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Stargate SG1: The Wrath of Ra

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    Stargate SG1: The Wrath of Ra

    This is a funny fanfic about Ra's return and this ultimately lead to Movie 3: The Search for Carter.
    For those of you who've seen Star Trek 2 The Wraith of Khan, this fanfic is exactly like it, but it uses the BC-303.
    Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.

    Originally posted by Col. Shadow Quinn View Post
    This is a funny fanfic about Ra's return and this ultimately lead to Movie 3: The Search for Carter.
    For those of you who've seen Star Trek 2 The Wraith of Khan, this fanfic is exactly like it, but it uses the BC-303.
    Want to give us a clue as to where it can be found?


      Originally posted by Mousie View Post
      Want to give us a clue as to where it can be found?
      i'm currnetly working on it. it will be completed sometime this month. Sorry for the inconvience about not telling you it's not complete yet.
      Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


        Ahhh sorry, your original post made it sound like you were recommending an existing story.


          You're right, I should've said I was working on it.Long Live Ra abuse
          Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.

