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Level "Resurrection" for SG-N Concept Aid

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    Level "Resurrection" for SG-N Concept Aid

    This is a brief wrap up of the SG-N storyline mission called "resurrection" read the basic layout then feel free to post anything that you think needs improvement or have an idea of how to improve it.

    The "Resurrection" mission takes place on P1A.109. It is a desert planet that was abandoned by the Ancients because of a so called "natural" disaster. Once you travel by stargate to P1A.109 you are tasked to find the source of the garbled signal that is being broadcasted and of which you pick up on as soon as you come out of the stargate onto the planet. The planet itself looks just like a desert exept the fact that there are destroyed "Alteran buildings everywhere (similar to atlantis on stargate atlantis in design)". Also there are partial/full skeletons in tatered Alteran uniforms everywhere. There is also a bar of Naquadria available deep inside the research center as well as a rare pick up item. Inside one of the crumbling buildings to the northeast there is also a data disc with the specs of how to make a Alteran blaster if you already have not researched the design.
    Mostly the storyline works something like this.

    0. At the start on your home planet you can recieve this mission by talking to the head scientist at your research center. Once you recieve the mission you get a quick briefing of what may be happening there as well as what you are looking for. Once you have recieved this information then you must go to the planet.
    1. You dial P1A.109 from your homeworld or other location, using the 2, 12, 8, 4, 9, 15, and 1 cheverons on the DHD in order.
    2. You walk through the stargate.
    3. You appear out of the stargate on P1A.109 and pick up on the energy signal.
    4. Your tasked with searching for the source of the mysterious signal.
    5. At the far North of the map you discover an intact building of which you must enter.
    6. When you enter the building it is just one single room with a controll panel on the back wall.
    7. You walk up to the panel and interact "key F".
    8. Then you step back and are caught in the ring transporter.
    9. You re appear in the opposite ring transporter in what appears to be an abandoned research center.
    10. You explore the abandoned research center still looking for the source of the energy signal.

    Be sure to pick up the many items available in the research center, there are 4 data discs in the "research lab" and 2 in the "control room". As well as the Naquadria bar that was spoken of earlier on, it is in the "research lab" as well. There is also a shield emmiter available for pick up in the "core".

    11. You find the research lab at the East side of the facility.
    12. All the terminals are functional in the research lab be sure to check them for any crucial data for the mission.
    13. One of the terminals will have a layout of the facility be sure to look it over so you can memorize your way out as well as the locations of the control room.
    14. Go to the control room.
    15. Once you enter the control room go to the "holo" terminal in front of the window into the "Test Chamber".
    16. Open up the terminal where you will have several options as well as the true research history into what they were doing on P1A.109.

    All I will say is that the Alterans were researching the healing device technology seen in season 7; also called the Telchac device. However from the condition of the planet you can derive that something caused it to go catestrophicaly wrong.
    The last report is automated, in saying that an unknown form of energy wave emminated from the test chamber. Also be sure to use the command to cleanse the room because if you dont your character ends up dying a very gruesome and gory death if you dont.
    17. On the console click the command to bypass test chamber security and disable the shield protecting the room. This now ables you to enter the room.
    18. Now on the far right of the console on the right wall is the door that will open up to the test chamber. Go to its door pad and swipe you hand across it "also like the Alteran design in Atlantis for the door controlls" to open the door. (Note be sure to have the shield turned off or you will recieve a nasty jolt when you attempt to walk through the doorway.
    19. Now enter the room; the door will automatically close behind you. Then the room will suddenly flash bright, (no worries this is just the way that it disinfects you).
    19. Now the door on the opposite side of the room will automatically open, now you can enter the test chamber.
    20. Once you enter the test chamber the door will seal behind you.
    21. In the center of the room is the device with all sorts of leads hooked up to it. It is surrounded by a very powerful force field you can not bypass this by disabling it, it must be turned off.

    Also be sure to look around the room there is a companion there if you look carefully. One of the pods that surround the room has an Alteran in stasis in it. The other pods either contain degenerated bodies, are empty, or skeletons. "Noted in the terminal in the controll room also; "this was the Alterans beginning experiment into creating life for this galaxy". To open the pod you must go back to the controll room to the console on the left side of the one facing the window and activate it. Once it turns on you have the option to release the pods one at a time, however that command does not work, it will read as an error in the terminal command line. Once that happens you must open the terminals emergency controlls and click on the command to "release saftey restraints on all pods" this will open all the pods at once. Then you can go back to the room and talk to the Alteran. "If you are playing the game as a wraith, replicator, ori, or goauld you can only kill the Alteran, however if you are playing as an Alteran, Traveler, Asguard,or Human you can ask them what happened and they will go on into the story from his point of view. That he was one of the scientists working on the "resurrection" project and that the device suffered a catestrophic power surge and sent out a pulse wave that annialated every living thing on the planets surface. After that he will team up with you if your Alteran. If not he will just get up and leave eventually ending up at the gate for the ending sequence

    22. Once that is completed you have to open up the console in the middle of the room where you will have a few options as well as test data explaining the purpose of the device.
    23. Once the console is open click on the "turn off emmiters" which will disable the shield protecting the device. Also click on the "disable device connection" which turns off the readings coming from the device (it will no longer read on your scanner. Then the final step is to click the command "release device restraints" which will pop up the (!)warning(!) "disabling this command will result in power surge in device, are you sure (y) (n). If you click yes it will disconnect the device as well as taking off the surge protection unit of which it was origionally plugged into". Now when that happens the device turns itself on and you can hear it humming louder and louder, "that means it is building up some sort of a charge".

    24. Now once you close out of the console you can walk up to the device and remove it. The sequence goes when you touch the device you are flung across the room by a form of blue lightning like energy when you remove the device, it also will send out a bubble like wave of blue energy. After this happens the device stops humming. Be warned that this places a serious drop on your HP and Energy of your character.
    25. Now you are tasked with taking the device out of the facility. It will show the animation of the character placing it in its pack then you are free to move.
    26. Now you leave the facility by going back to the ring room and by repeating the process of touching the controll pad it activates the rings transporting you to the surface.
    27. Once you get to the rings room leave it and go to the door to the surface.
    28. Once you leave the ring room start toward the gate.

    Be warned about the specail suprise that is in store for you on your way back to the gate (!) These half dead things will attack you, not zombies but along the line of partialy regenerated dead Ancients. "In terms there is partial tissue on the bodies just enough to seem feesible then the rest of them is just organs showing along with the skeleton. They are hard to kill, the only way to kill them is to (!)blow(!) them apart".
    At the end the Ancient that you saved will talk to you once you meet him at the gate and thank you for saving him but that they might not get out alive. Considering the fact that the energy wave disabled the gate, and that he is going to attempt to fix it while you hold of the vast amount of half dead Ancients. Then he will give you this rifle from which he said he grabed from a corpse on his way out, and to kill anything that comes near the gate, then he will then go to working on the DHD.

    "The rifle disintegrates in about two hits although you will get better XP for headshots and single shot kills. Its more of a blue plasma energy, and it recycles itself it will never run out of ammo, the current model does about 65 dam and has well over 80 crit chance and is best fired from the kneeling position".

    29. You must hold out for about six minutes against well over a few hundred dead Alterans.
    30. After the six minutes the rescued Alteran comes up to you and sais the gate is repaired and that it is time to go.

    If you are not teamed up with him he will thank you for rescuing him and will let you keep the weapon as a gift. Then he will say it is time to part our respected ways. Then he dials the gate and leaves.
    If you are teamed with him he will follow you through to the gate address that you dial.
    If you killed him back in the recearch facility you must do all this yourself or place your other companions in defensive positions to hold the dead off while you repair the gate.

    31. After that you can leave the planet and complete the mission by returning it to the scientist that asked you to check out the signal.
    32. Once that has been completed the mission is done, "bonus" XP is awarded.

    If you have a clue on what to use in the sequences where the main character "you" talkes to the alteran in the stasis chamber, as well as the sequence at the gate post it below. As well as any improvements you might have in mind for the mission.


    SG-N Dev John

    Wow, this sounds really cool! Are you developing this for a company or on your own? When will it be released?

    A few questions/comments:
    -If you play as a SG team member, will there be other SG team members with you?
    -If you play as a SG team member, can the orders come from a military person rather than a scientist?
    -Are the bodies at the gate supposed to have died recently? Because in the thousands of years since the Alterans arrived at the planet, their bodies would have decomposed unless preserved in some manner.
    -When the player interacts with the Alteran in stasis, I would expect the Alteran to be very old, even in stasis, based on an SGA episode. If so, I’m not sure how helpful he will be at the end. I would focus the conversation around why the Alteran is the only survivor and how the others died. Maybe the player could mention that they have seen this technology before, which would confuse the Alterran since he had just been inventing it.
    -When you get the Alterran to the gate, I think the player should have to stand in front of the Alterran for protection.
    - A few hundred zombie Alterrans sounds excessive. In the SG1 episode where this technology was used, Jack and his army friend had their hands full with one of them, so a few hundred against one player seems like overkill.
    -I thought there was a thread on GW that denotes what a planet name should mean, so that is something to consider for the name.

    And finally, any screenshots?


      No screenshots of yet, and yes im doing this for a company Itran3x Studios to be exact, my own personal pet project. Currently im working on the storyline, if you have any idea what the conversation ought to be like feel free to submit something, im likely to get a few people together to do the voiceovers.
      The idea of changing the age on the alteran would be a good idea, and remember the rifle has some special perks that ables you to stand up to a lot.
      And you can get orders from the military personel, but i personally dont see how to fit it into this. To me this seemed like a science mission that should be given by a scientist to retrieve the object and bring it back intact.

      And as for the planet name we kind have developed our own organization system

      the (p) represents planet of course the (1) represents the sector, (A) is the quadrant in the sector (109) is the object number, it helps us locate objects in UDK.

      Any other questions.



        Ive also decided to enhance the asthetics to add a crashed Aurora class ship on the planets surface. It will look like the front of the ship will have embedded itself into the surface of the planet at a 45' angle it will also look heavily damaged.
        Hopefully if I do my programming right it will also be accesable although limited inside.

