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Stargate Rewatch!

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    likewise im on thors hammer


      I'm behind on this, just started to watch the movie..

      Gonna be a bit weird watching them again as the S1-S7 DVD's I have were left to me by my Gran when she died..


        Almost finished with season 2.. a bit ahead of schedule
        RIP Don S. Davis 1942-2008


          I've been enjoying the rewatch. We've been asked to list our favorite performances from the season from each of the major characters; the favorite teal'cl moment, etc. What about some of the supporting actors/actresses or guest stars? I though that Jay Acovone (Major Kawalsky) did a very fine performance in "The Enemy Within". The emotion and intensity he projected was to me Emmy material. As for favorite moments from the main stars; I just finished "Brief Candle", and Richard Dean Anderson's portrayal of an aging man was brilliant and touching. It was this episode that made me see the depth of Anderson's acting ability. Kudos to him. Anyone else have episodes that has a guest star or supporting star favorite acting moment?


            In the Stargate Rewatch Strength Challenge, this second week, we're adding 1 repitition of a strength training exercise for each time Daniel asks a question. I have the Daniel-question count for the next episode here:

            Thor's Hammer: 22

            Post here to tell everyone what training you're doing to participate, or come on over to to check out the Stargate Rewatch Fitness Challenge.

            (To post at you will have to join, but it's FREE and everyone is welcome!)



              Im only up to 'Emancipation'


                After re-watching children of the gods, did anyone ever wonder how the gou'ld got the gate open again? I mean we all know they didn't have the ability like the nox did! So did they manually dial the gate or what? Heck it would of taken them a bit to figure out earth's computers, or even if they were running on online since the base was sorta dormite! So how the hell did they get the gate open again?


                  I'm pretty sure some of them do have the ability. We've seen other Goa'uld activate stargates with a hand device.


                    I started watching SG1 on DVD last year. On TV, I had only seen from season 6 on when it moved to Sci Fi, since I never had Showtime. I'm now on the last episode of Season 4, so I'm a little ahead in the Rewatch. I hope that's ok, since I don't have time to go back & start over. It's cool because these 1st 5 seasons are like watching a new show while still being familiar with the characters, etc.


                      This rewatch goes by so fast. I'm so far behind because I've been travelling. I kind of wish we were doing fewer episodes each week, but I understand with so many to get through it would take years if we slowed things down.

                      I have some time this afternoon. So I got out some popcorn and junior mints (favorite movie theater treats) and I'm going to sit in and have my very own mini-SG marathon.


                        I wasn't sure if I was going to join in the Rewatch at first, since I had just finished watching both SG-1 and SGA only a couple of months ago. But, since I'm now up to "Bloodlines", I guess that I'm still in the mood for more Stargate....

                        One thing that I realized recently is that, for the most part, the first season of SG-1 is just as good and fun as the following seasons. Since most shows (including my other favorite, ST:TNG) usually take a year or two to really get going, this quick start for SG-1 is a testament to the cast and crew.


                          Does anyone know why some SG-1, season one, episodes on the DVD set are not in broadcast order? I have this DVD set. The change in episode order doesn't affect storyline continuity.

                          I never noticed the difference in the episode order on the DVDs, until now, with the re-watch.
                          My Stargate Re-Watch Blog: Wormhole!


                            Man I got behind and was too late to put in my Best of Season 1 nominations. Drats!!!

                            OK, I'm going to share them here anyway, even though they don't count.

                            Best Eps There But for the Grace of God, The Torment of Tantalus, and Solitudes

                            Best Jack Moment Beats up Daniel in a jealous rage in Broca Divide because Samantha is his girl.

                            Best Sam Moment In the elevator in Singularity after she's left Cassie.

                            Best Daniel Moment Daniel dies in The Nox, is presumed dead in Fire & Water, and his alternate self dies in TBftGoG. And this is just the beginning of Daniel's deaths, near deaths, and presumed deaths.

                            Best Teal'c Moment Cor-ai, when he tells Jack that he will not leave because he can't give all of his victims retribution for his crimes as Apophis' First Prime, but he can give it to this one.

                            Best Team Moment The first time the whole team lines up to go through the wormhole together at the end of TEW.

                            Best Guest Star All of the amazing guests, but especially Elizabeth Hoffman, in the ToT.

                            And not really a category, but . . .

                            Best Hammond Moment Resists Sammuels' pressure to close the iris when his teams don't return exactly on time. Sets up that he is going to be a leader who gives his people every chance and the benefit of the doubt.

                            Best Walter Moment (because I love Walter) He tries to stop Gou'ald Kawalsky from using the gate and gets his arm bashed against the console. Go Walter!!! (I like it when he gets a gun in TBftGoG too.)


                              Originally posted by Naomi View Post
                              Does anyone know why some SG-1, season one, episodes on the DVD set are not in broadcast order? I have this DVD set. The change in episode order doesn't affect storyline continuity.

                              I never noticed the difference in the episode order on the DVDs, until now, with the re-watch.
                              Mine are out of order too.

                              When we get to S8 be sure to check the order too because some have Citizen Joe after Threads, which make absolutely no sense.


                                For the second week of the Stargate Rewatch Fitness Strength Challenge, we're adding repetitions to any strength exercise depending on how many times Daniel asks a question. Here's the Daniel-question count for two more episodes.

                                Torment of Tantalus: 26
                                Bloodlines: 5

                                Next week we count the times Carter explains anything for our strength challenge, and we'll finish out the first season with a bang by counting how many times O'Neill makes a wise-crack. That may be every time he opens his mouth, so get ready for a lot of reps!

                                Remember, for the cardio part of the challenge, make sure you have as many cardio fitness minutes as you have minutes watching Stargate!

                                Add to the posts here to let everyone know how you're doing the Stargate Rewatch Fitness Challenge, or come on over to the Stargate team at ( and check out what everyone else is doing! We also have a couple of fun Stargate games going, and we'd love to get more people involved. You have to join to post, but it's FREE, and everyone is welcome.


