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Jack/Sam Fic Recs

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    Out of Time - AstraPerAspera
    What happens to Sam and Jack when the world they know is falling apart around them. Inspired by the novel Stargate SG1: Relativity by James Swallow. Sam and Jack Ship.

    Per Aspera ad Astra - by polrobin
    She turned her head, her lips brushing Jack ear, speaking so that only he could hear. “Once you’ve blown up a sun, you tend to lose your taste for chardonnay.” Sam/Jack established, unabashedly shippy. A bit of Christmas thrown in too, not a religious fic

    Reap What is Sown - by Karibou.
    COMPLETE! When General O’Neill and SG-1 go offworld for a diplomatic mission, an unexpected encounter with alien customs leads to a crisis that could shake the foundations of SGC leadership. Mature but not graphic content, language suitable for primetime

    ~I'm a massive fan of Karibou, although the fic she writes is rather steamy. Avoid if you're of a delicate nature .

    String Theory: An AU Series - by Annerb

    Dr. Carter receives a job offer from the SGC and discovers a life she never expected. AU, SJ. Complete.

    The Road to Minnesota - Ted Sadler
    The Stargate is public knowledge. Finished!


      Last part...

      The Secret Lives of Pandas - by Pheonix-cry

      Separated from the team Sam and Jack's survival skills, sanity, and relationship are put to the test. Heavy S/J Ship, with high angst, hurt/comfort, adventure, and a touch of humor. Emotional ride but, NO major character death, NO graphic sex.

      The Torment of Tantalus - by Karibou

      COMPLETE. The team explores an abandoned offworld structure and makes a discovery that has some unintended consequences for Carter and O’Neill. Standalone fic. Total, unapologetic SJ ship.

      The Way We Were - by Bekki

      She looked at him as though she had never seen him before. How could she forget him? And how could he make her remember? Sam/Jack

      Today Is All We Have - by Dreamer One
      After dancing around his feelings for years, Jack O’Neill realizes he doesn't have a limitless supply of days. SJ, post season 10.

      Twilight - by KissHerJack
      General O'Neill gets ansty to do some Gate travel, but a natural phenomenon on another world causes problems and changes things... BIG TIME Novella is posted complete. Thank you, EVERYONE, for the great reviews!

      Valentines Day 2008 - by sg1-fanintn
      It's Valentine's Day, and a galaxy separates Sam and Jack. Despite the physical distance between them, their thoughts are on each other.



        Sarai, I've read all these but one and they are all great. As a matter of fact, I think any story, from any one of these authors should be read.
        FYI - The 2 stories you rec'ced by Karibou are on FFN. But she pulled her more adult stories from J&S Forever. Her website had a security problem and she was afraid her racier stories would cause her problems in her RL Undestandable.
        Although, I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will finish "Distant Storms" on FFN. It's a great story.


          Wow thank you Sarai! You put a lot of work in that list

          Now if I only I can find the time to read them all

          I must say APA's fic is a 'drop everything you should read this' fic. She's got professional writing skills in my opinion!


            Originally posted by cdm View Post
            Sarai, I've read all these but one and they are all great. As a matter of fact, I think any story, from any one of these authors should be read.
            FYI - The 2 stories you rec'ced by Karibou are on FFN. But she pulled her more adult stories from J&S Forever. Her website had a security problem and she was afraid her racier stories would cause her problems in her RL Undestandable.
            Although, I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will finish "Distant Storms" on FFN. It's a great story.
            Ah, so that's what happened. I was very sad to see the ones posted on J&S Forever site gone. I really wanted to see what happened at the end of the one about Vegas.
            Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


              Originally posted by SqueeG-1 View Post
              Ah, so that's what happened. I was very sad to see the ones posted on J&S Forever site gone. I really wanted to see what happened at the end of the one about Vegas.
              Yea, I was hoping she would finish that one also. If you pull up the member (go to author list, then members) she gives a little more info.


                Originally posted by cdm View Post
                Sarai, I've read all these but one and they are all great. As a matter of fact, I think any story, from any one of these authors should be read.
                FYI - The 2 stories you rec'ced by Karibou are on FFN. But she pulled her more adult stories from J&S Forever. Her website had a security problem and she was afraid her racier stories would cause her problems in her RL Undestandable.
                Although, I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will finish "Distant Storms" on FFN. It's a great story.
                Karibou is one of my favorite writers. She has such good humor in her romantic/adventure/hurtcomfort stories! I had the good fortune to meet her at last year's Gate Con and she's a really smart and fun gal. As a matter of fact, we exchanged emails recently. She's very busy in RL so she's not had the opportunity to finish Distant Storms but she most certainly will some day.


                  Originally posted by cdm View Post
                  Sarai, I've read all these but one and they are all great. As a matter of fact, I think any story, from any one of these authors should be read.
                  FYI - The 2 stories you rec'ced by Karibou are on FFN. But she pulled her more adult stories from J&S Forever. Her website had a security problem and she was afraid her racier stories would cause her problems in her RL Undestandable.
                  Although, I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will finish "Distant Storms" on FFN. It's a great story.
                  Ah, I was wondering what was up. Thanks for the update.

                  I know she has a very busy RL, like nell said, but she is loyal to her fans, as we are to her!! So hopefully someday she will get to finish Distant Storms, it's a great fic .

                  And definitely, all of those stories should be read. I have so many more favourites bookmarked that didn't make it on to the list because I ran out of time, but those are my all-time ultimates (so far ). And I totally agree with Lara, APA's fic is a drop-EVERYTHING read because it is just phenomenal .


                    Sarai, thanks for posting those fics! Those whati've read are really great. I need to read the other part!


                      Well, I got a new Carter story going on FanFic net. If anyone wants to check it out here's the link: It's not a ship story persay but it does have some funny Sam/Jack moments.



                        Trying to help a fellow shipper out at LJ. Below is a copy of their post. It's been bugging them for days. I know what that's like ...LOL any help would be appreciated.

                        And I've been wringing my brain, for four days or so, trying to remember either the title or the author. Or just some part of the summary, but my mind comes up blank. All I remember is the contents and that I read it over on

                        In this Sam/Jack is married (it is probably set in season 7 maybe 8), Jack is retired (due to his bad knees I seems to remember), but Sam is still going out there on missions (in command) with Daniel and Teal'c (and possible a replacement fourth - but not sure)

                        On some sort of planet/moon, there's a village and a pair of orphan twins (boy and girl), Sam falls in love with them (I think she can't have children herself) , she heads home for Jack and eventually they bring the twins back to Earth. After having to make promises to the natives on said planet/moon.

                        If that rings any bells, inside someones heads, on where to find this etc, I would be very grateful.


                          Oh, I read that on LJ. Didn't ring any bells with me


                            The only thing close I could think of was Completing the Circle Two Pi R and A Different Circle Pi R Squared by Josephine Martin but I don't think that's it.


                              I'm pretty sure the Pi stories are it, but I also found:

                              Storyid: 2917657
                              Name: Parallel Lives
                              Author: nogigglingmajor

                              Just in case the Pi stories are NOT what was wanted. Good luck.
                              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                                I'm pretty sure the Pi stories are it, but I also found:

                                Storyid: 2917657
                                Name: Parallel Lives
                                Author: nogigglingmajor

                                Just in case the Pi stories are NOT what was wanted. Good luck.
                                Thanks for the help. Now I have a new fic to read.

