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Jack/Sam Fic Recs

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    This will not be to everyone's liking, but it's an interesting and (I thought) well written fic about Sam and Jack "together", but not together. It raised some very emotional comments on the s/j ship thread, but in my opinion, it's worth reading.

    We're Growing Apart, but We Pull It Together

    NOTE: It is different because Jack and Sam break up, but decide to live together anyway as friends, and they create an interesting and different kind of life, AND they are happy with what they've created.

    If you aren't open minded or tolerant, then don't read it. But don't be discouraged from reading it because others hated it.
    Last edited by hedwig; 22 February 2013, 03:54 PM.


      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      This will not be to everyone's liking, but it's an interesting and (I thought) well written fic about Sam and Jack "together", but not together. It raised some very emotional comments on the s/j ship thread, but in my opinion, it's worth reading.

      We're Growing Apart, but We Pull It Together
      I just think those who are considering reading this should know that Sam and Jack break up and DO NOT get back together. IMO it is NOT a happy ending. Nor would I consider this a ship friendly fic. In fact, I would label it very anti-ship.

      I felt like I was duped into reading it by a deceptive title and summary. After reading it I felt both angry and unhappy. It was very upsetting to me. I have provided my opinion only so that others know what they are getting into and can judge accordingly.
      Last edited by hlndncr; 22 February 2013, 04:35 PM.


        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        I just think those who are considering reading this should know that Sam and Jack break up and DO NOT get back together. IMO it is NOT a happy ending. Nor would I consider this a ship friendly fic. In fact, I would label it very anti-ship.
        There are great angsty ship fics that don't have a happy ending; imho hedwig's fic rec was a great read, wonderful written. Actually it was much more shippy than what we had on the show post S8...


          Originally posted by siles View Post
          There are great angsty ship fics that don't have a happy ending; imho hedwig's fic rec was a great read, wonderful written. Actually it was much more shippy than what we had on the show post S8...
          If your definition of angst is "an acute feeling of dread, anguish or remorse" then that is exactly how I feel in relation to this story.



            Let's remember please that there's no such thing as a right opinion or wrong opinion, peoples' opinions are their opinions. Respect them please. Don't go taking each other to task for not agreeing with you.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
              If your definition of angst is "an acute feeling of dread, anguish or remorse" then that is exactly how I feel in relation to this story.
              i haven't read the fic (i started to, but readers reviews let me know how it ended) and plan not to. no matter how well written this fic may be, i think this is one of the things shippers are the most afraid of, of the sam/jack pairing being reduced to friends-only.

              this is really why i won't read it.



                I gave it a go but stopped at the end of chapter 8. What I found interesting, if not compelling, was the idea that they were "not together". For the life of me I couldn't figure out in what ways they weren't together aside from not having a sexual relationship and emphatically declaring that they weren't together. They live together, they love one another (though not as they once did by one character's admission - and someone point me to a relationship where you feel exactly the same about someone 10 and more years later; relationships change over time - it's not necessarily right or wrong, but they do change), the consider one another in decisions, they're involved in the day to day of one another's lives...they're together. But that's just my opinion.
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                  Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                  Thank you for the RST.
                  you're welcome...there will be more...i want to continue with seeing the situation through both characters' POV

                  Part 4 is here
                  Last edited by drewandian; 22 February 2013, 07:50 PM. Reason: added fic link
                  My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                    Yes, indeed, that was and probably still is, a main argument of the anti-shippers, that they were friends only, citing scenes and dialogue that we know so well can be twisted another way if they wish to, and they do. Of course, that is what the script writers intended--show just enough to tease the ship fans--so the show can go on and on and on sans out and out resolution. The one scene that might have silenced some of the anti-shippers was cut and even it did not mention Jack by name. Sigh.

                    Of course, fic authors have the right to do their stories as they wish, and shippers have the right to not read them. We just would like to be forewarned.


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      This will not be to everyone's liking, but it's an interesting and (I thought) well written fic about Sam and Jack "together", but not together. It raised some very emotional comments on the s/j ship thread, but in my opinion, it's worth reading.

                      We're Growing Apart, but We Pull It Together

                      NOTE: It is different because Jack and Sam break up, but decide to live together anyway as friends, and they create an interesting and different kind of life, AND they are happy with what they've created.

                      If you aren't open minded or tolerant, then don't read it. But don't be discouraged from reading it because others hated it.
                      I'm a Sam/Jack shipper, and I loved this story. So thank you for recommending it. There's more than one type of happy ending, and it's clear to me that Sam and Jack mean the world for each other. And that's the most important thing.


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        This will not be to everyone's liking, but it's an interesting and (I thought) well written fic about Sam and Jack "together", but not together. It raised some very emotional comments on the s/j ship thread, but in my opinion, it's worth reading.

                        We're Growing Apart, but We Pull It Together

                        NOTE: It is different because Jack and Sam break up, but decide to live together anyway as friends, and they create an interesting and different kind of life, AND they are happy with what they've created.

                        If you aren't open minded or tolerant, then don't read it. But don't be discouraged from reading it because others hated it.
                        I liked it. I don't see it as a non-ship-friendly-fic. They may not be getting between the sheets together (except when they do to cuddle), but neither is with anyone else and they are wonderfully close. While I usually read fic where they are together, it is that closeness and loving interaction I like about them so much, and a good friendSHIP fic can make the grade.

                        However, as another poster said above, I'm having difficulty understanding how they are not together. Neither of them appears to be the least bit interested in anyone else or in looking for anyone else, and they seem to be together in every way except for sharing a bed/bedroom. I could understand it if when they started having sex it just felt wrong to them, but then you have that line where Jack says "chemistry was never our issue" or something like that. So what is the issue then? Generally the best real life marriages are between people can who say "I married my best friend." That is pretty much how you've portrayed Jack and Sam here, except they aren't actually married, and are both probably fairly sexually frustrated. I don't get it.


                          A couple of new fics:

                          Bad Weather by BlackCat89 - When SG1 arrive on a chilly planet with a broken DHD Sam falls into a frozen lake.

                          The Way Home by TerpGirl988 - On the way back to Earth, Jack goes to check on Carter after her ordeal with Fifth. Missing scene for "New Order".


                            Originally posted by Indigo View Post
                            I liked it. I don't see it as a non-ship-friendly-fic. They may not be getting between the sheets together (except when they do to cuddle), but neither is with anyone else and they are wonderfully close. While I usually read fic where they are together, it is that closeness and loving interaction I like about them so much, and a good friendSHIP fic can make the grade.

                            However, as another poster said above, I'm having difficulty understanding how they are not together. Neither of them appears to be the least bit interested in anyone else or in looking for anyone else, and they seem to be together in every way except for sharing a bed/bedroom. I could understand it if when they started having sex it just felt wrong to them, but then you have that line where Jack says "chemistry was never our issue" or something like that. So what is the issue then? Generally the best real life marriages are between people can who say "I married my best friend." That is pretty much how you've portrayed Jack and Sam here, except they aren't actually married, and are both probably fairly sexually frustrated. I don't get it.
                            That sounds like an interesting premise. I don't plan on reading it, from the reviews it doesn't sound like my thing or very in-keeping with the characters either given that on several occasions they have both shown a very clear physical attraction and a keen desire to be intimate in a sexual way. That said, however, it could be a good AU-type plot.

                            It doesn't sound any worse than the fics I've read where Sam blows hot and cold on the sex upfront issue because she'd "rather wait until she was married" - no offence intended and there's nothing wrong with that lifestyle choice but, post-Pete, it's pretty clear that these reservations would belong to the writer not "our" canon Sam since she slept with him pretty early on in their relationship and she seemed to know what she was doing seducing Jack in "the Broca Divide" (albeit under alien influence).
                            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                            My fanfic


                              not too long ago, a fic was recced (either here or ship thread) where sam and jack decided to just be friends, but then changed their minds. i read it, but i'd like to read it again. help!



                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                not too long ago, a fic was recced (either here or ship thread) where sam and jack decided to just be friends, but then changed their minds. i read it, but i'd like to read it again. help!
                                Try looking at the top of this page.

