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Disturbing fics question

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    Disturbing fics question

    Okay, the question is not about disturbing plots in general.. but one specific thing I accidentally stumbled on in a fic related incident. Actually, since there seem to be quite a number of these fics out there, it might just be disturbing to me.. no offense to anyone.. but..

    Where the HECK did the idea of MPREG came from?! That's short for men/male pregnancies, I think. I didn't really want to get into it.. but the general idea is that two males have -relations- and one of them come out pregnant. I've seen them in the following fandom: Harry Potter, Star Wars, and, alarmingly, mostly in Lord of The Ring.

    How did that come about? What is the appeal? WHY do people keep writing them? I haven't found a hint of it in the Stargate universe and that's where I mainly hang out.. so that's why I've only just found the term MPREG. I just don't get it.. someone want to enlighten me?

    Perhaps because it's so fundamentally different from reality? I've never written any of it, myself, but that's my guess at the rationale behind it, FWIW.

    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


      Originally posted by nyxlily
      I haven't found a hint of it in the Stargate universe and that's where I mainly hang out.. so that's why I've only just found the term MPREG.
      No MPREG in the Stargate universe? I've come across it myself.

      And, yes, it's a wraith-related fic, more so a Steve-related fic


        Perhaps it falls way out of my usual search preferences.. it's just a concept that I can't seem to grasp.


          Originally posted by nyxlily
          Perhaps it falls way out of my usual search preferences.. it's just a concept that I can't seem to grasp.
          I find it's best not to try to grasp the bizarre rituals and orders of the slashcults in fandom. Just back away slowly, and try not to make any sudden moves.

          a time to mourn


            Originally posted by nyxlily
            How did that come about? What is the appeal? WHY do people keep writing them? I haven't found a hint of it in the Stargate universe and that's where I mainly hang out.. so that's why I've only just found the term MPREG. I just don't get it.. someone want to enlighten me?
            When written well, I don't mind it; I do like my slash, and I do like to have my guys raising children if the moment/timing is right.

            There are fics where one is the father and they both raise the child/children together. I prefer it that way but there is something about a pregnant Rodney or John.

            Well you asked.


              Mpreg really unsettles relationships are one thing, but guys getting physically pregnant just screams out 'wrong' on so many levels.

              I can't even watch that Arnie film 'Junior'

              Saying that, in fic where male characters have adopted kids, I have no problem with that at all.
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Yes, there are definitely some strange fish about these days. I was amazed recently to discover that there's a whole sub-genre of fic in the Doctor Who fandom called 'tampon fic'. Wherein the doctor's assistant runs out of this necessity and the Doctor comes up with an 'ingenious' alternative.

                I can't see the appeal of delving into the subject myself. But, given that there are enough stories on the theme to generate a whole sub-genre, there must be quite a few Dr. Who fans who are fascinated by the premise. Go figure.

                Hadn't heard of the male pregnancy thing either, but think I'll pass on those, too, if I find them on my story searches.

                Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                Richard Dean Anderson


                  Over the years I have seen a few MPREG fics in the stargate universe. They aren't my cup of tea but they are out there.

                  Also with regard to tampon fics, i have seen a few Stargate menstrual fics. Whilst it's not a subject for everyone I do find it interesting - the SGC does have women on field units and lets face it, going to other worlds does bring a whole lot of unique problems. Being a woman myself I have found myself occasionally wondering what they do. Do they just carry on as normal, take suplies with them and deal with it off world, or only go off world when they are not having a period. Or perhaps the women on field units have those inserts that stop it completely. These kinds of stories don't bother me but they should be clearly labelled at the begining.


                    Originally posted by Hatcheter
                    I find it's best not to try to grasp the bizarre rituals and orders of the slashcults in fandom. Just back away slowly, and try not to make any sudden moves.
                    ROFLOL!!! It always works for me.
                    "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                    it has it's own laws and beats about things
                    which the intellect scorns."
                    - Mark Twain -


                      Originally posted by Mousie
                      Over the years I have seen a few MPREG fics in the stargate universe. They aren't my cup of tea but they are out there.

                      Also with regard to tampon fics, i have seen a few Stargate menstrual fics. Whilst it's not a subject for everyone I do find it interesting - the SGC does have women on field units and lets face it, going to other worlds does bring a whole lot of unique problems. Being a woman myself I have found myself occasionally wondering what they do. Do they just carry on as normal, take suplies with them and deal with it off world, or only go off world when they are not having a period. Or perhaps the women on field units have those inserts that stop it completely. These kinds of stories don't bother me but they should be clearly labelled at the begining.
                      Eww. Why anyone would want to write a fic about this is completely beyond me. I surely would not want to read any of them.

                      Although not written into SG cannon, (thank goodness) I always assumed the women on the SG teams were on the same type of hormonal protocol that the real life female astronauts are on which compresses the menstrual period into a limited number of days. It's fairly common place now as they've begun marketing this kind of protocol to the general female population for the last few years.

                      As for MPREG - *shudder*. I want to forget about this part of ficdom all together.
                      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                      it has it's own laws and beats about things
                      which the intellect scorns."
                      - Mark Twain -


                        Enterprise had MPreg - remember the ep where Trip got knocked up just because he held hands with an alien woman?


                          Originally posted by Demonique
                          Enterprise had MPreg - remember the ep where Trip got knocked up just because he held hands with an alien woman?
                          "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                          it has it's own laws and beats about things
                          which the intellect scorns."
                          - Mark Twain -


                            You know while we're on the subject of these type of fics there was in season one of SG1 an episode known as "Brief Candle" where jack basicly and by the events afterwards thuroughly has sex with an alien woman, do they not pack any means of prevention or any pill for the opposite sex assuming she wishes to take it, mind you it would take a week before hand but there are alternatives, i wonder if they ever trade such medication when offering medical supplies to prevent unwanted pregnancies or a means of safer sex and thus a flurishing population.

                            Damn that got me thinking....because it's not something I really think about.....thank you everybody
                            For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                            We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                              Originally posted by Darkstar
                              You know while we're on the subject of these type of fics there was in season one of SG1 an episode known as "Brief Candle" where jack basicly and by the events afterwards thuroughly has sex with an alien woman, do they not pack any means of prevention or any pill for the opposite sex assuming she wishes to take it, mind you it would take a week before hand but there are alternatives, i wonder if they ever trade such medication when offering medical supplies to prevent unwanted pregnancies or a means of safer sex and thus a flurishing population.

                              Damn that got me thinking....because it's not something I really think about.....thank you everybody
                              One of the things I always found amusing about Star Trek fiction, which also was worked into the ST:Voyager series, was how the fans handled the question of personal sexual responsibility. I guess with a main character like Kirk who slept with anything remotely female it was a natural next step for interspecies relationships. Anyway, in one of the episodes the young helmsman, Harry Kim had relations with an alien girl and in some way brought back a disease/condition which affected the whole ship. When the captain (Janeway) found out she gave him a dressing down about how he violated the regs on having sex with aliens by not filling out the paperwork and having the doc check them both out.

                              It tickled me a lot at the time but in all honesty, given Sheppard's recent activities, I think SGC is going to have to start laying out some rules like that for their SG teams. There are other things in the glaxay that can kill you besides the Ori and the Wraith.
                              Last edited by Sela; 08 August 2006, 08:29 AM.
                              "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                              it has it's own laws and beats about things
                              which the intellect scorns."
                              - Mark Twain -

