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    I'm pretty sure that if you're looking for a fic in which they have an actual relationship my series is pretty much it. I've come across a few one-shots that had them in a relationship but it was mostly for smut purposes. I think the only other fic that might even come close to a fully developed pairing is Dichotomy by Ruthie; however, I'm not certain because I haven't read it since it's unfinished and will likely stay that way. Mostly you're going to find smut and non-con.

    If you're interested in those types of stories I'm pretty sure I found them all through Stargate Search and SGlonelyship.


      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      I read the following story quite awhile ago and though I had saved it, but can't find it on my computer. Does anybody recognize it and remember the title and author?

      SG1 is captured by aliens when they arrive on another planet. The aliens are extremely xenophobic and do something to cause the team to become unconscious and when the team wakes up they find themselves on another planet with no gate. There is a primitive culture there, and it takes awhile for everybody to learn to communicate. I think Sam winds up with a severe sunburn because of the extreme weather conditions. And (I could be wrong) Jack winds up being injured by some wild animal and then healed by herbal medicines of the culture that's there. Five years later they are still there and pairing off has been done and children have been born, etc.
      I remember this one very well and I too would like to read it again. Unfortunately, I can't remember either the writer or the title, though it does seem (in the recesses of my memory) as if the writer is someone whose name I would recognize 'cause I read quite a bit of her stuff, as opposed to one whose stories I seldom read. Also unfortunately, for me anyway, the search engines on the various sites never work for me. They never come up with anything I'm looking for.

      Maybe, I'm doing something wrong?
      Last edited by Gatetrixer; 23 February 2010, 03:54 PM.


        Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
        I remember this one very well and I too would like to read it again. Unfortunately, I can't remember either the writer or the title, though it does seem (in the recesses of my memory) as if the writer is someone whose name I would recognize 'cause I read quite a bit of her stuff, as opposed to one whose stories I seldom read. Also unfortunately, for me anyway, the search engines on the various sites never work for me. They never come up with anything I'm looking for.

        Maybe, I'm doing something wrong?
        Well, if you're doing something wrong, then so am I. I feel like this one is by somebody whose other stories I've read, too, but can't recall the name. I've searched using everything I can think of as a reference and come up with nothing. (*sigh*)

        Maybe somebody else will think of it and let us know.


          Originally posted by sbz View Post
          I'm pretty sure that if you're looking for a fic in which they have an actual relationship my series is pretty much it. I've come across a few one-shots that had them in a relationship but it was mostly for smut purposes. I think the only other fic that might even come close to a fully developed pairing is Dichotomy by Ruthie; however, I'm not certain because I haven't read it since it's unfinished and will likely stay that way. Mostly you're going to find smut and non-con.

          If you're interested in those types of stories I'm pretty sure I found them all through Stargate Search and SGlonelyship.

          May I say sbz, I adored your Way series. I truly hope that you will continue the series as it was a good read and excellently written. I guess I should have said I found yours, which is what got me interested in the pairing in the first place. But smut is what I am definitely not looking for. I have seen a few of those stories and just immediately left the page. I will check out the story you mentioned. Thanks!


            Thank you. I'm always happy to hear that people enjoyed the series (and espeically when people liked that particular pairing because it gave me serious anxiety at the outset). The possibility of me writing more in that universe is pretty slim, though. I really feel like it's finished and I'm incredibly pleased with how everything was left in the Coda. But, you never do know. I've had the odd idea about writing a future fic and there is that two year gap that would lend itself nicely to one off adventures.

            Oh, and there is another fic of mine, On the Wings of Bees, Through the Death of Suns, that you may or may not have seen. It has a very peripheral Sam/Baal pairing; really it's more a Carter fic than anything.


              Thanks sbz! I enjoyed the Bees fic. I actually like the pairing of Sam and Baal so it is nice to find these stories. Definitely hope that you will consider more fic with Sam and Baal, even if you start a new series.

              Since I got my last question answered, I'll try again for this fic.

              I am looking for a fic that had the team in some kind of place where they had to work, Sam was in laundry and they had to trade ini money to buy things like clothes, food, personal supplies. And Sam was cooking beef stew a lot.


                Yeah sbz, start a new series lol.

                Sam/Ba'al I think is a pairing that will only work in certain special circumstances, in which both characters are changed. The Way is one scenario. Otherwise, i don't see regular Sam hooking up with the Ba'al we know and love to loath from the show.

                But then, I don't see Sam hooking up with any of the team either, in ordinary circustances, but life changing events that deepen and strengthen the bonds of friendship, yes.

                I feel like I've read the sunburned Sam fic, but it was long ago. Did she get sunburned because she adopted the native costume (what little there was of it?) and the planet had a large brighter sun or environment that was hotter/brighter. I feel like the guys also adopted native dress and went with the men to herd sheep or something while Sam was in the fields getting sunburned. At any rate, I hunted my links and couldn't find anything.

                Some people have a way with words. Others not have way.



                  Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
                  I'm looking for a fic. but don't have much info about it. I read it a long time ago. Sam is in a car wreck, I think in winter, and is taken in by an older couple. Seems like there was some reason she wasn't identified immediately or taken to the hospital right away, but those details are fuzzy. Anyway angst for Jack trying to find her.
                  Found it on It's called "How Do I Live," writer is Jez and is apparently part of her "Songbook" series. After reading it now, I realize it's not one of my favorites, but glad I found it so I can stop wondering about it! Of course, everyone's different so others may enjoy it nicely.


                    Originally posted by gatechick View Post
                    i just got done reading the Wired series by Pheonix cry. (Which was fantastic by the way!!!) Then I read Stargate:Exiled. Was there more in the series? I can't seem to figure it out by scrolling through the fics on the fan fic page.

                    Also I am looking for a fic where SG-1 was captured and then were in some kind of prison where they had to work for credits to buy things and Sam kept cooking beef stew. I think Sam worked in the laundry or something.
                    Pretty sure this is "Whatever It Takes" by LJ Evans on the Heliopolis Site-Gen section.


                      Originally posted by iamdragonrider View Post

                      I feel like I've read the sunburned Sam fic, but it was long ago. Did she get sunburned because she adopted the native costume (what little there was of it?) and the planet had a large brighter sun or environment that was hotter/brighter. I feel like the guys also adopted native dress and went with the men to herd sheep or something while Sam was in the fields getting sunburned. At any rate, I hunted my links and couldn't find anything.
                      I thought I answered this, but apparently I didn't. Anyway, yes. This sounds like the one I'm looking for. Sam got so wrapped up in whatever chores she was doing, she didn't pay enough attention to how long she was out in the sun, and wound up with a severe sunburn. I'm still looking through my saved fics, but sadly haven't found it yet. I keep hoping somebody will recognize it and leave a title/author note.


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        I thought I answered this, but apparently I didn't. Anyway, yes. This sounds like the one I'm looking for. Sam got so wrapped up in whatever chores she was doing, she didn't pay enough attention to how long she was out in the sun, and wound up with a severe sunburn. I'm still looking through my saved fics, but sadly haven't found it yet. I keep hoping somebody will recognize it and leave a title/author note.
                        I don't know how much we're supposed to tell of the plot so...
                        I don't remember any sheep. I know there was a jungle through which they had to travel from the village to reach the beach, where Sam and Jack ,well, do 'it', and traveling back through the jungle Jack is attacked by this huge animal which only comes out at night. (They stayed too long on the beach!) They are there several years, during which Jack and
                        Sam pair off, ofcourse. Daniel with a native girl he teaches English and Tealc with another native woman. When Jacob rescues them via spaceship, Teal'c decides to stay with his wife/mate, but Sam and Jack (and offspring) and Daniel are ready to return, plus Daniel's mate.
                        Sure wish I could remember more than just the plot. I have searched fairly well, since I thought that was where I read it. Kinda sure it was rated NC-17. Don't know if any stories on that site didn't stay when it was revived and the format revised. (I liked the old format)


                          Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
                          I don't know how much we're supposed to tell of the plot so...
                          I don't remember any sheep. I know there was a jungle through which they had to travel from the village to reach the beach, where Sam and Jack ,well, do 'it', and traveling back through the jungle Jack is attacked by this huge animal which only comes out at night. (They stayed too long on the beach!) They are there several years, during which Jack and
                          Sam pair off, ofcourse. Daniel with a native girl he teaches English and Tealc with another native woman. When Jacob rescues them via spaceship, Teal'c decides to stay with his wife/mate, but Sam and Jack (and offspring) and Daniel are ready to return, plus Daniel's mate.
                          Sure wish I could remember more than just the plot. I have searched fairly well, since I thought that was where I read it. Kinda sure it was rated NC-17. Don't know if any stories on that site didn't stay when it was revived and the format revised. (I liked the old format)
                          Thank you. Yes! That's the one. Guess I'll just keep waiting patiently(?) to see if somebody else will recognize it and recall the title/author. In the meantime, I have plenty of other stories to read.


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
                            I don't know how much we're supposed to tell of the plot so...
                            I don't remember any sheep. I know there was a jungle through which they had to travel from the village to reach the beach, where Sam and Jack ,well, do 'it', and traveling back through the jungle Jack is attacked by this huge animal which only comes out at night. (They stayed too long on the beach!) They are there several years, during which Jack and
                            Sam pair off, ofcourse. Daniel with a native girl he teaches English and Tealc with another native woman. When Jacob rescues them via spaceship, Teal'c decides to stay with his wife/mate, but Sam and Jack (and offspring) and Daniel are ready to return, plus Daniel's mate.
                            Sure wish I could remember more than just the plot. I have searched fairly well, since I thought that was where I read it. Kinda sure it was rated NC-17. Don't know if any stories on that site didn't stay when it was revived and the format revised. (I liked the old format)
                            I found it! It's called "Tattoo You" by Aeryn. It can be found at the Gateworld fanfic site, and I keep trying to post a link to the author's page, but it doesn't seem to be working at the moment. But if anyone is interested, they can try going to the GW fanfic site and doing a search for the title and/or author.


                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              I found it! It's called "Tattoo You" by Aeryn. It can be found at the Gateworld fanfic site, and I keep trying to post a link to the author's page, but it doesn't seem to be working at the moment. But if anyone is interested, they can try going to the GW fanfic site and doing a search for the title and/or author.
                              Great.! Went to the GW site like you said and reread it. I like Aeryn's fics. I haven't gone to GW fic site for a long time so I don't know if I would ever have found it myself.

                              (Later) I must say, after trying out the search engine on the GW site and coming up frustrated on a number of summaries,without an author or title, I wouldn't have found it--ever.
                              Last edited by Gatetrixer; 08 March 2010, 06:38 PM.


                                Some of the best and most in character Sam/Ba'al fic, in my opinion, is written by Lady Talon, especially her The Mating Game, which is not smutty, R at most. Some of her other stuff is more though. All the fics are here
                                Awesome sig by Laura
                                "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                                The randomess that is me
                                Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty

