time double agent
                   can't tell good from bad, which means that both concepts are abstract and don't matter... don't be afraid of acting on this knowledge...


                              I think that would be the 'cool twist' in you sig.
                              Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                                Originally posted by Guest750 View Post
                                I'll just say again. You know how in the episode "The Game" there was mention ofvarious different planets, some of which had been wiped out, Wouldn't the planets with no civilization be great for outposts and the others for building a power basis?
                                Answer pwease?
                                Originally posted by Craig Charles
                                "And the 'replicator' has just entered Sir Killalot's corner and Killalot is...urm...wait a minute... Sir Killalot has just been eaten by the 'replicator' and now there's two of them..."

