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Fanmade Stargate Game -helpers needed!

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    Fanmade Stargate Game -helpers needed!

    This is probably the wrong area to post it in! But here i go anyways

    I am looking towards trying to make a Indie Stargate gamed made with Unreal Engine 3. And i would like to find some people with particular skill sets such as, Story writing, Animating, Modeling, Coding, Art, Level desig, etc.

    This is nothing big at all so please don't go all Yeeeeey stargate game!! , Since this isn't anything that big. It is something i want to work on with a team of people. So that we can have it as a portfolio.

    So here is a bit info.
    It would be based on the story line of SG-1, But we start out as Another team, for an example we could be SG-7 . Lets say at the character creation screen we get to make our First name, not our last name though (Since i am inspired a bit by Mass Effect 3, if we use a predetermined last name we can talk directly to the person so that they feel a part of the story) Change our appearance, decide the gender, What he / her is good at whether it would be technical stuff or brute force. And we can do the same with our 3 squad members.

    So the first mission that would be the training mission, would be like the episode where SG-1 Trains the new team. So we get to meet our beloved Characters. And much more. But i wont sit here all day since i got alot of ideas

    But if you are interested and feel you can help. PM me or make a comment. But please dont comment with this is the best idea ever or similar. I would like for it to be easy to look through the comment Have a good day! -Castiel

    It really must be the season for Stargate Games (Fan Made, Published) or MGM has finally decided to give the IP a chance after the whole CME/DCG disaster a few years back.

    You're creating a game and so are these people - ( Oh and if you could vote for my Stargate Design.

    I do a lot of Art design if you do plan to go forward with your idea.

