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Stargate Destiny- New Series Out the 17th of January

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    Ha Ha we rock. I think it's time for a Season One wrap party and work on a VDVD to start up. Also Season Two is already underway. I've already outlined my first episode. I know that Josh is working on his and Geoff it taking a well deserved break for right now. Aaron is at work and Adrian is doing his thing. Anyways, I hope you enjoy 1x20. I know Geoff worked his hardest on it.

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    Last edited by captainpash; 14 November 2006, 06:04 PM.
    Lastest Episode: Alliances, Part One


      Gah! Just once in a while it would be good to have a stargate series finale not end on a cliffhanger!

      However, it was still a good story. I'm not entirely convinced about this alliance - the obsessive secrecy about it's existence doesn't quite match the UN-type government we've seen. That said, it's cool that we finally have a situation where the Malecathi are balanced out by the Alliance. Moreover, the scale of the two fleets should make for an interesting battle! I'm also glad to see that there were some consequences for Hemmingway.

      All in all, a good episode, and I look forward to the second series.
      Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

      In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

      Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


        Yep this was good episode, although, really I would love to off seen more action. Thought it would a bit slow. Also love to of found out what exactly were their plans for the destiny, well get as the alliances will be ruins after their blunder, they will not follow them on now but it would been interesting. Also looking forward to the battle it should be huge, unless they do what horizon did and fast forward pass the battle, hope not . Also one thing was the lack tenyrus interaction he a commander and I would love to of seen him have more interaction surly he had to have some contacts he could of use to check things out specially after the suspecians he started to get. I would also thought he would of had a debriefing or something. It just seemed a bit strange he did not have any other interaction and shown to actually be of some standing in even of the slightist bit of influence, that only other complaint really, who how long do we have to wait to part two.


          This episode was good as a setup episode, which is what it was promoted as since day 1. It was even announced that 1x20 would set up the battle for 2x01, rather than ending the season mid-battle.
          It had a very Stargate-esk cliff-hanger ending, which I guess you have to do at the end of your first season

          Barrows' response to the Alliance's deception was really true to his newly found character (+ Telari) and I would have liked to see the reactions of Orion-1 when they were beamed to the bridge out-of-the-blue during their tour, maybe mid-question or something.
          I can't help but think that it was not the intention of the Alliance to bring us into this at the last minute, as the guy that Morgami was plotting with said that he had tried to get the Destiny to receive the message several times in the past year.
          I'm wondering a bit why Morgami didn't see it fit to inform his superiors that he had revealed the location of Iosis to the Pureblood (albeit under duress).

          I wonder what they want the Destiny for? It seemed that they didn't need our weaponry, as they were not overly impressed with it. Maybe its the crew they want (the whole 'first-born children of the Ancestors' thing).

          The organisation of the government and commanders briefings seemed pretty like-like, and I think that the secrecy of the Alliance is a pre-requisite for their survival as a coalition and as individual races. They do not represent a second super-power in the Orion galaxy, but rather an organised group of resistance fighters.

          Not the best, but a very good plot building episode.

          For every expert there is an equal and opposite expert.
          Arthur C. Clarke (1917 - 2008)


            Nope, definitely not fastforwarding the battle, it's a key plot point and we wouldn't miss it for the world. Expect the launch of season 2 in roughly four months by my estimate; it may be a little less, or a little more, but we intend to release by the time we have at least 8 episodes from the first half finished. We're going to be making an effort to be finished with our eps a while before release now, instead of waiting until the very last moment - these last four episodes have cut it very close, and we're definitely not going to do that again. So, we'll probably be seeing a much shorter mid-seasoner next year, however, there will not be a mid-season two-parter - or rather, there will be a two-parter towards the middle of the season, but it will not lie on the hiatus. Not to say too much, this two-parter will see an oft inquired about planet that we've heard of but yet to see.
            So, season 2! I know that the good man Jiffy is already staking out the big season premiere - the cleverly-named "Alliances, Part Two". The second episode will follow off that, and then the third episode is one of mine, and it'll be dealing with a civilization we've only heard about so far (and fairly recently at that). Can't give a title away, there isn't one yet. The fourth episode may turn out to be Aaron Percival's next one-hit-wonder ep, and it'll do wonders for a character we haven't learned too much about yet. I'm also going to be writing the sixth episode, which will be about a titular tentacle-topped people who we've encountered before.
            I hope I've dropped a sufficient number of hints for our second season to get a little bit of speculation going. Oh, one more thing - "The Uncertain Past." That's the fifth episode. I hope that provokes a little discussion.


              2x05 is gonna be suhhhweeet.
              ROFLMAO Check This Out!!!


                S2 is shaping up. I don't have anything untill the end of the first half or the beging of the second. Anyways, it should be a fun time.
                Lastest Episode: Alliances, Part One


                  Just wanted you guys to know we've moved to a new address:
                  Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                    This is because of our partnership with Stargate Universe, and I believe at least one other VS will be joining that site as well...

                    And don't worry, it's been a little quiet here lately, but we're planning the upcoming season and we'll have at least one or two special features during this hiatus
                    ROFLMAO Check This Out!!!


                      Originally posted by lionel_pendergast_rocks View Post
                      This is because of our partnership with Stargate Universe, and I believe at least one other VS will be joining that site as well...

                      And don't worry, it's been a little quiet here lately, but we're planning the upcoming season and we'll have at least one or two special features during this hiatus
                      Well, I know that Vista is planning on becoming exclusive to SG:U, so if you meant us then your right.

                      Of course that's when we finally get around to making the pitch. So... fingers crossed that's soon.

                      I'd also just like to congratulate you all on a good, strong first season. I understand myself how difficult it is to pull off, and I believe you've done it, not only well, but exceptionally.

                      I look forward to Season Two.


                        Well, Vista makes two then, last time I checked, Horizon was supposed to be joining up

                        Thanks a lot for your thoughts on the season. I know, its still sometimes weird to think that its actually done, and I hope you guys have some great luck with Vista, you'll need it, cause you're rightt, it can get crazy running one of these things sometimes lol
                        ROFLMAO Check This Out!!!


                          I don't think Horizon will be, personally. They seem happy here and with their website.
                          Last edited by Elite Anubis Guard; 04 December 2006, 09:44 AM.
                          Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                            Oh, i thoughtz you told me they were. Ok. my bad.
                            ROFLMAO Check This Out!!!


                              Originally posted by lionel_pendergast_rocks View Post
                              Oh, i thoughtz you told me they were. Ok. my bad.
                              Well, I think they should.


                                Hello, all! We're not dead. We're hard at work on the second season, and possibly something beyond that! But we'll keep that latter thing quiet for now.

                                I suppose it's time for a status update of some sort. Episode 9 got merged into episode 2, and we trimmed one arc from four to three episodes. More room for standalones and char dev. I can't really say too much else - that's those are the only recent developments that aren't utterly and completely top-secret. I can tell you this, though: I think people are going to react a lot to episode 18.

                                201 is coming along just spiffy, though. Jiffy's best work yet, methinks.

                                - Josh

