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    Bummer...I missed the last podcast or two or three...wish I could have time!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      I'm listening to the newest podcast right now. I regret not calling in to voice my opinions, but I guess I'll just type them here. I've got to say that the sex in SGU is only there to make the show more "serious" or "adult". I'd rather that they'd use deep themes or interesting sci fi concepts instead of going for the shock value. Look at other works that are adult, not because they have violence or sexual content, but because they have deep subject matter that only mature people would understand. Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix is a great example of how to do this. It was a comic that had interesting sci fi themes with no objectionable content whatsoever. In fact, the art style was reminiscent to Disney's style. But I digress. What I'm trying to say is that the sex in SGU is only there to get people to this that it's an "adult" show, but there are other (better ways) to make it mature.
      The Great Walrus of Truth is dead.


        It is interestng that you brought in another male instead of having a female for the current podcast. It would have been nice to have a female point of view.


          Hi Guys!

          Great podcast. Kevin had terrific opinions and certainly it's great to hear him on the podcast. In general, I find myself agreeing with most of your discussion. As a longterm fan, it almost appears that the franchise has gone 360 on the whole sex thing. I mean looking at SG1 and indeed SGA, it's practically absent. It's almost as if TPTB are trying to "make up" for it. (*yes I can hear the Make Up Sex gags already thank you!)

          Anyhoo, as was mentioned, I just hope it doesn't take over from what is (supposed to be) a Sci Fi Show!!

          Oh, and for David....

          Best to all S'n'T
          "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
          Sara O' Neill's father;
          COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


            ....coz you can NEVER have enough Ketchup in your life *waggles eyebrows*

            "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
            Sara O' Neill's father;
            COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


              Sorry didn't get a chance to talk about Sex on SGU. My real question is with all the sex on the destiny, how do they not have to worry about pregnancy. I mean I can't imagine that they brought with them boxes of condoms or birth control pills. Maybe they have enough for a few weeks or maybe a couple of months but long term. I don't think so.


                Originally posted by Ramses818 View Post
                Sorry didn't get a chance to talk about Sex on SGU. My real question is with all the sex on the destiny, how do they not have to worry about pregnancy. I mean I can't imagine that they brought with them boxes of condoms or birth control pills. Maybe they have enough for a few weeks or maybe a couple of months but long term. I don't think so.
                This would be something to consider as well if the *alternate* folks are allowing their bodies to be used and sex is something that is happening such as the case with
                Young and his wife
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Why are we(Americans) so uptight about sex?

                  Darren, David and Tame, love the show, but it's not your place to "endorse" anyone's lifestyle.


                    Originally posted by Jump237 View Post
                    Why are we(Americans) so uptight about sex?

                    Darren, David and Tame, love the show, but it's not your place to "endorse" anyone's lifestyle.
                    Indeed, and let me say as one of those who started this discussion and used the term bigotry I congratulate Darren on what he has said in the most recent podcast in response.

                    I perfectly understand your point of view Darren, and of course you are perfectly entitled to it.

                    Let me be clear that in using the term bigotry I was not accusing you or anyone on your podcast of being a bigot, but rather was implying that I feel at times use of christianity, or indeed any other religion, as a reason for 'not endorsing a lifestyle' can seem to hint at this, especially when christianity is meant to be allencompassing.

                    This is perhaps one of the problems with the bible, as that it consistently contradicts itself - the teachings of Jesus in the new testament being vastly at odds with those of old testament.

                    Of course we need to rememember that the books in the bible were written by scholars/pharisees/learned men of the time, for their own reasons.

                    But i dont want to get to far of the point!

                    So i guess the problem comes down to the fact the homosexuality is not a lifestyle choice, like say preferring stargate over galactica. There is no choice about it! Inferring that there is, can lead to the accusation of bigotry.

                    But again, I am grateful for the comments you made in the most recent podcast.
                    Chief Galen Tyrol: But how do you know I'm human?
                    Brother Cavil: Oh, well, maybe because I'm a Cylon, and I've never seen you at any of the meetings.


                      Episode #72 is now available!

                      Ten episodes later, and we’ve reached the mid-season finale of Stargate Universe! This week on the podcast we’ll talk about “Justice,” with Justin Nolan from The 5th Race Podcast sitting in for David (who is on assignment). Darren and Justin will talk about how “Justice” starts to pay off the show’s slow build, law on board the Destiny and the ship’s growing culture of military versus civilian, and who sat in the Ancient chair … and why. And how about that cliffhanger ending — with a jaw-dropping conclusion to the first half of the season, yet a very unheroic action for one of our “heroes.”

                      We’ll also make some predictions about how the story will be resolved when SGU returns next spring. In the Quibbles segment, we’ll discuss Eli’s discovery of the gun, Franklin’s fate, and more. And we’ll also find out what listeners think about the mid-season finale.

                      Show Notes:
                      Direct Download:

                      This Week's Listener Question: What is your top Stargate moment of 2009? (A favorite moment from an episode, a convention experience, an encounter with another fan or an actor, or something else entirely!)

                      Leave a voicemail on the hotline or e-mail us a brief voice recording!

                      CALL US! You can call the hotline and leave us a voicemail any time, day or night. Give us your thoughts on this week's episode, speculate on what's going on or what's to come in the show, or talk about anything Stargate-related that is on your mind.

                      NEW NUMBER! Dial: 951-262-1647 (long distance rates apply)

                      Thanks to everyone for listening and contributing!
                      Last edited by Darren; 16 December 2009, 05:00 AM.
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                        I'm listen to "Justice" now.

                        Good podcast !

                        Although I would disagree on the part with you guys when you talked about the aliens they've encountered not being intelligent.

                        I think the sand ( Dust ) aliens were highly intelligent... judging on the facts that they helped Scott find water on the planet... and the fact that they can come together to form a face ( image ) of humans.

                        Just because a species doesn't have ships, technology doesn't make them less intelligent... or monsters.

                        I mean look at the Unas species, are they not intelligent?


                          Just a quick comment about the discussion on homosexuality, and Darren's comments. Good on you, Darren. Being from a country that values the right to free speech, you are justified in your opinion. It really doesn't matter whether homosexuality is normal or an aberration, whether it will be around and accepted by everyone in 20 years, or not. What matters is that each of us has our own code of ethics and morality - our own belief system by which we govern ourselves. If we all lived in individual bubbles, opinions would have no significance. But, since we do live in a social structure, we each have an equal opportunity to voice what matters to us. That's why this forum exists. Darren spoke about something in which the pendulum of opinion is swinging toward that of acceptance. I applaud Darren for taking a sensitive subject and speaking about it and offering his opinions about it. It would have been easier for Darren not to say anything. He could have taken the easy road and let everyone else talk about it. Instead, he spoke about what he believes. To me, that is not a minor deal. It is similar to an individual telling the world that global warming is caused by natural causes and not by pollution. That person would be chased out of the room. It takes courage to speak up for what you believe when the majority of the people are of the opposite opinion. Again, good on you, Darren.
                          Visit me on


                            I listen to the Podcast guys, you guys do good stuff. I am in the job of defending a person's right to say what they think, no matter what that is. Anyway great job on Justice can't wait to hear the Year end Gateworld podcast. By the way Merry Christmas to everyone!

                            Currently Watching: SGU Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice

                            Rewatch: BSG, SGA, SG:1 Farscape, X files


                              Great Podcast Guys!

                              Also, can't wait to hear the End of Year Podcast....and some more details on David's super-de-duper secret project in Vancouver!!!!!!!!!

                              Best to all

                              "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                              Sara O' Neill's father;
                              COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                                Hi again guys!

                                Meant to say, I thought Darren would reference "Drumhead" from ST:TNG. The trial scene reminded me of same. Good ep., and perhaps a tip of the hat?

                                Soon again all!

                                "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                                Sara O' Neill's father;
                                COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)

