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    Originally posted by fems View Post
    Could you give a few more details, like who's the father of the baby and did she (and baby) survive the accident?

    yes she and the baby both survive i think the father was jack


      Originally posted by themeggie View Post
      yes she and the baby both survive i think the father was jack
      There are so many stories like this out there. Could you provide a few more details?


        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
        There are so many stories like this out there. Could you provide a few more details?
        there may have been other children but i cany remember anymore sorry


          I am looking for a story I read quite a while ago, a bit fuzzy on details but here is hoping someone can help.
          SG1 gate to some planet and the king or kings son takes a likening to Sam, she doesn't like him or want to stay so they give her something (I am thinking an apple or some kind of fruit) and she wakes up a small child, the thinking being she will grow to love him. At some point her team mates get her out and have to climb down a wall or cliff with her on their backs and they get her back to earth. With it not wearing off or no cure coming they have to return to the planet.
          Sorry that isn't many details but I am hoping it rings a bell for someone.
          Thank you


            Originally posted by etag rats View Post
            I am looking for a story I read quite a while ago, a bit fuzzy on details but here is hoping someone can help.
            SG1 gate to some planet and the king or kings son takes a likening to Sam, she doesn't like him or want to stay so they give her something (I am thinking an apple or some kind of fruit) and she wakes up a small child, the thinking being she will grow to love him. At some point her team mates get her out and have to climb down a wall or cliff with her on their backs and they get her back to earth. With it not wearing off or no cure coming they have to return to the planet.
            Sorry that isn't many details but I am hoping it rings a bell for someone.
            Thank you
            I remember this, but I can't find it in my list. There's a sequel, too, if memory serves. I'll keep looking.
            Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


              I've read that one too, I think it was recently recced in the S/J fic thread because it's something I otherwise wouldn't check out. With recently I mean in the last month or two.
              Last edited by fems; 18 September 2012, 08:08 AM.
              Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
              Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
              On FFnet or AO3

              My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                Got it! It's True Happiness by Jessa4865 and the sequel is Detour.
                Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                  Thats it! Thank you so much.


                    Originally posted by etag rats View Post
                    Thats it! Thank you so much.
                    Glad I could help!
                    Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                      I am looking for a fic I read a while ago (it's driving me insane). It is an AU fic where Jacob died instead of Sam's mother. Sam's mother went into some sort of depression that led to mental illness afterwards. Sam never joined the military - she is VERY introverted (to the point where it's a mental issue) partially because of what happened with her parents and partially because of some other traumatic event (Jonas Hansen maybe?) but she is still brilliant. Mark Carter (Sam's brother) is in the military and a member of SG-1. He gets her a job at the SGC. Jack also has mental issues (from being in black ops, etc.) that he deals with by sleeping around. Sam and Jack meet through Mark at the SGC, fall for eachother and help eachother overcome their problems. Don't remember anything about the title or author other than it was really well written and lengthy.


                        Originally posted by xtraterrestrial1616 View Post
                        I am looking for a fic I read a while ago (it's driving me insane). It is an AU fic where Jacob died instead of Sam's mother. Sam's mother went into some sort of depression that led to mental illness afterwards. Sam never joined the military - she is VERY introverted (to the point where it's a mental issue) partially because of what happened with her parents and partially because of some other traumatic event (Jonas Hansen maybe?) but she is still brilliant. Mark Carter (Sam's brother) is in the military and a member of SG-1. He gets her a job at the SGC. Jack also has mental issues (from being in black ops, etc.) that he deals with by sleeping around. Sam and Jack meet through Mark at the SGC, fall for eachother and help eachother overcome their problems. Don't remember anything about the title or author other than it was really well written and lengthy.
                        Might be something by Tribal Matriarch. I read that story, but at the moment am not recalling the title.


                          Originally posted by xtraterrestrial1616 View Post
                          I am looking for a fic I read a while ago (it's driving me insane). It is an AU fic where Jacob died instead of Sam's mother. Sam's mother went into some sort of depression that led to mental illness afterwards. Sam never joined the military - she is VERY introverted (to the point where it's a mental issue) partially because of what happened with her parents and partially because of some other traumatic event (Jonas Hansen maybe?) but she is still brilliant. Mark Carter (Sam's brother) is in the military and a member of SG-1. He gets her a job at the SGC. Jack also has mental issues (from being in black ops, etc.) that he deals with by sleeping around. Sam and Jack meet through Mark at the SGC, fall for eachother and help eachother overcome their problems. Don't remember anything about the title or author other than it was really well written and lengthy.
                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          Might be something by Tribal Matriarch. I read that story, but at the moment am not recalling the title.
                          Nature or Nurture by Tribal Matriarch
                          Link to author page due to content
                          No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                          It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                            The fic I'm looking for is Sam/Jack established relationship. Sam starts to have nightmares about Fifth and has a difficult time distinguishing between her dreams and reality. She avoids Jack because he reminds her of Fifth and works more at the base. I can't remember too much about it; I'll mull it over and see if I can't think of more details... but in the meantime, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


                              I am looking for help in locating a fic that I believe I found on a personal site although it could very well be cross-posted on one of the big archives like FFnet.

                              The main gist of the story is that Jack has been struck by lightening offworld and the story deals with his recovery.

                              I think it also establishes a relationship between Jack and Sam as Jack heals because I do think the injury lead to medical discharge, but I could be wrong and it was more UST or just me wearing my lovely-rose coloured shippy glasses.

                              But really, all I remember is Jack getting struck by lightning offworld.
                              My stories at or


                                I am looking for a copy of Celeste's " I Killed Carter". Is there anyone who has a copy and would be willing to share it with me via e-mail? Thank you.

