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Do you have a favourite fic writer?

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    I don't think it's SciFi, (more in the fantasy realm), but I really enjoyed The Chroncles of Amber by Roger Zelazny...or did I entirely miss the point of this thread?

    "We'll keep the light on for you."


      My favourite fic writer is Mishy Mo. I also like

      Black Leather
      Cathain Nottingham

      I can think of more, but the name's escape me at the moment. I found all of these writers at
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by bbfan
        Patricia Byrne
        Sue Corkill
        Charli Booker

        There is no special order. Love them all equally.
        Suzvoy's stuff's great! I like her music vids too!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          suzvoy, venom69 for the nc17 stuff, seldear for the huge long stuff (i mean story!!!!), bren ren does a great pratchett/sg1 cross over..there's so many, i can't mention..i'd mention sally reeve, but pratically everyone else has got there before me....
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Roxie, ELG, Yum@, Lex and DawnC would be my top five.


              I seem to remember you were a bit of a dab hand at fanfic MC


                I've only just got into fic, because I had this SG-dream and had to write it, so have been trying to see what's out there etc.

                Anyway, I love Suzanne Whitmarsh (I think that's her name) on Gateworld. She's got some fabulous Sam/Jack shippy stories, and it's quite angst-y too. Not plain sailing, I like that.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  I've just realised I've never posted my faves,despite reading quite a lot of different fics .
                  "Postgate PG-1" by Major Clanger ....Bliss !
                  Modern classic,imo.I have to admit my Gatelets love this story too !
                  I like the Original characters too.See "Sergeant Who" and "Watching".

                  Denise: Emerald City site.Hard to pick a fave fic,though.My favourite writer W/Without writing partners ,for Sam,Teal'c,Team adventure and angst. Also I really enjoy the "missing scenes" Wormcon, and "Eric".

                  ShadowMaat.....for Luke,McKay(See GW Fic),Nirrti/Jonas,and for her fic challenges.
                  Aeryn .Stationery Cupboard fics.(GW) Must check out the others .
                  Splash the Cat.Various fics.Once again..can't recall the titles,but I liked the stories.

                  Overall main fave sites then: GateWorld Fan-fic Heliopolis,Emerald City and Shadowlight Industries.

                  I've yet to check out loads of the other writers posted by others on this thread,but I'll try !
                  Last edited by Bagpuss; 18 September 2004, 02:12 PM.
                  The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                    I'm a fanfic junkie so I have a lot of favorite authors. I like Daniel-centric stories. My top favorite authors are KelsieB, Thel, DawnC, DebiC, ELG, TravellingOne, ETS, Scribe, TCR, JoaG, Jingles, and Roxie...just to name a few.

                    Some of my favorite stories include: The Search, by DebiC, When in Rome by Sylvia, Little Kid Diplomacy, by Jingles, Fate by Thel, Nor Iron Bars, by Lex, Initiation by Scribe, and Violation by DawnC.

                    Someone mentioned Frozen Flame by Sue Bagley and I would highly recommend that for the Daniel/Janet fans.

                    For mild slash The Quinn Bar Series by Quinn. Very good!


                      I only started reading fanfic a little while ago, but a couple of my favs are Cathain Nottingham, Ann SGCfan and SunRAys And SAtuRdAYs, especially for the shorter, lighter fic that usually never fails to make me laugh. (all found on Gateworld)


                        I'm embaressed to admit it but, Aeryn just the wonderfuly natural way she/he handles ship.


                          Denise, Denise, Denise, Denise, Denise, Denise, Denise did I mention Denise, LOVE her stuff



                            Must confess to being a shippers so I love Sally Reeve’s stories – they are beautifully written too. Also, for canon S/J UST and major Jack whumpage, Doc is my first port of call. Big rosettes also to Alli Snow, Ruralstar, JackieO’NeillNut, DustDevil, Seldear, Dietcokechick and Lunar [her warts-and-all realistic portrayal of S&J is the tops]. For a great one-off S/J fic, check out Dancing on the Volcano, by Toulouse. And there is an ongoing story at Gatefic by Enigmatic Ellie, called Garden of the Gods, which I’m really enjoying.

                            DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                            WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                              I read tonnes of FanFic and my all time favourite is a tie between Sally Reeve and Susie Bagley, neither of who seem to be writing anymore. I've only seen a couple from Sally Reeve since she had her baby and last I heard Susie Bagley was concentrating on a professional writing career. There are heaps of other gems out there but these are in a class of their own.

                              Hey Sam, did all those other realities tell you nothing?!
                              Accept the inevitable.....


                                my fave fic author is sueKay which is just as well cos we 'try' to collaborate on a story so...

                                anywhoo sueKay is a master writer!!

