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Polaris 23 (July 10-12, 2009)

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    Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post
    (((((Marimba & Rosehawk)))))))))))

    I so glad I got to spend this weekend with you guys. It was great meeting up again with Marimba and meeting Rosehawk for the first time. Hope we get to do this again soon.

    I got home at 1:30 am this morning and couldn't get to sleep because various moments of the con just keep popping into my head. I finally had to get up and make a few notes so I would remember everything for my con report.

    I plan to write that up as soon as I get unpacked, do a couple loads of laundry and run to the store for groceries.

    Just had to pop for a quick note.
    It was really fun meeting you at the convention Scarym1 as well as Marimba and Nissa!

    This was a wonderful and fun convention! Hard to believe it's been a week now.

    LOL. Thanks for telling David Nykl that it was my fault we were doing a roommate photo op!

    Haven't received the jpeg yet. Will wait a few more days and then e-mail them to find out....they said about a week.

    Our Hewlett roommate photo op turned out really cute!

    Waiting patiently to read Scarym1's con report!



      Nyssa & I made it safely to the hotel, picked up our badges and headed up to the hotel room. It was really a nice suite. Thanks again to Marimba for booking the hotel room and allowing Pam and I to stay with her and Rosie.

      Marimba and I reminisced about the last con we attended together (Gatecon 2004) and how we got up at 4 a.m. to get in line for good seats for the big CJ, AT & MS panel. Thankfully we were only planning on getting up at 7 am on Saturday. We spent the rest of the evening unpacking, exploring the con space and designing our plan of attack for Sat.

      Saturday was a busy day. We got up early and went to Tim Horton’s, which was conveniently located next door, for Breakfast. It was way cheaper than the hotel restaurant. First up were the autographs. We were in line two hour early and were really close to the front. The line up this time was Claudia, David Hewlett and David Nykl.

      David H. just about killed me with his hilarious comments while I was getting my autograph. : ) First off he noticed the DGEEK forum t-shirt I was wearing so I told him about it. It has little pics of a lot of the ladies from the forum on it. It looks like a wanted poster and the slogan was “Have you seen David Hewlett’s Squirrels?” He looked at all the pics and asked where his pic was? I didn’t know what to say to that. Nyssa had heard him make that comment so she told him that they had actually discussed putting his picture on it and he shook his head and said it was better that he wasn't, that it's good that we have something that is just ours. Oh he is just too sweet.

      So then I gave him the thank you card I had gotten for him on behalf of the Squirrels of his DGEEK forum. It said “You are awesome” on the front and “Not only Awesome but Totally Awesome” on the inside. When he read that part, he gave a little groan and the looks on his face was priceless.

      I wrote probably too much stuff on it but he read it all. I was so beside myself with SGUEE. I was so surprised I could talk. I thanked him for fixing DGEEK when it breaks and he said he really has to make time to sit down and work on it. He then came to the part I wrote about him coming to Dragon*con 2010 like he promise on TWITTER. He goes “Oh, I forgot I had mentioned that on line”. The look on his face seemed to be saying “and now they will never let me forget it”. Damn right.

      Then he noticed that I had given him the card outside of the envelope. I don't know why I did that. He looks at the card in one hand and the envelope in the other and gets this wicked look and goes off on this hilarious riff about how to properly give a card to someone. He says that usually you put the card in the envelope which he proceeds to demonstrate and then you seal it and he puts it dramatically down on the table next to him. There he says that is how you do it. Oh he is sooo bad. LOL!!!!!! I then gave him my ADB DVD to sign and wandered off in a daze to get David Nkyl’s auto.

      Next up was my friend Pam who had about 6 of his movies for him to autograph. He would pick up each one and make a comment on how young he looked or how much fun each certain movie was. He would then show them all to his handler. DH & DN would banter back and forth. I am glad Pam was getting so many things signed because I could just stand off to the side and watch.

      Then we did lunch at Tim’s and went to get in line for the photos. In line was a guy who had made a PUDDLEJUMPER out of LEGO. It was cool with drive pods that extended in and out. The same guy had made the LEGO GATEROOM that I saw back in 2007 when I was the con in Toronto.

      My next embarrassing moment came with the photos. Boy David is looking really slim these days. He was wearing a nice short sleeve black t-shirt. Since everyone before me in line was hugging him, I just went up there and hugged him. I don't think I even ask if I could, I just did. The first take of our photo didn't work so while waiting for the photographer to get ready again, I keep hugging him and I kind of squeezed him a bit too much and he joked that he might lose his lunch. LOL!!!!! Afterwards he thanked me and away I ran.

      We then popped into Claudia’s panel. She talked about how having two kids really changed her perspective on her career. She is getting into producing. She also talked about how she is still looking for some work where she & Michael can work together again. That would be so cool.

      Afterwards the four of us went out to BOSTON PIZZA for supper. Then we went to Constellation Awards. It was only because Kate was a presenter and David was there as a nominee that I went. It was definitely an enthusiastic if somewhat cheesy event.

      Kate was the presenter for the award that David was nominated for. She was the best presenter there. One of the other nominees in David’s category was David Tenant who had won for the past two years. So when Kate said Tenant’s name, David good naturedly booed him. Classic David!!!! Too Funny.

      After reviewing all the nominees who weren't in attendance, Kate went on to talk about the two nominees who were there (Michael Hogan and David H). The first one she waxing poetically about, the other one she simple introduced as "my brother". I think David shouted out something to her, because Kate then said something like Shut up you were adopted.

      When Kate announced Hogan as the winner, David, raced on stage with his arms triumphantly in the air. It caught everyone by surprise. Everyone burst into laugher. When he got to Kate he stopped, turned around and acted like he was going to fight Hogan for the award. As the two of them inched closer to the edge of the stage in their mock fight, Hogan then threw and it looks like David partly jumped off the stage. I was sitting not to far back from where he landed and boy he almost landed in the lap of the person sitting on the end of the row. That was almost scary but he jumped up and shook his fist at Michael and everyone laughed.

      The Stargate Franchise had won an award and Brad Wright sent a note saying since neither he nor Cooper could be there so he would appreciate it if David & Kate would accept it on there behalf. They walked onstage and it looked like they were arguing over who would hold it. David finally took the award and Thank all those that voted.

      Nyssa went off to use the free internet access in the bar and wrote up her report while the rest of us went dancing until 1 am. That was so much fun. I love dancing!!!! Then we went to bed.

      That is part one. Stay tuned for more.
      Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


        Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post

        Nyssa & I made it safely to the hotel, picked up our badges and headed up to the hotel room. It was really a nice suite. Thanks again to Marimba for booking the hotel room and allowing Pam and I to stay with her and Rosie.

        Marimba and I reminisced about the last con we attended together (Gatecon 2004) and how we got up at 4 a.m. to get in line for good seats for the big CJ, AT & MS panel. Thankfully we were only planning on getting up at 7 am on Saturday. We spent the rest of the evening unpacking, exploring the con space and designing our plan of attack for Sat.

        Saturday was a busy day. We got up early and went to Tim Horton’s, which was conveniently located next door, for Breakfast. It was way cheaper than the hotel restaurant. First up were the autographs. We were in line two hour early and were really close to the front. The line up this time was Claudia, David Hewlett and David Nykl.

        David H. just about killed me with his hilarious comments while I was getting my autograph. : ) First off he noticed the DGEEK forum t-shirt I was wearing so I told him about it. It has little pics of a lot of the ladies from the forum on it. It looks like a wanted poster and the slogan was “Have you seen David Hewlett’s Squirrels?” He looked at all the pics and asked where his pic was? I didn’t know what to say to that. Nyssa had heard him make that comment so she told him that they had actually discussed putting his picture on it and he shook his head and said it was better that he wasn't, that it's good that we have something that is just ours. Oh he is just too sweet.

        So then I gave him the thank you card I had gotten for him on behalf of the Squirrels of his DGEEK forum. It said “You are awesome” on the front and “Not only Awesome but Totally Awesome” on the inside. When he read that part, he gave a little groan and the looks on his face was priceless.

        I wrote probably too much stuff on it but he read it all. I was so beside myself with SGUEE. I was so surprised I could talk. I thanked him for fixing DGEEK when it breaks and he said he really has to make time to sit down and work on it. He then came to the part I wrote about him coming to Dragon*con 2010 like he promise on TWITTER. He goes “Oh, I forgot I had mentioned that on line”. The look on his face seemed to be saying “and now they will never let me forget it”. Damn right.

        Then he noticed that I had given him the card outside of the envelope. I don't know why I did that. He looks at the card in one hand and the envelope in the other and gets this wicked look and goes off on this hilarious riff about how to properly give a card to someone. He says that usually you put the card in the envelope which he proceeds to demonstrate and then you seal it and he puts it dramatically down on the table next to him. There he says that is how you do it. Oh he is sooo bad. LOL!!!!!! I then gave him my ADB DVD to sign and wandered off in a daze to get David Nkyl’s auto.

        Next up was my friend Pam who had about 6 of his movies for him to autograph. He would pick up each one and make a comment on how young he looked or how much fun each certain movie was. He would then show them all to his handler. DH & DN would banter back and forth. I am glad Pam was getting so many things signed because I could just stand off to the side and watch.

        Then we did lunch at Tim’s and went to get in line for the photos. In line was a guy who had made a PUDDLEJUMPER out of LEGO. It was cool with drive pods that extended in and out. The same guy had made the LEGO GATEROOM that I saw back in 2007 when I was the con in Toronto.

        My next embarrassing moment came with the photos. Boy David is looking really slim these days. He was wearing a nice short sleeve black t-shirt. Since everyone before me in line was hugging him, I just went up there and hugged him. I don't think I even ask if I could, I just did. The first take of our photo didn't work so while waiting for the photographer to get ready again, I keep hugging him and I kind of squeezed him a bit too much and he joked that he might lose his lunch. LOL!!!!! Afterwards he thanked me and away I ran.

        We then popped into Claudia’s panel. She talked about how having two kids really changed her perspective on her career. She is getting into producing. She also talked about how she is still looking for some work where she & Michael can work together again. That would be so cool.

        Afterwards the four of us went out to BOSTON PIZZA for supper. Then we went to Constellation Awards. It was only because Kate was a presenter and David was there as a nominee that I went. It was definitely an enthusiastic if somewhat cheesy event.

        Kate was the presenter for the award that David was nominated for. She was the best presenter there. One of the other nominees in David’s category was David Tenant who had won for the past two years. So when Kate said Tenant’s name, David good naturedly booed him. Classic David!!!! Too Funny.

        After reviewing all the nominees who weren't in attendance, Kate went on to talk about the two nominees who were there (Michael Hogan and David H). The first one she waxing poetically about, the other one she simple introduced as "my brother". I think David shouted out something to her, because Kate then said something like Shut up you were adopted.

        When Kate announced Hogan as the winner, David, raced on stage with his arms triumphantly in the air. It caught everyone by surprise. Everyone burst into laugher. When he got to Kate he stopped, turned around and acted like he was going to fight Hogan for the award. As the two of them inched closer to the edge of the stage in their mock fight, Hogan then threw and it looks like David partly jumped off the stage. I was sitting not to far back from where he landed and boy he almost landed in the lap of the person sitting on the end of the row. That was almost scary but he jumped up and shook his fist at Michael and everyone laughed.

        The Stargate Franchise had won an award and Brad Wright sent a note saying since neither he nor Cooper could be there so he would appreciate it if David & Kate would accept it on there behalf. They walked onstage and it looked like they were arguing over who would hold it. David finally took the award and Thank all those that voted.

        Nyssa went off to use the free internet access in the bar and wrote up her report while the rest of us went dancing until 1 am. That was so much fun. I love dancing!!!! Then we went to bed.

        That is part one. Stay tuned for more.

        Nice Scarym1.

        It was fun during the autographs to be between you and Nissa. I loved watching David Hewlett talking to you. He thought the squirrel t-shirt was great and it was funny watching him tell you how to stuff an envelop - it was like he tells people how to do it everyday. He really gave you and Nissa and his other fans some really nice personal attention.
        And having Nissa on the other side of me getting Hewlett's autograph on several items meant I got to spend a few minutes talking with David Nykl and that was priceless for me!

        Do we know if anyone got a video of David Hewlett running on stage and then getting thrown off by Michael Hogan? That was soooooo darn funny!


          Hey Rosie.

          I haven't seen any video of the awards show and the only photo of DH getting thrown off was yours. I find it hard to believe there isn't more about it out there somewhere. Altho it did happened quite fast and it took everyone by surprise so maybe no one was able to capture it.

          My plan for today, besides three loads of laundy, cleaning the apartment and grocery shopping is to write up the rest of my report.
          Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


            Con Report: Part Two

            David Nykl’s first panel was Saturday afternoon. Everyone was commenting on his mustache. He was growing it for an audition he had the following week. I believe it was for the role of a British army officer. He said that most of the comments were that they preferred him without it. I thought it looked nice.

            My fave part was when he was asked how he thought Zelenka would have reacted to McKay’s rapid decline and impeding death in The Shrine. He paused and took a short walk across the stage and said in quite the most poignant voice said that Zelenka would have been "devastated". The audience was just silent for a moment afterwards. It was really a moving movement. I wish we could have had a scene between them to in that ep.

            Another fave moment was at the start of his panel; he walked off the stage and into audience and shook lots of people hands and thanking them for coming to his panel. He stopped about halfway down the panel room waved to the people in the backseats and then went back to the stage.

            We started off later on Sunday by sleeping in until 8 am. We did breakfast again at Tim Horton’s and decided on our plan of attack for the day. : )

            The con changed how it did the photos from the last time I attended. They printed them up on the same day so you could get them in time for autographs. They said that no photos were being mailed out. You either picked it up at the con or had a JPEG emailed to you. You could also have both a photo and a JPEG. So I was able to get David H to autograph my Sat photo op. I apologized for hugging him too hard so he signed the Photo To: Mary, Great SQUEEZE!!! I also asked him if Joe F knew he was impersonating John Sheppard at the July 4th parade. He said wasn’t impersonating John he was just dressed like him. ; )

            The two David’s were initially scheduled to do their panels separately but then it was decided they would share a panel on Sunday afternoon. DH got a half an hour by himself and then DN showed up. They gave each other a great hug. It was so sweet. So they answered questions and bantered back and forth for awhile. I was sitting there listening to them when I saw Kate walk in the panel room. She was looking around for a seat. It just so happened that the one next to me was empty so when she looked in my direction I pointed it out. She then came and sat next to me. She then pointed in the direction of the question line and asked if that was what she thought it was. I said yes and she ran up and got in line. When she got up to the microphone, her question was along the lines of how did DN like being the cool David? Then DN ran off stage and gave Kate a big hug and dragged her on stage with him. She looked quite stunned by this turn of events. The stage hand got her a chair and she sat next to her brother. They were only supposed to go on for an hour (2:30 – 3:30) but they went on until 4 p.m.

            Pam said this happened but I didn’t hear it. She was sitting closer to the front and the audience by the microphone (where I was standing) was noisy so maybe that is why I miss it. It is still cool. : ) Pam said that DH recognized me and said from the stage "Is that you Mary? “SGUEEE!!!!

            First I thanked him for doing a con in Canada. He said it was great to be back amongst his people. The audience loved that. I then asked him about the movie he twittered about. He thanked me for asking about that. : ) The movie is titled. Run Judas (is in development with MGM and is likely planned as a direct to DVD release with a "backdoor to a series" but it is still in development. He then went on to talk about, how Starcrossed is still wrapped up in the legal dept so that is not going to happen anytime soon. DH said he's got a lot of projects going, but he's focusing on the MGM project since "it's a paying gig".

            One of the funniest questions was directed at Kate and DH. What did they each think about Kissing Paul McGillion? DH made a face and said “Not so much!” Kate said it was very nice INDEED!!!

            Another question was that since a lot of the audience probably uses STARGATE and other shows as an escape from the stresses of life what did they do? DH said he chases Baz around. The audience goes AWWWW!!! Kate said she thought about kissing Paul McGillion which got a big laugh and a funny look from DH.

            Pam remembered a few other great moments from the panel the two David’s did together. I thought you would like to read them. She was able to remember more stuff because she took the time to write it all down each night while I am trying to remember it all over a week later. ; )

            1. Someone asked Kate about her CD. She said it was an EP and DH said "What, like from the 80's?" He gave her a really hard time for not wanting to talk about it or give out the web address. It didn't help when she said she had been in a play this week at The Fringe and hadn't done any marketing for it. DH said "You suck! “ DN told her that like any other aspect of show business marketing is essential. You could tell she was a little uncomfortable. DH was his usual blunt self with her but DN was very gentle.

            2. The David’s said that most of the dialogue would be shot late in the week, often on a Friday. They would see JoeF & JasonM driving off the set at noon saying “We had a great day, ran around with guns & blew things up! Come meet us for beer!" And the David’s would still have 10 pages of dialogue in front of them.

            3. Someone asked them of all the places they'd been which was their favorite? DN mentioned how traveling was so important since it instills a sense of curiosity in the traveler. Which leads to greater understanding about peoples and their cultures and that we really need more of that in the world. But at the end of the day, his favorite place is home. He then turned to DH and said snarkedly "Top that". DH didn't miss a beat. He just looked at the audience and said "Here". The crowd went wild and DN laughed, shook his head and began making bowing motions with his hands to DH.

            Kate stayed Sunday afternoon and signed autographs. I got her to sign my ADB poster. So now I have David, Paul, Kate and Mars' autos on it. When Kate signed the poster, she insisted on signing it on Mars' behalf as well. She drew a little paw print and put his name underneath it. It is so cute.

            Now for more photo op stories:

            David H. had a second photo session on Sunday. So The Squirrels, David Hewlett's Unofficial Fan Club, who were at the con (Pam, Fran and I) had a photo with David. Pam had drawn a sign that said SQUIRRELS RULE. David gave a big smile when he saw the sign. So it was Fran and Pam on either side of him and for some unknown reason I had decided to kneel down in front. I then put my left hand on his knee and he laughed out loud. Then this thought ran though my mind and I resisted the urge to say it but David who obviously thought the same thing didn’t he said it out loud. “THOSE SQUIRRELS ARE ALWAYS AFTER MY ………. “. He didn’t say Nuts but we all knew what he meant. We all just died laughing. The camera person had to pause for a while until she stopped laughing. Thank god we almost the last ones having their photos taken.

            Then after the pic was done, David was directing everyone around and I said to him “You know some call it directing…” and the shocked look on his face was priceless. He then finished the quote “and sometimes it is just bullying. " Then he added "Thank you Jewel Staite." I just about fell over laughing. For some of you who don’t know the story. It was during a difficult day of shooting and I am not sure who the director was but David just snapped and said “SOMETIMES IT IS CALLED DIRECTING AND SOMETIME IT IS JUST BULLYING.” Jewel happened to be there at the time so for weeks afterwards, she would just tease him about it every chance she got.

            Then Pam had one more photo op. She said it was just for David which got us a confused look which changed to a smirk when Pam gave him a sign to hold. It said DRAGON*CON 2010 OR BUST. He held like he was hitchhiking and gave a goofy grin. I can’t wait for Pam to send me a copy.

            We also had a roomies (Lisa, Pam, Rosiehawk and I) photo with each David. So it was three photo ops with DH and two with DN.

            I can’t remember anything else. So I think that it is.
            Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


              Thanks ScaryM.

              I am so laughing at reading your report and remember these events at the convention.

              This was a really really great fan convention!

              I still haven't received the jpegs yet. I got a message in as I thought it was only suppose to be about a week. I am okay if it takes longer, just want to know how much longer.

              Lisa did finally make it home, on Wednesday. PM her and her ask the details.



                Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post
                Con Report: Part Two

                David Nykl’s first panel was Saturday afternoon. Everyone was commenting on his mustache. He was growing it for an audition he had the following week. I believe it was for the role of a British army officer. He said that most of the comments were that they preferred him without it. I thought it looked nice.

                *snip for lenght*
                Thank you. Even just reading this is great fun.


                  Here are some more clips from the con.

                  The first one is Michael Hogan throwing David off the stage at the Constellation awards.


                  The second clip is during the first half hour of David Hewlett's panel. At about the 6 minute mark you can hear me ask David a question. SGUEEE!!!!

                  Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )

