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Help on RPG?

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    Help on RPG?

    Hello, I'm new here, long time fan of the show, although not as up on cannon as I should be...

    Especially since I am having my James Bond gaming group (out of print game) capture the Stargate from a hidden Nazi R&D base on Devil's Island off on French Guiana in 1962!

    I plan to introduce them into the verse with the DHD that the Nazi's found and a list of addresses. Nazis have set up off-world "alpha site", address unknown.

    Plan for more of a covert game than the SG-1, not total war, Protected Planet Treaty keeps System Lords hands off, the group gets to tangle with the B-team of lower level Snakeheads.

    A couple of changes I'm throwing in.

    Universal language. The Gao' old can't be bothered to learn mulitple human languages, require conformity for their convience. In Bond learning a new language is easy. Seems more believable than everyone speaking English!

    Also, the sarcophagus is going to work like in the original movie. Seems usefull from a game POV.

    Now my question is, Is there any big Cannon problems coming at me that I am unaware of?

    Something that will completely make say some Stargate modules (if I find any) unusable by me?

    Oh and any idea hooks that spring to anyone's mind that they feel like sharing...