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Carson Beckett Challenges and Fun

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    *runs in* Guess what! I'm done!! and before midnight!
    thunks to celebrate.


      Yay for Grace!!! *happy dances then winces* Ow. My hip isn't happy with me at the moment.. Maybe I shouldn't have danced so hard. LOL

      Coming January 2017


        Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
        Yay for Grace!!! *happy dances then winces* Ow. My hip isn't happy with me at the moment.. Maybe I shouldn't have danced so hard. LOL
        Lol!! Looks like you need Dr. Beckett too.

        So...I just got a random inspiration and started writing fanfic again. But I really need to go to bed.


          Originally posted by Grace View Post
          Lol!! Looks like you need Dr. Beckett too.

          So...I just got a random inspiration and started writing fanfic again. But I really need to go to bed.
          Aye I could. Especially if he brings some Bengay to rub on it. For now, I'm stuck lying in bed trying to stay off the leg.

          OO do tell. What's it about??

          Coming January 2017


            Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
            Aye I could. Especially if he brings some Bengay to rub on it. For now, I'm stuck lying in bed trying to stay off the leg.

            OO do tell. What's it about??
            *hugs* I really hope you feel better. *puts away Dr. Grace*

            Its not TtF...which is what I should be doing....
            I started a fic that is going to be a birthday present to Cheeky...very very fluffy...probably just a one shot. 300 words in 15 min, which is fast for me.


              Originally posted by Grace View Post
              *hugs* I really hope you feel better. *puts away Dr. Grace*

              Its not TtF...which is what I should be doing....
              I started a fic that is going to be a birthday present to Cheeky...very very fluffy...probably just a one shot. 300 words in 15 min, which is fast for me.
              I'm sure I'll be fine by tomorrow.

              Fun.. I think I'm going to take a crack at the ice skating fic.. we'll see how it goes.

              Coming January 2017


                Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                I'm sure I'll be fine by tomorrow.

                Fun.. I think I'm going to take a crack at the ice skating fic.. we'll see how it goes.
       should be.

                Looking forward to yours!! Its going to be great!

                Ok, I've really got to get to bed....*hugs M*


                  Originally posted by Grace View Post
         should be.

                  Looking forward to yours!! Its going to be great!

                  Ok, I've really got to get to bed....*hugs M*
                  Goodnight. *hugs back*

                  Coming January 2017


                    Beginning of the winter fic I've started..

                    “You have got to be kidding me!” Rodney cried loudly enough for everyone and their mother on the other side of the planet to hear. The group plus Carson stared out the jumper window in wonder at the snowy white hills and plains below. He looked at the pilot to his left and glared. “Oh you did this on purpose.”

                    For the past two weeks John had done nothing but talk about snow and anything to do with it. Snowboarding, Skiing, Snowball fights, ice skating, mountain climbing – anything that had to know with snow, John mentioned it. Every time a cool breeze would whip around them, kicking up their hair, John would make a comment about the changing of seasons from summer, which it seemed that the city of Atlantis always was, to fall, to winter. He usually ended at winter since they already had the other two.

                    Although Rodney was heartily sick of hearing about it, the other three members shared the Colonel’s longing for cooler temperatures, even downright freezing ones. So when Chuck had found a planet in the database that was winter all year round, Sheppard had more been than willing to volunteer his team and Carson to check it out. None of them other than the Colonel had known what the planet was or where they would be going so the appearance of snow everywhere had been a welcome sight.

                    John gave Rodney a sly grin but remained silent, choosing to focus on landing the jumper right next to a frozen lake. He allowed the team to stare blankly at the ice before them while he went to the back and pulled out several pairs of ice skates, skis, and snowboards.

                    “What’s all this then?” Carson asked curiously, eyeing each piece of equipment.

                    “This Doc is SGA-1’s Winter Retreat. We haven’t had a break in months-”

                    “-well years really,” Rodney interrupted.

                    “-and I thought we could all use a day to relax. You know? Have some fun.”

                    “Not everyone finds the idea of being pelted with frozen water and walking around in sub-zero temperatures fun Colonel,” Rodney complained from his seat in the co-pilot’s chair.

                    “Oh I don’t know Rodney,” Carson replied, “I must admit I have been feelin’ a wee bit homesick for some snow.”

                    “Me too,” Ronon agreed.

                    “And I as well Rodney,” Teyla chirped in as she stole curious glances at all of the things John had brought along. “What is all of that?”

                    “Well you have your standard ice skates for gliding around on ice.” He held up the items and Ronon gave a scoff at them. John smiled. He knew that ever since watching Blades of Glory, Ronon had a dislike for anything related to ice skating including the ‘sport’ itself. “You’ve got your skis, your snowboard, both are good for flying down a mountain.”

                    “That’s what I choose,” Ronon immediately replied looking between the equipment and trying to decide which one he wanted to use. He liked simplicity so he chose the snowboard then stood by and waited for the others to make up their mind.

                    Rodney obviously wasn’t about to get out of the nice and warm jumper just to trudge through snow so he remained where he was with his arms over his chest staring at them like the stubborn child he sometimes acted like.

                    “I believe I would like to try this skiing if someone would teach me how,” Teyla politely requested.

                    I can do that love,” Carson volunteered knowing the Colonel preferred snowboarding. Rodney scoffed at him but one glare of the doctor was enough to shut him up. Carson was not an intimidating man by any means – sometimes Rodney preferred to compare him to a puppy – but he did have access to things that could make one’s physical extremely painful, something the physicist did not like.

                    “Thank you Carson,” Teyla granted with a grateful look in his direction. She looked out the window of the jumper and turned to John. “Where are the mountains we are to fly down? I do not see them.”

                    “Well there’s a bit of a hike first,” John admitted with a wince. He didn’t think Teyla and Ronon would have a problem but he did think Carson would. The Scot was a sturdy man, much stronger than he appeared but he wasn’t used to a lot of walking and hiking up a mountain with air that freezes your lungs as soon as it enters makes things even harder.

                    “Why don’t we fly the jumper up there? Certainly there’s a spot to land it.” Carson physically winced at just how weak that made him sound but he wasn’t ashamed to admit that he wasn’t in any shape to be hiking up a mountain. He knew he wasn’t, they knew he wasn’t so he might as well just state the fact out loud.

                    “Not a bad idea Sheppard,” Ronon agreed taking them all by surprise. He shrugged off all of their astonished looks, refusing to admit that he was just trying to make Beckett feel more comfortable. They all knew he cared about the doctor so they didn’t need proof of the fact.

                    “Alright,” John answered, his voice pitching and the beginning and dropping slightly afterwards. “But you do realize that we will need to hike back up in order to get back to the jumper right?”

                    “Aye, unless Rodney can fly down and pick us up.”

                    “Oh sure just volunteer me!” Rodney objected whiningly. “I am not your personal taxi service Carson.”

                    “Well I seem to remember someone volunteering me for a mission,” where I fell in love and lost her within the same week, “so I thought that’s how things were done in this team.”

                    John and Teyla smiled knowing what Carson was referencing but didn’t comment, choosing to allow the argument to play out.

                    “But if you don’t think you can do it Rodney then that’s fine-”

                    “Oh don’t even try to goad me into doing what you want,” Rodney argued irritably. “Look I can’t even fly the damn thing in a straight line, what makes you think I can land this thing at the bottom of a mountain.”

                    “Well, landing is easier than steering,” John intoned since he actually had experience with both, “and I’m sure that you’ll be able to bring the jumper down onto a surface that’s the size of Texas Rodney.” He smiled when he saw his friend’s resolve begin to fade and jumped into the pilot’s seat, flying them up and on top of the mountain.

                    “What are you doing? I haven’t said yes yet!”

                    “Either way we still need to be atop the mountain Rodney. Whether or not you’ll come down and get us is up to you.”

                    Rodney scoffed. “The only way I’m coming down after you guys is if one of you is hurt.”

                    The group as a whole winced. “Why’d you have to say that Rodney?” John whined. “That’s like saying, “As long as nothing goes wrong we’ll be fine.””

                    “Yeah, so? Wait a minute, I didn’t think you guys were superstitious. Well I now you are Carson but aren’t all sheepherders or whatever it is your family are? But seriously, you three?”

                    “It is not superstition Rodney if it comes true,” Teyla reminded him.

                    “Yeah. Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean you’re wrong,” John added. He landed the jumper on the widest expanse of mountain he could find and proceeded to jump out of his chair and throw on his snowboarding equipment. The others joined him and before long they were all walking out the rear of the jumper, praying that things went smoothly for once.

                    And now I'm off to bed! Good night GW, I'll see you in about eight hours.

                    Coming January 2017


                      *trudges in with box of Kleenex and plops down on couch*

                      Hi, everyone.

                      Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                      Beginning of the winter fic I've started..

                      “You have got to be kidding me!” Rodney cried loudly enough for everyone and their mother on the other side of the planet to hear. The group plus Carson stared out the jumper window in wonder at the snowy white hills and plains below. He looked at the pilot to his left and glared. “Oh you did this on purpose.”

                      For the past two weeks John had done nothing but talk about snow and anything to do with it. Snowboarding, Skiing, Snowball fights, ice skating, mountain climbing – anything that had to know with snow, John mentioned it. Every time a cool breeze would whip around them, kicking up their hair, John would make a comment about the changing of seasons from summer, which it seemed that the city of Atlantis always was, to fall, to winter. He usually ended at winter since they already had the other two.

                      Although Rodney was heartily sick of hearing about it, the other three members shared the Colonel’s longing for cooler temperatures, even downright freezing ones. So when Chuck had found a planet in the database that was winter all year round, Sheppard had more been than willing to volunteer his team and Carson to check it out. None of them other than the Colonel had known what the planet was or where they would be going so the appearance of snow everywhere had been a welcome sight.

                      John gave Rodney a sly grin but remained silent, choosing to focus on landing the jumper right next to a frozen lake. He allowed the team to stare blankly at the ice before them while he went to the back and pulled out several pairs of ice skates, skis, and snowboards.

                      “What’s all this then?” Carson asked curiously, eyeing each piece of equipment.

                      “This Doc is SGA-1’s Winter Retreat. We haven’t had a break in months-”

                      “-well years really,” Rodney interrupted.

                      “-and I thought we could all use a day to relax. You know? Have some fun.”

                      “Not everyone finds the idea of being pelted with frozen water and walking around in sub-zero temperatures fun Colonel,” Rodney complained from his seat in the co-pilot’s chair.

                      “Oh I don’t know Rodney,” Carson replied, “I must admit I have been feelin’ a wee bit homesick for some snow.”

                      “Me too,” Ronon agreed.

                      “And I as well Rodney,” Teyla chirped in as she stole curious glances at all of the things John had brought along. “What is all of that?”

                      “Well you have your standard ice skates for gliding around on ice.” He held up the items and Ronon gave a scoff at them. John smiled. He knew that ever since watching Blades of Glory, Ronon had a dislike for anything related to ice skating including the ‘sport’ itself. “You’ve got your skis, your snowboard, both are good for flying down a mountain.”

                      “That’s what I choose,” Ronon immediately replied looking between the equipment and trying to decide which one he wanted to use. He liked simplicity so he chose the snowboard then stood by and waited for the others to make up their mind.

                      Rodney obviously wasn’t about to get out of the nice and warm jumper just to trudge through snow so he remained where he was with his arms over his chest staring at them like the stubborn child he sometimes acted like.

                      “I believe I would like to try this skiing if someone would teach me how,” Teyla politely requested.

                      I can do that love,” Carson volunteered knowing the Colonel preferred snowboarding. Rodney scoffed at him but one glare of the doctor was enough to shut him up. Carson was not an intimidating man by any means – sometimes Rodney preferred to compare him to a puppy – but he did have access to things that could make one’s physical extremely painful, something the physicist did not like.

                      “Thank you Carson,” Teyla granted with a grateful look in his direction. She looked out the window of the jumper and turned to John. “Where are the mountains we are to fly down? I do not see them.”

                      “Well there’s a bit of a hike first,” John admitted with a wince. He didn’t think Teyla and Ronon would have a problem but he did think Carson would. The Scot was a sturdy man, much stronger than he appeared but he wasn’t used to a lot of walking and hiking up a mountain with air that freezes your lungs as soon as it enters makes things even harder.

                      “Why don’t we fly the jumper up there? Certainly there’s a spot to land it.” Carson physically winced at just how weak that made him sound but he wasn’t ashamed to admit that he wasn’t in any shape to be hiking up a mountain. He knew he wasn’t, they knew he wasn’t so he might as well just state the fact out loud.

                      “Not a bad idea Sheppard,” Ronon agreed taking them all by surprise. He shrugged off all of their astonished looks, refusing to admit that he was just trying to make Beckett feel more comfortable. They all knew he cared about the doctor so they didn’t need proof of the fact.

                      “Alright,” John answered, his voice pitching and the beginning and dropping slightly afterwards. “But you do realize that we will need to hike back up in order to get back to the jumper right?”

                      “Aye, unless Rodney can fly down and pick us up.”

                      “Oh sure just volunteer me!” Rodney objected whiningly. “I am not your personal taxi service Carson.”

                      “Well I seem to remember someone volunteering me for a mission,” where I fell in love and lost her within the same week, “so I thought that’s how things were done in this team.”

                      John and Teyla smiled knowing what Carson was referencing but didn’t comment, choosing to allow the argument to play out.

                      “But if you don’t think you can do it Rodney then that’s fine-”

                      “Oh don’t even try to goad me into doing what you want,” Rodney argued irritably. “Look I can’t even fly the damn thing in a straight line, what makes you think I can land this thing at the bottom of a mountain.”

                      “Well, landing is easier than steering,” John intoned since he actually had experience with both, “and I’m sure that you’ll be able to bring the jumper down onto a surface that’s the size of Texas Rodney.” He smiled when he saw his friend’s resolve begin to fade and jumped into the pilot’s seat, flying them up and on top of the mountain.

                      “What are you doing? I haven’t said yes yet!”

                      “Either way we still need to be atop the mountain Rodney. Whether or not you’ll come down and get us is up to you.”

                      Rodney scoffed. “The only way I’m coming down after you guys is if one of you is hurt.”

                      The group as a whole winced. “Why’d you have to say that Rodney?” John whined. “That’s like saying, “As long as nothing goes wrong we’ll be fine.””

                      “Yeah, so? Wait a minute, I didn’t think you guys were superstitious. Well I now you are Carson but aren’t all sheepherders or whatever it is your family are? But seriously, you three?”

                      “It is not superstition Rodney if it comes true,” Teyla reminded him.

                      “Yeah. Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean you’re wrong,” John added. He landed the jumper on the widest expanse of mountain he could find and proceeded to jump out of his chair and throw on his snowboarding equipment. The others joined him and before long they were all walking out the rear of the jumper, praying that things went smoothly for once.

                      And now I'm off to bed! Good night GW, I'll see you in about eight hours.
                      I love it, M. The characters are spot-on, and it sounds like it'll be a wonderful adventure! Looking forward to the rest.


                        Hey lg. Still not feeling well huh? That sucks.

                        Thanks. We'll see how its goes.

                        Coming January 2017


                          Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                          Hey lg. Still not feeling well huh? That sucks.

                          Thanks. We'll see how its goes.
                          Still here. Still sick. On the bright side, it's just a cold, not infection. And I'm finally getting a chance to wade through my email inbox. Oh! And get a chance to watch Iron Invader. (Hmmm.......Pauly AND Kavan in the same poor little brain might not handle that one! LOL!)


                            Hello again. Sorry I went back to bed. I'm still trying to fight sleep but I'll live..

                            Coming January 2017


                              Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                              Hello again. Sorry I went back to bed. I'm still trying to fight sleep but I'll live..
                              No worries. I understand completely.


                                What are you up to?

                                Coming January 2017

