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Return of the Ancients

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    Originally posted by Lant3an View Post
    Aer'ki a question for you... a bit offtopic but still... Do alterrans have any hair on their bodies, you know, evolution and stuff....?
    btw, are you a vegetarian?
    Well, to answer in the obvious, they do have hair on their heads.

    As for body hair, that's up to the individual. It's customizable the same way they can change their hair color, skin color, etc with their genetic manipulation machine, so if they don't want facial hair, they can just 'turn off' the folicals so they don't have to shave.

    To be more specific, Alterrans converted from the seed species do have body hair until they choose to be rid of it. (Ryan, Sheppard, O'Neill, etc) Alterran children are born without it, but their skin still possessed the capability of growing folicals, so they can get their gotees later if they want. Whatever their parents had, they'll have, including hair and skin color, but on a large level, most Alterrans didn't have body hair, so the children would be born without it.

    As for the vegetarian question...I really hate vegetables.

    I grew up eating meat without thinking about where it came from. Chicken and Turkey were foods growing up, not animals, so I got used to eating meat as food. Only later did it start to gross me out when I'd occasionally put two and two together and 'feel' the source. Most of the time the meat is processed so it doesn't look like muscle tissue, it just looks like food. A hamburger doesn't look like an animal, just a part of a sandwich because that's what I grew up with.

    Today I don't eat much meat, but if I'm with family and they cooked up Ham or something for dinner I'll eat it since I already have the habits from my childhood days, but only because I know my eating it won't cause an extra animal to die. If a certain member of my family, who shall go nameless, asks me if I want chicken for dinner and they go out to their farm and chop the head off one of the live ones to eat a few hours later, I'll flat out refuse. The chicken may still die for someone else, but I'll have no part in that.

    I'd hazard a guess that if my parents hadn't fed me meat when I was young, I wouldn't touch it now unless I absolutely had to.

    Ask yourself this question: You're on an island with no food. You can go out into the jungle and hope to find nuts and berries or fruit, but someone comes up and offers you a hamburger made of Human meat. What's your reaction?

    The person it came from is already dead, that stays the same regardless of whether you eat or not, so that's not an issue. Would you take it, or deem it unacceptable?

    If I hadn't been fed meat as a kid, I think I'd react the same way to a beef hamburger.
    Stargate: ROTA wiki


      i hear human flesh tastes similar to pig.
      i would personally find human-hamburger funny, although i don't know if i would have the courage to eat it . lol another twisted thought - i think i would have less problems with eating female flesh i would find it less disgusting for sure

      lol love this subject

      yea this post is pretty pointless, but probably funny to read, so you're welcome can't tell good from bad, which means that both concepts are abstract and don't matter... don't be afraid of acting on this knowledge...


        i hear human flesh tastes similar to pig.
        i would personally find human-hamburger funny, although i don't know if i would have the courage to eat it . lol another twisted thought - i think i would have less problems with eating female flesh i would find it less disgusting for sure

        lol love this subject

        yea this post is pretty pointless, but probably funny to read, so you're welcome
        I have to say that is a little creepy


          i know it sounds creepy, but when you consider that the only thing that's making it seam that way are your instincts which are total bull**** it doesn't seam so outrageous... i of course can't beat them but it would be cool, that doesn't mean i want to eat human flesh though
 can't tell good from bad, which means that both concepts are abstract and don't matter... don't be afraid of acting on this knowledge...


            new chapter is up,

            and i must say aer'ki, even the earth missions are starting to pop, i take back what i said before.

            a very interesting plot twist that we finally have a vp which can understand the stargate program.

            i also have a feeling that sooner or later the stargate must be revealed, if its another 1492, then there will be millions of people going to the stars, for a better life. i think they will need a few more 304's, perhaps a new earth ship?


              Is it me or some more people cleared out of here. Their loss haha


                I'm starting to like the Earth front more.

                I'm guessing that the Wraith are trying their same tactics as the last time they attacked Atlantis.


                  I have a feeling the from what aerki has told us and from recent chapters that the alterra lordliness will be their Achilles heel. Since in effect they consider themselves superior than everyone else without actually saying it.

                  Oh and good job on chapter 2! I loved how the USA essentially stuck it to the IOA
                  Are there any plans for a russian-american alliance? and how many nations already have colonies that are able to produce ships?


                    [QUOTE=Aer'ki;11804462]As for the vegetarian question...I really hate vegetables.

                    I grew up eating meat without thinking about where it came from. Chicken and Turkey were foods growing up, not animals, so I got used to eating meat as food. Only later did it start to gross me out when I'd occasionally put two and two together and 'feel' the source. Most of the time the meat is processed so it doesn't look like muscle tissue, it just looks like food. A hamburger doesn't look like an animal, just a part of a sandwich because that's what I grew up with.

                    Today I don't eat much meat, but if I'm with family and they cooked up Ham or something for dinner I'll eat it since I already have the habits from my childhood days, but only because I know my eating it won't cause an extra animal to die. If a certain member of my family, who shall go nameless, asks me if I want chicken for dinner and they go out to their farm and chop the head off one of the live ones to eat a few hours later, I'll flat out refuse. The chicken may still die for someone else, but I'll have no part in that.

                    a rather admirable set of ethics concerning eating meat, Aer-ki
                    curious now--u hate vegetables but rarely eat meat so what do u nourish urself with?
                    If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

                    RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


                      It occurred to me.

                      There is way for Stevenson to find what the Aurora was looking for.

                      He could hack the Lantian High Council records for the Aurora's exact mission specifics and where it went.

                      In fact it would make a great side story if he sent another ship to retrace the mission. We could find out where it went, how it got so badly damaged and why the Wraith didn't know where it was till 10,000 years later when Atlantis forced its beacon on again.

                      Hell, it could be as Matt said. The High Council suspected that their was a real Wraith home world and sent the Aurora there. What the Aurora found is what got it nearly destroyed and forgotten by galaxy. The secret flaw in Wraith tech.


                        told you o'neill will be playing golf
                        i kinda like this unexpected new chapters more then 5 chapters 5 days. Its like i when i come home after a hard day and there is a notification for a new chapter
                        Makes my day


                          I do hope for a follow-up to the Aurora mission.

                          I think there could be a well-thought out idea on the nature of the Aurora's mission objectives relating to the Wraith technological weakness.


                            Interesting developments here. Glad to see the american's finally puting up the fingers to the IOA. BTW, Aer'ki, Can you tell us which countries have ships, and which have colonies?

                            "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                              aer'ki just a quick question are you going to publish this story and make it into a book?, as I would def buy it, and no doubt alot of other people will aswell.
                              sigpicIf The Simpsons ever get on Stargate


                                Originally posted by StargateWatcher View Post

                                a rather admirable set of ethics concerning eating meat, Aer-ki
                                curious now--u hate vegetables but rarely eat meat so what do u nourish urself with?

                                Seriously though, most foods don't fall into the meat/vegetables catagories anyway. I usually get hungry for two things, at different times. Something Carb-heavy, or something Sugar-heavy. I also eat protein bars(chocolate covered ) I'm not really a big 'meal' person, so I just eat whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like it, so a lot of the time it's just munching. Chips, Pretzels, Granola bars, Bagels, Candy, COOKIES, cereal...add in prepared stuff like mac and cheese, bread sticks, pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, and you've got lots of stuff to eat that aren't meat/veggies.

                                Originally posted by IWKYZerocool View Post
                                aer'ki just a quick question are you going to publish this story and make it into a book?, as I would def buy it, and no doubt alot of other people will aswell.
                                I can't publish a stargate book with TPTB's permission. They own the rights, or MGM does, so that's not an option unless they ok it. And I don't have a line of communication with whoever that would be, so...

                                It would be nice if I could publish season 1 as a novel, but unless ROTA attracts the right person's attention that's not going to be possible.
                                Stargate: ROTA wiki

