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Attn: People in charge of Stargate!!!!(Request for a Video Game)

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    Attn: People in charge of Stargate!!!!(Request for a Video Game)

    I would like to request that (though I like the idea of Stargate Worlds and would probably play it if it is good) you need to give us (the fans) a video game. You know turn on the PC, 360, or PS3 and get on customize your character launch in and run around defending the galaxy as part of the SGC or Atlantis Expedition. Heck make it where you force us to play an established character at least. You have cheated us MGM, you cancel SG1 Alliance and slow down development of mods that are doing your jobs. In short the free developer fans are going about creating games no one makes money on because your marketing and administration are retards who cannot figure out if we release a GOOD Stargate Video Game we will give fans what they want and get lots of money out of it (Look at George Lucas, most of his money comes from such sources; he made money off of the movies yes, but not most of it) so in an even shorter form for you to grasp this concept YOUR fans want a video game (not necessarily a MMORPG) to play so that we can put ourselves in a story based (which Stargate has a lot of) game to amuse ourselves in our freetime when there are no new episode of Stargate. You guys are great, but please give us a GOOD Stargate game (with NO Ori).

    If anyone else wants to vent and or post a comment about this. consider this a disscussion and petition.

    P.S. Good job to the Stargate Team (and especially to Gero; at least i think it was Gero who done the Global Warming episode) for flipping off BIGELECTRIC (GE) and their slave company NBC who are trying to make even more money by scaring people into thinking their destroying the earth and force tv shows to put out crappy scripts that kill the shows so that they get their pocketbooks lined. The only think GREEN about NBC, Global Warming, and Al Gore is the Washingtons, Frankilins, and Lincolns involved. I salute you for having the guts to stand up for freedom and liberty which is infringed upon everyday by politicians and "news" reporters.

    I wish I knew how to do a poll on tis website see you.

    A Stargate game that is fun and actually gets completed would be amazing!

    Though I don't think you're at liberty to tell what can and can't be in the game ( The Ori) I do agree that its time we, the fans, entered the gate.
    ____I reserve the right to be completely wrong about any topic I post on.


      Originally posted by PuddleJumper07 View Post
      I would like to request that (though I like the idea of Stargate Worlds and would probably play it if it is good) you need to give us (the fans) a video game. You know turn on the PC, 360, or PS3 and get on customize your character launch in and run around defending the galaxy as part of the SGC or Atlantis Expedition. Heck make it where you force us to play an established character at least. You have cheated us MGM, you cancel SG1 Alliance and slow down development of mods that are doing your jobs. In short the free developer fans are going about creating games no one makes money on because your marketing and administration are retards who cannot figure out if we release a GOOD Stargate Video Game we will give fans what they want and get lots of money out of it (Look at George Lucas, most of his money comes from such sources; he made money off of the movies yes, but not most of it) so in an even shorter form for you to grasp this concept YOUR fans want a video game (not necessarily a MMORPG) to play so that we can put ourselves in a story based (which Stargate has a lot of) game to amuse ourselves in our freetime when there are no new episode of Stargate. You guys are great, but please give us a GOOD Stargate game (with NO Ori).

      If anyone else wants to vent and or post a comment about this. consider this a disscussion and petition.

      P.S. Good job to the Stargate Team (and especially to Gero; at least i think it was Gero who done the Global Warming episode) for flipping off BIGELECTRIC (GE) and their slave company NBC who are trying to make even more money by scaring people into thinking their destroying the earth and force tv shows to put out crappy scripts that kill the shows so that they get their pocketbooks lined. The only think GREEN about NBC, Global Warming, and Al Gore is the Washington's, Franklins, and Lincolns involved. I salute you for having the guts to stand up for freedom and liberty which is infringed upon everyday by politicians and "news" reporters.

      I wish I knew how to do a poll on this website see you.
      I agree with you about the game. It would be so much better if MGM/TPTB released a game in regular video game format I'm not even interested in playing the one they got goin' now. And why not included Atlantis? That's one I would play! That would be kewl!

      GE stands for General Electric not big electric. Unless you already new that and were calling it BIGELECTRIC on purpose. In which case... nevermind.

      You had the option to create a poll when you created this thread. This will tell you all about it--->
      Sig by ME.


        A Stargate game for X-box 360 would be great. Especially if it had the same sort of engine as Halo 3. A Stargate Space Battle game would also be cool, especially if it was based off of the same sort of engine as Star Trek legacy.

        I'm a little disappointed with Stargate Worlds as it's a MMORPG. Anything BUT a MMORPG would be better.

        Anubis 10545 on Stargate Wiki - A database for all Stargate knowledge.


          I always though a stargate RTS would be awsome


            Firstly: I would like a stargate game that I didn't have to subscribe to, I never play games for months at a time. I once tried a MMO and got bored after a few weeks and wanted to play something else and even though it was a good game I'll never play it again because I don't want to play for a whole month.

            Secondly: Most of the big companies that talk about going green are just doing it to look popular, we're currently over-stretching the Earth's capacity for CO2 recycling by 400%, we need to cut CO2 emissions by 75% to stop it having an impact on climate change, which won't stop climate change. The only government to set proper targets has been Britain and they don't expect to get anywhere near them. Climate change is a big problem that needs massive solutions but all anybody is willing to give is a token gesture.


              Originally posted by Anubis10545 View Post
              A Stargate game for X-box 360 would be great. Especially if it had the same sort of engine as Halo 3. A Stargate Space Battle game would also be cool, especially if it was based off of the same sort of engine as Star Trek legacy.

              Please excuse my denseness here. No clue what you mean by engine in this conext. (I know what an engine is just not in regards to the video games you mentioned. Or video games in general.)
              Sig by ME.


                First of all I am comparing GE to BIG OIL, hence BIG ELECTRIC. Second an engine in a video game runs much like a cars its what makes it go (i.e. the physics engine).

                And Splitsecond brings a good point it costs to go to college and to you know..... live. Its easier for us to make a one time purchase and sell more copies than to have half the people who would have bought it to drop out due to some reason such as the one SplitSecond brought up. We have "Worlds" coming, whoopty doo its not what most of us Stargate fans necesarily want. I think its interesting, but MMORPG's turn out crap more than gold, so you are telling some of us (at least me) you don't care about giving the stargate fans a good virtual Stargate experience.

                I better stop rambling. My point was, is ,and will be till it is resolved; we the fans want to be able to load a video game either by ourselves (or with friends) that allows us to expereince the Stargate experience that we crave. Want proof go play Mass Effect those guy are such fans that they took Colonel John Shepherd and turned him into Commander John Shepherd.

                I only ask two things: a GOOD Stargate video game, and a theatrical SG1, (er maybe three, do not turn universe into seasons 9 and 10 of SG1 and do not turn it into Eureka)

                Note the refrence to Eureka I like the main Character and his friend Henry the rest of the town needs to nuke themselves while the sheriff is on vacation with his friend. This way Carter can bringin REAL smart people that want try to blow up the Earth (Dumasses). Only NBC can take such a good concept and turn it to crap by puppeting it along the way they do.

                string NBC = "Not enough Bull Crap";

                Any C++ programmers should get my joke.


                  By the way no insults meant (well maybe to the Looney Tune happenings in the upper eschellion of NBC).


                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

                    Please excuse my denseness here. No clue what you mean by engine in this conext. (I know what an engine is just not in regards to the video games you mentioned. Or video games in general.)

                    .Some engines are used across alot of different games, eg Epic's Unreal Engine 3 (Unreal Tournament 3, Stargate Worlds, Gears of War, Bioshock, Mass Effect and Mirror's Edge amongst many others), iD's Quake III engine (Quake III, Jedi Knight 2 and 3, Star Trek Elite Force, Call of Duty) or Valve's Source engine (Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Counterstrike Source, Day of Defeat Source, Left 4 Dead).

