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Now that SGU is gone and there are no new SG's in the works?

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    Now that SGU is gone and there are no new SG's in the works?

    What do we think the future holds for Stargate, and by default Gateworld in general.

    With the last 2 Stargate incarations being cancelled its unlikely they'll be more for some time, and therefore eventually things to talk about Stargate related will dry up, and this site will slowly die off?
    I got nothing!

    I doubt it...Stargate has a fan base, just like other shows. So, it'll be around for a while. Look at Star Trek...their sites just don't die between movies....


      All three shows were cancelled. SG-1 due to being too expensive, Atlantis to make room for SGU, and then SGU due to having very poor ratings. The difference between SG-1 and the other two shows is that MGM had enough faith in the series to produce two DVD movies.

      For now, Stargate is simply over. All of the sets have been taken down, and everything has been auctioned or sold off. The actors have signed on to new projects, and Brad Wright's team has been terminated and are moving on to other projects. No SGU revival, no fourth series, no movies, nothing, it's over. As for GateWorld... it will probably dry up eventually as happens to any message board when a TV show ends. There won't be a need to close down the site, though. I would say delete all of the old discussions from before 2010, remove all of the inactive forums, and delete inactive users. That should shrink GateWorld's forums down in size to match activity so this board doesn't look dead.

      I'll stick around for now. I may even get around to watching SGU. There's still 37 episodes I haven't seen. I only saw, "Air, Parts 1-3."

      Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
      I doubt it...Stargate has a fan base, just like other shows. So, it'll be around for a while. Look at Star Trek...their sites just don't die between movies....
      Actually, a lot of them dried up after Star Trek: Enterprise was cancelled in 2005.


        ^ Except that Atlantis wasn't cancelled to "make room" for Universe, and SGU's ratings were actually better on that night than other shows that SyFy chose to renew... looking at you, Sanctuary.
        Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
        Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


          Originally posted by s09119 View Post
          ^ Except that Atlantis wasn't cancelled to "make room" for Universe, and SGU's ratings were actually better on that night than other shows that SyFy chose to renew... looking at you, Sanctuary.
          Oh, but it was!


            The forum is already slowing down a bit, it will just depend on how much they branch out into other shows as to see if it can retain members. Some shows like "Being Human" have already been overlooked, but "Game of Thrones" got it's own thread.

            Also, most Star Trek forums did die off but there were more to compete for the fanbase so I'm not sure that will line up quite that way. The off-topic portion of this forum gives it an edge, but I'm not sure how many "new members" that will draw in it may just ratain old members better.


              I don't see Gateworld going quiet any time soon.




                  Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                  All three shows were cancelled. SG-1 due to being too expensive, Atlantis to make room for SGU, and then SGU due to having very poor ratings. The difference between SG-1 and the other two shows is that MGM had enough faith in the series to produce two DVD movies.

                  For now, Stargate is simply over. All of the sets have been taken down, and everything has been auctioned or sold off. The actors have signed on to new projects, and Brad Wright's team has been terminated and are moving on to other projects. No SGU revival, no fourth series, no movies, nothing, it's over. As for GateWorld... it will probably dry up eventually as happens to any message board when a TV show ends. There won't be a need to close down the site, though. I would say delete all of the old discussions from before 2010, remove all of the inactive forums, and delete inactive users. That should shrink GateWorld's forums down in size to match activity so this board doesn't look dead.

                  I'll stick around for now. I may even get around to watching SGU. There's still 37 episodes I haven't seen. I only saw, "Air, Parts 1-3."

                  Actually, a lot of them dried up after Star Trek: Enterprise was cancelled in 2005.
                  You haven't even watched SGU yet? This makes me sad on so many levels.


                    These boards are a discussion forum for all Sci-Fi fans. The focus was Stargate but there are plenty of other shows that can be discussed. Traffic will slow down, but I think there will be activity for quite some time.


                      Originally posted by themeatcleaver View Post
                      You haven't even watched SGU yet? This makes me sad on so many levels.
                      Even more sad because he talks like he knows it all.


                        So, does this officially make us all together as "The Last Man"

                        Damn Straight



                          the only message board i can compare it too is lostpedia. that board is still somewhat active mainly in the off topic forum, this is because those posters have been mostly members for years or already active on that board.

                          as for gateworld, i see it being active for a few more months, especially since there is going to be a rewatch. i think that again the most active board will be off topic or the off topic sci-fi forum.


                            Originally posted by themeatcleaver View Post
                            You haven't even watched SGU yet?
                            I watched "Air, Parts 1-3." It was boring and overly predictable. I just didn't enjoy it. I've seen TV movies better than SGU.
                            Originally posted by General Jumper One View Post
                            Even more sad because he talks like he knows it all.
                            I do not. I've talked the opening three episodes, called the show boring, pointed out it's cancellation as being the result of being utterly boring, but... that's it. Am I wrong to call it boring? It's my opinion, so... no.

