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Stargate Universe - Beyond

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    Stargate Universe - Beyond

    Hello to all Gaters!

    I would like to introduce you my project of series 3 of Stargate Universe, which jumped out on my mind just right after the series 2 headed to the end.

    So yeah, pretty lot of years since it all started. Well, across the years, the storyline has been tweaked as much as possible, finding the best way across the universe itself, to see which case scenario would work the best in my mind.

    After the years, I decided to push it on the virtual paper, and finish it to a screenplay form. It takes a lot of time, re-reading it whole up and down, rewriting, evolving the story further to overlap some hidden points to next parts.

    I managed to upload it on several places, and created my Facebook profile dedicated to this.
    I will update this first post if anything changes.

    Current status:
    1. Storyline written and cleaned up for episodes 1 to 5
    2. Side notes for storyline up to episode 7
    3. Episodes 1 & 2 screenplays released online
    4. Episode 3 is apx. 15% done

    You can follow my work here :

    Hope you will enjoy it.


    Since today I got some inspiration, there are good news.
    Episode 3 is ready at level of apx. 35% now!

    Hope you enjoy the episodes 1 & 2 so far.


      Great news guys!
      S03E03 is finished right now.
      I need to do some review and re-read several times, once ready, I will post it on AO3


        S03E03 (Timeless) officialy released. Can be found on my works on AO3.

