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    Not sure what the issue is this week, I'm afraid. Still waiting to hear back.

    Things should hopefully normalize a bit starting with "Resurgence," since I'll be back in the States for the holidays and hopefully David and I can find a time earlier in the week to record. But it ultimately is up to the editor and his schedule.
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      Originally posted by Darren View Post
      Not sure what the issue is this week, I'm afraid. Still waiting to hear back.

      Things should hopefully normalize a bit starting with "Resurgence," since I'll be back in the States for the holidays and hopefully David and I can find a time earlier in the week to record. But it ultimately is up to the editor and his schedule.
      probably thanksgiving!/Solar_wind84


        Um, at this point, I hope your editor just got caught up in Thanksgiving travelling/ eating and is otherwise ok (delay is a bit longer than usual).

        How are you going to handle it with the next podcast? Both out asap, maybe even on the same day?


          No idea. We would normally fall back on David for editing duties, but he's traveling for Thanksgiving, as well. To complicate things on the publishing end, I am traveling all day this Tuesday (U.K. to Seattle).

          I imagine that #109 and #110 will be released very close together. It's even possible that 110 will be released first, and 109 as a catch-up later in the week.
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            Originally posted by Darren View Post
            It's even possible that 110 will be released first, and 109 as a catch-up later in the week.
            Hmm, that might get a little confusing if you're both not careful not to refer to anything you said in the 109 podcast . Anyway, I trust you'll figure something out.


              Well, David and Diana did #109, and I haven't heard it yet! So no risk of that on my end.
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                Hi Darren, do you guys recorded a "Malice" podcast? Looking forward to your thoughts on this particular episode.


                  PODCAST UPDATE!

                  David and Diana Botsford did the "Malice" show, which has been in editing hell for the past week. It will be up Monday.

                  We are delaying the "Visitation" show due to holiday-related travel and Internet issues. It will be up no earlier than next weekend.

                  Fortunately, because the mid-season finale is airing this Tuesday, the publication deadlines won't be so firm from here on out. But we are committed to getting the "Resurgence" show and the "SGU Season Two So Far" show out in a timely manner!
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                    *patiently waiting* Keep up the good work guys! I don't mind that you're a little behind the holiday season can be a bit hectic..


                      Now Available:
                      'Malice' (SGU #208)

                      This week on the show David is joined by one of our favorite guest hosts, Diana Botsford, to talk about "Malice!" The eighth episode of Stargate Universe's new second season was written and directed by Robert C. Cooper, and pays off the storyline of Simeon (guest star Robert Knepper), a soldier still loyal to the Lucian Alliance.

                      They'll talk about the deaths of some significant supporting characters, directing in television, and Eli and Rush's different responses to what has happened. They'll also discuss the fun animal stampede, Chloe's trip to the bridge, and much more.

                      Be a part of the show! We want to hear your thoughts on this week's mid-season finale of SGU, "Resurgence!" Watch the episode Tuesday night on Syfy, then call the GateWorld Podcast Hotline by this weekend.

                      We'll be catching up with our discussion of "Visitation" in the meantime. If you have thoughts on that episode, get your calls in by Thursday and share 'em with us.

                      Show Notes:
                      Direct Download:

                      Listener Question: What did you think of the mid-season finale of Stargate Universe, "Resurgence?"

                      Leave a voicemail on the hotline or e-mail us a brief voice recording!

                      CALL US! Dial up the hotline by this Saturday and leave us a voicemail (any time, day or night). Give us your thoughts on this week's episode, speculate on what's going on or what's to come in the show, or talk about anything Stargate-related that is on your mind.

                      Dial: (951) 262-1647 (long distance rates apply)

                      ... or e-mail a brief recording to webmaster (at) gateworld (dot) net.

                      Thanks to everyone for listening and participating in the show!
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                        Yay! The "Malice" one is here! (*goes to download*)


                          Finally, yay.


                            Bah just when I'm finally about to be caught up (listening to the The Greater Good podcast as I type this), you guys go and release another
                            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                              Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                              Bah just when I'm finally about to be caught up (listening to the The Greater Good podcast as I type this), you guys go and release another
                              It's a rough life.


                                Off to listening!

