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Stargate: Golden Dawn

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    Great episode!!!

    My fan-fic, swedish outpost


      very good please continue
      check my story's:
      Battlestar group 16
      and Under Siege
      and respond at:
      Battlestar group 16 (For BSG 16 and Under siege)
      my newest story:
      TFS Ticonderoga
      and respond at:
      TFS Ticonderoga


        I am about 2 chapters behind and trying to catch up after my college orientation camp. You are doing great Amann.

        Dr. D
        God is the original transporter.

        Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

        He is also the author of love and justice:

        Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

        John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


          that was a really good episode i hope u don't change the earth ships too much though


            hey saving thread


              I have to address this rather unfair review. Seems like someone has a stick up their.....nvm. I don't mind bad reviews all that much, but jeez, it seems like he ignores the fact that it is AU. Plus he isn't reviewing the content of the story and how well it is written or not.

              1st off Anubis did not get his hans on Asgaurd tech until AFTER Daniels Ascension. 2nd maybe you should warn people that you are crossing over with some dipstick weapon supposedly from another dimension that had no place in the SG universe. Third we know the Ancients and Ori split several million years before present time because Atlantis left Earth a couple million years before present to go to the pegusus galaxy After the plaque nearly wiped out the Ancient civilasation spread throughout the milky way.

              1st off, the current point of time in the story is mid season 7 thus far. It doesn't seem like a long time, but with all the war and turmoil going on, trust me, time has passed. (Since it started in mid season 5). Even if that didn't occur, this is Alternate Universe fanfic, which the timeline is going to be different anyway....

              2nd, well I can't really call it a crossover since we never see the Protoss, just a weapon in passing. The presence of a weapon is necessary since Anubis can't take on Ancient warships even with the upgraded Ha'taks he has. He can only take on old Beliskner class Asgard warships, not the newer O'Neill class, which he ran from. And the Ancients and Alesians happen to be superior in technological advancement. Plus the Protoss also give the weapons a mystic quality you wont find in some mysterious race that I make the Protoss connection in ChiYou helps make the story unique. Besides, it would ruin the story if I decided to have named it a crossover, where is the suspense and surprise if I told you what sort of weapon Anubis was using to win on the description.

              3rd, The timing is somewhat off, but I made it 20k years instead of a few million for plot purposes. I did that because if the Alesians were having millions of years to consolidate an empire, the Goa'uld would never have arisen. Plus the Alesians can't really be an aggressive empire if all it can do is take 1/3rd of a galaxy in millions of years. Besides, the small empire would have needed to survive the plague by being small, since instant lockdown and quarentine, which saved them. They managed to develop a cure and immunity to the initial virus, but it was too late for the ancients by the time they figured it out.


              ^ My new fanfic ^ Enjoy and please subscribe!

              (Shameless advertising ftw)


                Originally posted by Amann View Post
                I have to address this rather unfair review. Seems like someone has a stick up their.....nvm. I don't mind bad reviews all that much, but jeez, it seems like he ignores the fact that it is AU. Plus he isn't reviewing the content of the story and how well it is written or not.


                1st off, the current point of time in the story is mid season 7 thus far. It doesn't seem like a long time, but with all the war and turmoil going on, trust me, time has passed. (Since it started in mid season 5). Even if that didn't occur, this is Alternate Universe fanfic, which the timeline is going to be different anyway....

                2nd, well I can't really call it a crossover since we never see the Protoss, just a weapon in passing. The presence of a weapon is necessary since Anubis can't take on Ancient warships even with the upgraded Ha'taks he has. He can only take on old Beliskner class Asgard warships, not the newer O'Neill class, which he ran from. And the Ancients and Alesians happen to be superior in technological advancement. Plus the Protoss also give the weapons a mystic quality you wont find in some mysterious race that I make the Protoss connection in ChiYou helps make the story unique. Besides, it would ruin the story if I decided to have named it a crossover, where is the suspense and surprise if I told you what sort of weapon Anubis was using to win on the description.

                3rd, The timing is somewhat off, but I made it 20k years instead of a few million for plot purposes. I did that because if the Alesians were having millions of years to consolidate an empire, the Goa'uld would never have arisen. Plus the Alesians can't really be an aggressive empire if all it can do is take 1/3rd of a galaxy in millions of years. Besides, the small empire would have needed to survive the plague by being small, since instant lockdown and quarentine, which saved them. They managed to develop a cure and immunity to the initial virus, but it was too late for the ancients by the time they figured it out.
                ok. tell him to get in contact with me. ill pass on the mesage. and when can we expect next eppy?


                  I've just been catching up lately. Great story, I really like how you describe the Alesians. They are a very interesting race. The only part I don't like is the part about Janus being evil... *pouts*


                    i didnt get the whole janus thing either since he was an ancient and isnt an ori.


                      Originally posted by _Famrir_ View Post
                      i didnt get the whole janus thing either since he was an ancient and isnt an ori.


                        i would of preferred either one of the councilman we saw on Atlantis or an entirely new character since Janus seemed really nice to weir and all.


                          Originally posted by _Famrir_ View Post
                          i would of preferred either one of the councilman we saw on Atlantis or an entirely new character since Janus seemed really nice to weir and all.
                          That's what I think too. How about Moros? I hated him anyway.


                            i think moros was merlin so that wouldn't work out


                              Originally posted by _Famrir_ View Post
                              i think moros was merlin so that wouldn't work out
                              Dang it, he really got on my nerves... Well since the story hasn't really had much of the Ori anyway, it could work.


                                Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
                                I've just been catching up lately. Great story, I really like how you describe the Alesians. They are a very interesting race. The only part I don't like is the part about Janus being evil... *pouts*
                                about isnt the janus we know. It is a much older Ancient. There are two januses. One is the Ancient one, but i was intending this for a plot device...Janus in my story is a name applied to many people, just like there are many people named John or Joe.(i will spoil it below, so you can't complain i revealed anything )

                                Janus of the Ancients is a descendent of the Ori Janus. Ori Janus is a much older ascended than Janus in Atlantis is. Also why they look alike. Amann and Ancient Janus will meet eventually, but Amann will think him an enemy, before Ancient Janus helps him to combat Ori Janus.


                                ^ My new fanfic ^ Enjoy and please subscribe!

                                (Shameless advertising ftw)

