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Shimmering in the night

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    Shimmering in the night

    Come, follow me. There it is you see.
    A circle, shimmering, shimmering blue in the night.
    What is it for.?
    Where did it come from.?
    Its never bin like this before.
    Day nor night, for as long as i remember.
    But here it is now.
    Shimmering, Shimmering blue in the night.

    I've heard stories, you know.
    Stories of evil, evil from the circle, you hear.?
    They say they came at night.
    From the circle, shimmering, shimmering blue in the night.

    They say..wait, who are they?
    Ancients, i hear.
    So the Taur'i say.

    Evil from the circle, you hear.?
    Weapons of power, they say.
    They brought death and destruction, they say.
    Glowing eyes, they say.

    Glowing eyes, you hear.?
    You believing this.?
    Sounds like something from a story.
    Glowing eyes, eyes belonging to pure evil. Now thats a joke.

    They look like me, they say.
    Look like us, they say.
    Look like us, yet they kill us, enslave us, they say.

    Something just emerged from the circle, you hear.?
    Something just emerged from the circle, shimmering, shimmering blue in the night.

    A pair of big, glowing eyes.....I gasped

    Virtual Jurassic Park

    Hey, could i get some feedback please
    Virtual Jurassic Park


      I'm new to SG-1, I have watched all of the seasons except & I will have it tomorrow, oh wait later today LOL.

      Back on topic, I think your poem/song was awsome, I expecially liked the part about they look like us ...

      Keep up the creativty & keep sharing. Thanks for your hard work.


