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    In response to the listener question this week

    My favourite race that has been intruduced in Atlantis would be the Satedans. They have this great fudeal code of honour and theres always these allusions as to what their race was like, they never just tell you, you have to fill in the peices yourself.

    I also love the Episode Sateda where we get to see a little of Ronan's previous life, and see that they were a compassionate people, and an advanced people. It's just a shame the Wraith didn't take kindly to the advanced part.

    I also liked the Genii but only because their leader was Irish.

    We need more Irish people in Stargate.

    "Say goodbye to your sanity!"


    Mollari: Isn't it ironic? When I first came to Babylon 5 I had all the choices in the world, and no power at all... now I have all the power I could ever want... and no choice... no choice...

    Mollari: It was something my father said. I was just a boy... and I heard him, crying in his room. I asked him what was wrong, and he said "My shoes are too tight... but it does not matter... because I have forgotten how to dance..." ...I never understood that until now... now... my shoes are too tight... and I have forgotten how to dance...
    Vir: I don't understand...
    Mollari: ...nor should you...


      This question is for David. I heard you have played Lord of the Rings Online, do you still play, and if so, what's your chacrater name/server (I would very much like to play with you)? BTW I can't wait for Stargate Worlds!!!


        Episode #19 is now available!

        GateWorld's editors Darren and David talk about last Friday's new episode of Stargate Atlantis, "Remnants." It's a complex hour that weaves together three storylines, with the return of a couple of significant recurring characters and some insight into Atlantis's own. Listen to this week's episode to find out what we thought.

        Also this week:

        Preview! Podcast listeners get an exclusive preview of this week's interview with "Siler" actor Dan Shea.

        News! Breaking news from the Stargate universe

        Features! The latest special features from GateWorld

        Listener Mail! Listeners share their opinions on Atlantis's supporting races.

        Listener Question: This Friday's new episode includes a bit on the relationship between Rodney McKay and Jennifer Keller. What do you think of romance on Stargate? Do you have a favorite pairing from SG-1 or Atlantis, or do you think that it just has no place on the show?

        CALL US! You can call the hotline and leave us a voicemail any time, day or night. Tell us what you thought of the newest Atlantis episode, answer the weekly listener question, leave feedback on the podcast itself, or talk about anything you want.

        Dial: 616-712-1647 (long distance rates apply)

        Thanks to everyone for listening and contributing!
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          Hey Darren, it's not up on itunes yet.


            Give it a little bit. It's not always instantaneous.

            In my experience, because I am subscribed to the podcast I can get it to start auto-downloading even though it hasn't been displayed in their list yet. If you're subscribed to it it may do the same for you.


              Originally posted by David View Post
              Give it a little bit. It's not always instantaneous.

              In my experience, because I am subscribed to the podcast I can get it to start auto-downloading even though it hasn't been displayed in their list yet. If you're subscribed to it it may do the same for you.


                Right -- you can start downloading it immediately in iTunes if you are subscribed, but it won't show up on the iTunes Store list for a few hours.
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                  Hey guys,

                  Great review on Remnants! I would give it a 9/10! I did not read any spoilers so I was shocked on all three twists. I think this is good SCI FI TV, and it shows that Atlantis can still produce great entertaining eps and has not lost any steam. I think Joe M should be proud of this episode.

                  I disagreed with Darren in regards to "The Prodigal", I think the episode was more epic and so I agree with David more on that one.


                    In my opinion, the romantic pairing of John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir would have been the perfect choice. They always seemed to share a close connection, often finishing each other's thoughts and enjoying a bit of flirting at times. It was a mature relationship that would have worked in the context of the show, and the amazing chemistry between Joe Flanigan and Torri Higginson was obvious from the pilot.

                    Thank you for the podcasts. I listen every week and enjoy them immensely.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      I second Southern Red's thoughts on the matter. Ever since the beginning John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir shared very meaningful connection that only grew and deepened as the show had progressed. In my opinion they brought out the best in each other, and also balanced each others roles. The chemistry between two actors was always there and John/Elizabeth interaction never failed to be interesting and sometimes thought provoking. I miss the character of Elizabeth Weir very much, I think her contribution to the show is even more visible now when she's not there.

                      Thank you for the podcasts.
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        In my opinion, the romantic pairing of John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir would have been the perfect choice. They always seemed to share a close connection, often finishing each other's thoughts and enjoying a bit of flirting at times. It was a mature relationship that would have worked in the context of the show, and the amazing chemistry between Joe Flanigan and Torri Higginson was obvious from the pilot.

                        Thank you for the podcasts. I listen every week and enjoy them immensely.
                        That bond is the reason why eps like "Adrift", "Lifeline", "This Mortal Coil", and "Ghost in the Machine" were very powerful. If Weir was still around I could of seen lots of opportunities.


                          Ok, Here's the Jack/Sam shipper email for the podcast since this is a topic that I am Passionate about:

                          Do I think romance is needed on Stargate? No. However, when done right and not heavy handed it can only add to the depth of the characters and, thereby, the series. What has made the Jack/Sam romance so excellent is that it's never forced down our throats. Some of the written or adlibed moments are so subtle that you can miss them at times(ask the Sam/Jack thread who have gone back and pointed those moments out). It seems real and natural. It never was the main focus of the show but now that we have years of unfulfilled romance between the two it has been the passion and bane of the audience waiting for that long over due Confirmation. Here's hopeing that this next movie lets Jack and Sam be undeniably together. Otherwise I'm pretty sure there will be riots

                          I really hope you use this in the next podcast since it's one of the MAJOR threads left open in the Stargate universe that has nagged at me for years. Thanks as always for likeing my thoughts enough to include them in past podcasts. I'm honored as always
                          Mac Jackson
                          Singer/Songwriter of
                          "Harmony Constant"
                          [email protected]
                          Our Music is at iTunes and Amazon:


                            I love the whole Rodney/Jennifer direction that the show has taken. David and Jewel have such amazing chemistry, and Rodney and Jen look/act great together!!!! I really can't wait for "Brainstorm" on friday!!!

                            Other pairings i like a lot are John/Teyla, Daniel/Vala, and Sam/Jack
                            thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                              I really like the podcasts and listen every week.
                              Re shipping on Stargate, I think it should be kept to a minimum. After all many people, including myself, want to watch the shows for the sci-fi, not the Soap Opera.
                              Subtle hints are OK as they provide those who do ship the various characters a basis on which to believe in their favorite couple, but when an overt, onscreen ship happens, it alienates those who wanted those characters paired with someone else.
                              I see no signs that the writers can do romance well on Stargate, all the ships and non-ships over the years have caused fans to be alienated, at war with each other and have engendered bad feelings all around.
                              I do think Sam and Jack should be given some sort of resolution in the movies, however, this has been going on long enough.
                              I don't see Rodney and Keller together at all, he has to change for her, i.e. she liked him when he had a parasite in his head. He deserves a relationship with someone who will love him for his snarky, arrogant self.
                              She should be with someone who is honest about themselves.
                              I feel they brought the Keller character into the show specifically to be an object of desire for their favorite character and it seems kind of wrong, on a variety of levels that I won't go into here.


                                Daniel/Vala from the finale of SG-1 was fantastic. Daniel thinks she is just flirting with him cause they are stuck on the ship for gods know how long and she wants a one-night stand type of thing, but she does love him, and they end up together.

                                Then time reverses and that never happened =(

                                And of course Rodney/Jennifer. Rodney deserves someone in his life, and even though I was sad to see him not ask Katie to marry him, his character and Jennifer's work well together. Despite being canceled, I don't/didn't want to see Rodney end up alone for the entire series/his character's life.

