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Baltamore Orioles @ Tampa Bay Rays - Aug. 30th

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    Baltamore Orioles @ Tampa Bay Rays - Aug. 30th

    At Tropicana Field this Saturday, Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne, and Damian Kindler will be at the game promoting Sanctuary and signing autographs.

    Full story here.

    I'll be there, will you?

    I wish. I don't have the gas money this weekend or I'd be there in a heart beat. I've been planning to go visit family for a while now but it doesn't look like it will be this weekend.


      Wow, you can have an UNGODLY amount of one-on-one time with them (I sure as heck did) compared to a convention. I only stayed for the first three innings so didn't get to see their interview after, but it was still the best day of my life.


        Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
        Wow, you can have an UNGODLY amount of one-on-one time with them (I sure as heck did) compared to a convention. I only stayed for the first three innings so didn't get to see their interview after, but it was still the best day of my life.
        can you share details?!!?

        did you talk to amanda? who threw out the first ball?




          I'm waiting for my sister to get back and produce the cable for the digital camera before I share my story. Don't worry, it's somehow killing me too.


            Hey, Falcon. I didn't realise you were over here as well!

            Hope you get your sister's camera cable soon!
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by falcon 304 View Post
              wow, you can have an ungodly amount of one-on-one time with them (i sure as heck did) compared to a convention. I only stayed for the first three innings so didn't get to see their interview after, but it was still the best day of my life.
              I Knew It!!

              "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

              SG-1 FanFiction
              Sanctuary Fanfiction


                GAH! Looking forward to hearing about it! Wish I'd been able to go!


                  *My posted copied from the Sanctuary forum*

                  HERE IT GOES!

                  So to prolong things for you, I'll start off with the pre-road trip story. Because of the weather, my mother insisted that she call the stadium to make sure they would still be coming. After waiting for 15 minutes she got a women to help her. After asking, the other women, she said that they hadn't heard from them yet (this was at 10:30, and I later learned from Damian that they were still in the air then), but said they had better be coming because she had a ton of stuff for them to sign.

                  After an uneventful, very wet, 2 hour 30 minute drive there, my father and I arrived at 2:05. Thank the lord, my father had ponchos in the trunk. Because of the poncho, I didn't have to get my bag checked. To further draw things out, we walked in and looked around for a map to Gate 1. We asked a dude (near the escalators ) where it was. Turn out we were already there! They were but 10 feet away and I didn't even know it!!!

                  *WARNING, CRAPPY PICS AHEAD*

                  At the table 1

                  At the table 2

                  At the table 3

                  There wasn't much of a line, maybe four when I got there. Now, I've never been to a convention, but it being a convention, I'm sure you can't exchange more than a few words with people before having to move on. I got to have a flipping full blown conversations with Damian AND Amanda *faints* (Robbin was just sitting in the corner, kinda not paying attention, and Amanda was passing him the posters to sign).

                  I started off asking Damian how his flight was, considering the weather. To once again draw things out, he said that they caught two flights, one after the other, and got to Tampa at 11:30. I can't remember the order of the conversation or how things progressed so the following might be out of order. Now, some retards had loud music playing not to far away, but I'm fairly certain that he said they had about two more weeks of shooting left to do. I know for a fact though that he said that the network likes the show so much already that they're already talking about a second season. Finally I cracked a joke: "Hopefully you guys don't get canceled after five awesome seasons." They both laughed.

                  I believe I then said how I came all the way from Orlando (well, Sanford, but it's right next to it and I'm sure they wouldn't know of it), and we then got talking how awesome the show it/will be. Somehow I then told Amanda (and maybe Damian) how I got into the show. To sum things up (I think is pretty much what I said too): I got really sick earlier this year, missed a month of school, and came across the show. After I got my autographs my dad and I went to go check out our seats.

                  The Ark of Truth signed by Amanda

                  Signed promo poster

                  So we sat there, watching batting practice. Twenty minutes (2:45) later and after my dad's first drink, I was like yo, we HAVE to go back. Good thing we did, because I would have extremely regretted everything.

                  Me and Amanda *squeals like a girl then faints*

                  So THEN we walked back to our seats (not to far) for the opening stuff. My only regret of the day was of the three throwing out (one of a flipping four part) the opening pitch. For one, our seats were behind the left field foul pole, so... yeah. Also, I KNEW they were throwing out the first pitch and didn't think of running over to a section near home plate to takes pics. So when I went to take pictures of the jumbo screen there, the camera flipping out and wouldn't let me. I had to take uber far away crappy pics, and on top of that I wasn't really paying attention to the actual pitching taking place. All I really saw was them walking to the mound, then them walking off and Amanda having a grin on her face.

                  Crappy pic 1

                  Crappy pic 2

                  My father and I then watched the first 3 and a half innings of the game and left. Unfortunately, the Rays came back to win the game. I'm hoping to check out their site some time next week and find the interview from after the game. The ride back wasn't as bad as going there, but still,

                  Rain, rain, go away...

                  I will now leave you with this, the hand that touched an angel... TWICE!

                  PS - If there is anyone out there with photoshop or a similar picture editing program, could you PLEASE clean up my picture with Amanda? You'll be put into my top then hero list, behind Amanda Tapping, Amanda Tapping, and of course, Amanda Tapping.
                  Last edited by Falcon 304; 31 August 2008, 04:43 AM.


                    How did you find out that they were going to be there? I live in Southern Florida and had no clue they would be in that state.


                      Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                      *My posted copied from the Sanctuary forum*

                      HERE IT GOES!

                      So to prolong things for you, I'll start off with the pre-road trip story. Because of the weather, my mother insisted that she call the stadium to make sure they would still be coming. After waiting for 15 minutes she got a women to help her. After asking, the other women, she said that they hadn't heard from them yet (this was at 10:30, and I later learned from Damian that they were still in the air then), but said they had better be coming because she had a ton of stuff for them to sign.

                      After an uneventful, very wet, 2 hour 30 minute drive there, my father and I arrived at 2:05. Thank the lord, my father had ponchos in the trunk. Because of the poncho, I didn't have to get my bag checked. To further draw things out, we walked in and looked around for a map to Gate 1. We asked a dude (near the escalators ) where it was. Turn out we were already there! They were but 10 feet away and I didn't even know it!!!

                      *WARNING, CRAPPY PICS AHEAD*

                      At the table 1

                      At the table 2

                      At the table 3

                      There wasn't much of a line, maybe four when I got there. Now, I've never been to a convention, but it being a convention, I'm sure you can't exchange more than a few words with people before having to move on. I got to have a flipping full blown conversations with Damian AND Amanda *faints* (Robbin was just sitting in the corner, kinda not paying attention, and Amanda was passing him the posters to sign).

                      I started off asking Damian how his flight was, considering the weather. To once again draw things out, he said that they caught two flights, one after the other, and got to Tampa at 11:30. I can't remember the order of the conversation or how things progressed so the following might be out of order. Now, some retards had loud music playing not to far away, but I'm fairly certain that he said they had about two more weeks of shooting left to do. I know for a fact though that he said that the network likes the show so much already that they're already talking about a second season. Finally I cracked a joke: "Hopefully you guys don't get canceled after five awesome seasons." They both laughed.

                      I believe I then said how I came all the way from Orlando (well, Sanford, but it's right next to it and I'm sure they wouldn't know of it), and we then got talking how awesome the show it/will be. Somehow I then told Amanda (and maybe Damian) how I got into the show. To sum things up (I think is pretty much what I said too): I got really sick earlier this year, missed a month of school, and came across the show. After I got my autographs my dad and I went to go check out our seats.

                      The Ark of Truth signed by Amanda

                      Signed promo poster

                      So we sat there, watching batting practice. Twenty minutes (2:45) later and after my dad's first drink, I was like yo, we HAVE to go back. Good thing we did, because I would have extremely regretted everything.

                      Me and Amanda *squeals like a girl then faints*

                      So THEN we walked back to our seats (not to far) for the opening stuff. My only regret of the day was of the three throwing out (one of a flipping four part) the opening pitch. For one, our seats were behind the left field foul pole, so... yeah. Also, I KNEW they were throwing out the first pitch and didn't think of running over to a section near home plate to takes pics. So when I went to take pictures of the jumbo screen there, the camera flipping out and wouldn't let me. I had to take uber far away crappy pics, and on top of that I wasn't really paying attention to the actual pitching taking place. All I really saw was them walking to the mound, then them walking off and Amanda having a grin on her face.

                      Crappy pic 1

                      Crappy pic 2

                      My father and I then watched the first 3 and a half innings of the game and left. Unfortunately, the Rays came back to win the game. I'm hoping to check out their site some time next week and find the interview from after the game. The ride back wasn't as bad as going there, but still,

                      Rain, rain, go away...

                      I will now leave you with this, the hand that touched an angel... TWICE!
                      woo hoo!!

                      i'm SO happy for you, falcon! and don't ever wash that hand again.

                      i'm saving those pics, btw.

                      *goes to save pics and entire post*




                        Originally posted by sabrina_lane03 View Post
                        How did you find out that they were going to be there? I live in Southern Florida and had no clue they would be in that state.
                        I'm a member of the Sanctuary forums, pop in from time to time, and saw thread, which linked to the story. As you can see, I made this thread five days ago (a day or two after I found out) and thought it was helpful to those that might be in the area.


                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          woo hoo!!

                          i'm SO happy for you, falcon! and don't ever wash that hand again.

                          It's odd. My dad works for Pepsi, so being in Central Florida, I've gone to more than my fair share of NASCAR races (Daytona Int. Speedway). I have an ungodly amount of autographs as well as a picture of me with my favorite driver taken only this July. I also got be a part of a conversation with another driver in a sweat where there were only a few people. Finally, I've been in... three victory lanes now and got to be in the "impossible to get into" building to watch the race one year.

                          Yet, this was honestly my first "OMFG I'M NEVAR WASHING THIS HAND AGAIN!!11!11!1!!!!!!!1!" moment.


                            Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                            *My posted copied from the Sanctuary forum*

                            HERE IT GOES!

                            So to prolong things for you, I'll start off with the pre-road trip story. Because of the weather, my mother insisted that she call the stadium to make sure they would still be coming. After waiting for 15 minutes she got a women to help her. After asking, the other women, she said that they hadn't heard from them yet (this was at 10:30, and I later learned from Damian that they were still in the air then), but said they had better be coming because she had a ton of stuff for them to sign.

                            After an uneventful, very wet, 2 hour 30 minute drive there, my father and I arrived at 2:05. Thank the lord, my father had ponchos in the trunk. Because of the poncho, I didn't have to get my bag checked. To further draw things out, we walked in and looked around for a map to Gate 1. We asked a dude (near the escalators ) where it was. Turn out we were already there! They were but 10 feet away and I didn't even know it!!!

                            *WARNING, CRAPPY PICS AHEAD*

                            At the table 1

                            At the table 2

                            At the table 3

                            There wasn't much of a line, maybe four when I got there. Now, I've never been to a convention, but it being a convention, I'm sure you can't exchange more than a few words with people before having to move on. I got to have a flipping full blown conversations with Damian AND Amanda *faints* (Robbin was just sitting in the corner, kinda not paying attention, and Amanda was passing him the posters to sign).

                            I started off asking Damian how his flight was, considering the weather. To once again draw things out, he said that they caught two flights, one after the other, and got to Tampa at 11:30. I can't remember the order of the conversation or how things progressed so the following might be out of order. Now, some retards had loud music playing not to far away, but I'm fairly certain that he said they had about two more weeks of shooting left to do. I know for a fact though that he said that the network likes the show so much already that they're already talking about a second season. Finally I cracked a joke: "Hopefully you guys don't get canceled after five awesome seasons." They both laughed.

                            I believe I then said how I came all the way from Orlando (well, Sanford, but it's right next to it and I'm sure they wouldn't know of it), and we then got talking how awesome the show it/will be. Somehow I then told Amanda (and maybe Damian) how I got into the show. To sum things up (I think is pretty much what I said too. I got really sick earlier this year, missed a month of school, and came across the show. After I got my autographs my dad and I went to go check out our seats.

                            The Ark of Truth signed by Amanda

                            Signed promo poster

                            So we sat there, watching batting practice. Twenty minutes (2:45) later and after my dad's first drink, I was like yo, we HAVE to go back. Good thing we did, because I would have extremely regretted everything.

                            Me and Amanda *squeals like a girl then faints*

                            So THEN we walked back to our seats (not to far) for the opening stuff. My only regret of the day was of the three throwing out (one of a flipping four part) the opening pitch. For one, our seats were behind the left field foul pole, so... yeah. Also, I KNEW they were throwing out the first pitch and didn't think of running over to a section near home plate to takes pics. So when I went to take pictures of the jumbo screen there, the camera flipping out and wouldn't let me. I had to take uber far away crappy pics, and on top of that I wasn't really paying attention to the actual pitching taking place. All I really saw was them walking to the mound, then them walking off and Amanda having a grin on her face.

                            Crappy pic 1

                            Crappy pic 2

                            My father and I then watched the first 3 and a half innings of the game and left. Unfortunately, the Rays came back to win the game. I'm hoping to check out their site some time next week and find the interview from after the game. The ride back wasn't as bad as going there, but still,

                            Rain, rain, go away...

                            I will now leave you with this, the hand that touched an angel... TWICE!
                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            woo hoo!!

                            i'm SO happy for you, falcon! and don't ever wash that hand again.

                            i'm saving those pics, btw.

                            *goes to save pics and entire post*


                            Falcon, YOU ARE MY HERO FOR THE WEEK!!!!! That's freaking amazing, I was squeeing the entire time I was reading your post . You are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unbelievably lucky, you not only met Amanda, you got her autograph on your copy of AOT and a Sanctuary poster, If I were you, I'd cherrish those, keep them safe, and NEVER, NEVER SELL THEM *SUPER SQUEE*, and you got a picture with the MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ON EARTH, and you touched the angel TWICE-- btw, notice I said *the* angel . And Sally's right, I wouldn't wash that hand, you should save it. *Wink*

                            YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!! YOU TOTALLY MADE MY DAY!!!! I'm glad you didn't faint, I might have, and thanks a lot for those awesome pics, I'm also saving them, and I wish I could have seen Amanda pitch, and the grin on her face , why did she have it though? And oh, Season 2? I like that. Thanks a billion. *Both thumbs up*


                              Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                              It's odd. My dad works for Pepsi, so being in Central Florida, I've gone to more than my fair share of NASCAR races (Daytona Int. Speedway). I have an ungodly amount of autographs as well as a picture of me with my favorite driver taken only this July. I also got be a part of a conversation with another driver in a sweat where there were only a few people. Finally, I've been in... three victory lanes now and got to be in the "impossible to get into" building to watch the race one year.

                              Yet, this was honestly my first "OMFG I'M NEVAR WASHING THIS HAND AGAIN!!11!11!1!!!!!!!1!" moment.

                              yep, amanda has that effect on ppl.

                              ~THE AMANDA EFFECT~

                              the woman has power i tell you!



