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Eastercon 2011, my first one!

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    Eastercon 2011, my first one!

    I folks. I know most people here will be based on the American continent and so won't be, but I was wondering if any of the UK residents will be visiting this years Eastercon at the Birmingham NEC (starts tomorrow!).

    I've just made the snap decision to go. I need a break and need to do something different. Why is it different? Because I've never been to a con before! I'm half afraid that it'll be a damp squib of an event because how many people can afford to travel and attend these things right now? I here lots of fans moaning about tight money, so I'm wondering what kind of people will show up to this thing... but never mind. You've got to try at least once, right?

    So, you going? Or got any advice for a con noob?

    I'm not going this year (first Easercon I've missed in about 15 years) but I hope you have a good time.

    As with all British cons, there's no consuite (hotel corkage rules make it impractical) but if you want to find the fun try the Real Ale Bar, no one will be roaring drunk but all the best fannish conversations happen in the bar, it's the social hub of a British con. There is also the fan room which is usually fun.
    Hotel food can be expensive and that hotel is out of town, no nearby eateries but there should be con food on offer at reasonable prices.
    If you are feeling really alone, go sign up to be a gopher (go for this, go for that) they are the backbone of a good con, you get a great sense of comaradarie and friendship between the gophers. If you are into DTP, go ask if the Newsletter needs a hand. Looking at the convention webpage, there is a gopher meeting 4.30 tomorrow afternoon, they will explain what you do as a gopher (sitting on doors to check membership badges, security in Art Show etc etc, you usually give the convention a three or four hour shift of your time, in exchange you get gopher tokens - in convention money which can be spent on beer or food at con)
    The only other Stargate fan I know who's going is Author James Swallow, who will be signing books and on the programme.

    Go, enjoy, meet new people, drink beer, sit up talking bollox until the wee small hours of the morning, look out for strange men with green beards (they may be Dr Who writers or some other strange species).


