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Jack/Sam Fic Recs

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    Originally posted by UncommonDissent View Post
    Hey there! I'm an old-newbie here. I had an account on here awhile ago when the show was active and posted a lot during season eight. I remember when "Threads" and "Moebius" came out and a lot of squeeing. Anyway, I forgot my old account password, etc. and so made a new one. I have recently rediscovered my love for Sam and Jack and have been trying to add to my small bit of fic I have on my hard drive.

    Anywho, I have two requests for anyone willing to help a newb. out: one) I'd like some good fic recs and some of the vest authors/stories out there since, as you can imagine, there's a plethora to go through out there. I like Sam and Jack stories, of course, and I'll take mostly anything except I'm not a big angst person, and I prefer, at minimum: no sad or depressing ending, no fics where the majority of the thing makes you want to read your garments and sob in a corner-a little bit of angst is fine for seasoning, drama is fine too and I don't mind those. Also, no character deaths of Sam or Jack. My favorite types of stories have excellent metapohor, I like introspective pieces and family fics, but mostly, if it has good drama and humor too, I'm in! Haha

    Secondly, I have some old fic stored on my drive from an author named Annunaki. She is great! But, sadly, I'm missing pieces of her work from what I've gathered here. Like a couple of her series and whatnot. I was hoping some kind soul might have copies they'd be willing to share? I've actually had some great people share old fics with me before when I was on here so I'm hopeful some wonderful person will help me out and not leave me hanging on those stories. If so, I can list what I have. Thanks so much, everybody.
    My favorite team/action S/J story is definitely jadedfirefly's The Ninth Chevron. This story has everything: action, adventure, whump, romance, humor, a complex storyline and many returning minor characters (plus it has Ba'al as the baddie, so you can't go wrong there). Also, I promise you that there is a happy ending, even if at the end it doesn't feel like it.

    Hope you're finding some great stuff to read!
    The Return of King Arthur
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      You'll find that most of us writers are more than happy to share our fic with new readers. (Especially those who can use the word "plumb" correctly. Ha ha!)

      You're welcome! Have fun finding new stuff! (And, if you're interested, a link to my fic is below my sig. Enjoy!)
      AKA was one of the writers that I was about to suggest, UncommmonDissent! She has angst, but blends it well with humor and things do tend to work out for the best in the end.

      There are also links to our masterlist of fics around here somewhere -divided by catagory. Um...can someone help me out with that linky? Hedwig?

      EDIT: Also polrobin is fabulous!!! Check out the Campfire stories!!
      sig by Ikorni

      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


        Sure! Thanks! And I'll definitely check out your fic, too!


          Hey! Thanks a bunch! I'll add it to my reading list. It sounds pretty good from the description! I am so far! Thanks!


            Sweet! I'll definitely read hers. She and try polrobin'so too. I love finding great new fic and writers! Thanks again, guys for being so kind and helping a girl out. You rock!


              Wow! A truly impressive list! Thank you so much. This is a great help! You guys are great!


                Hey there, Hedwig! So, I tried to pm you, but I don't see a link by my welcome box. Do you know how I access it? I'm so happy for your help and grateful. It's really awesome how much help I've already been given from so many kind and friendly people here, including you. One of the best fandoms I've ever been in (and I've been in some good ones!). <3


                  UD, you'll have to wait until you're no longer a probie to PM people. So keep making those posts!

                  If you're going to allow yourself to be offended by a cat, you might as well just pack it in -- Steven Brust


                    I think you need about 10 or 15 posts.
                    Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                    Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                    On FFnet or AO3

                    My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                      Ah, okay. Thanks a bunch!


                        Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                        A nice tag to 1969

                        Chance Encounter by ShoeQueen
                        Aww, that's me! Thanks so much! I love 1969. It's so funny and different.
                        FF Name ~ Shoe Queen

                        Read my 2014 Sam and Jack Multimedia Awards nominated fics!

                        I Saw Three Ships
                        What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
                        Staying Behind
                        Always Find You
                        Paper Flowers
                        The Things We Want
                        Have Yourself a Shippy Little Christmas


                          Okay, this is an old thread, but I'm hoping someone can help me. Some friends of mine and I are wondering if there are any fics that deal with the shower scene when Jack was invisible in 200. There's a debate about why Sam seemed irritated that he's there. I think it's because he's been there so many times, and it's getting old, but others have different opinions. They're wrong of course. Anyway, now we want to see if any fic writers have taken a stab at this, and want to see how they handled it.

                          Oh, also I read a stranded fic a long time ago, that I liked, but didn't favorite. Jack and Sam get left behind because of a gate malfunction (IIRC), and Sam fell into an underground cave, and got badly hurt. Jack went in after her, but they couldn't get out. He takes care of her, and when she's feeling better (but not recovered), works to rig up their radio to get a better signal. Jack climbs up the slick walls above a pool to put the antenna up, but falls into the pool, and gets hurt on the way down. Sam struggles to get him out of the cold pool, but can barely manage. They are both injured and cold, and don't think they're going to make it. Daniel and Teal'c find them. Does anyone know what this is???
                          FF Name ~ Shoe Queen

                          Read my 2014 Sam and Jack Multimedia Awards nominated fics!

                          I Saw Three Ships
                          What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
                          Staying Behind
                          Always Find You
                          Paper Flowers
                          The Things We Want
                          Have Yourself a Shippy Little Christmas


                            Originally posted by Jack'sMajorGirl View Post
                            Okay, this is an old thread, but I'm hoping someone can help me. Some friends of mine and I are wondering if there are any fics that deal with the shower scene when Jack was invisible in 200. There's a debate about why Sam seemed irritated that he's there. I think it's because he's been there so many times, and it's getting old, but others have different opinions. They're wrong of course. Anyway, now we want to see if any fic writers have taken a stab at this, and want to see how they handled it.
                            I doubt she's annoyed because it's happened many times, since she wouldn't remember each time it happened.

                            Oh, also I read a stranded fic a long time ago, that I liked, but didn't favorite. Jack and Sam get left behind because of a gate malfunction (IIRC), and Sam fell into an underground cave, and got badly hurt. Jack went in after her, but they couldn't get out. He takes care of her, and when she's feeling better (but not recovered), works to rig up their radio to get a better signal. Jack climbs up the slick walls above a pool to put the antenna up, but falls into the pool, and gets hurt on the way down. Sam struggles to get him out of the cold pool, but can barely manage. They are both injured and cold, and don't think they're going to make it. Daniel and Teal'c find them. Does anyone know what this is???
                            This fic is "Seven Days", plus sequel. I'll get a link to it, though it's probably in the "Stranded on Another Planet" list of fics.

                            Seven Days by dietcokechic
                            Seven Days: The Return Home by dietcokechic

