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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Here's a wallpaper I made for Achaja's b'day.

    Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
    My My Own Website


      Have a great time Rose.

      Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
      ah the joys of only owning a black and white printer
      At least you have a printer.

      Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
      Here's a wallpaper I made for Achaja's b'day.
      Lovely work.


        *twiddles thumbs* Can't wait to see all the pretty challenge artses!!!

        Stargate78fan - that wallie is stunning! Lucky Achaja


          Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
          Really amazing work!! The composition, textures, everything


            Thank you, Jasmina, Bekki, and humanityspotential.

            I followed one of Camy's tutorials in the tutorial thread and did my own take on it. I don't normally post in here. What is the challenges arstes and does it have to be just S/J?
            Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
            My My Own Website


              Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
              Thank you, Jasmina, Bekki, and humanityspotential.

              I followed one of Camy's tutorials in the tutorial thread and did my own take on it. I don't normally post in here. What is the challenges arstes and does it have to be just S/J?
              hehee - "challenge artses" would happen to a particular mispronunciation of mine We do have an artwork challenge every week that is based on Sam/Jack, although we always have entries that have nothing to do with ship at all! It starts with some kind of prompt, like a quote, and then we have to make artwork based on that quote, that may or may not be S/J. And we have a fair share of other artwork posted in here that has nothing to do with either challenges or S/J! Sometimes they have nothing to do with Stargate at all!

              If you make something - you post it here and we all say how fabulous it is and ask how you did it


                For instance this weeks challenge...

                Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post

                Super Sekrit Challenge
                Week 28

                from The WooHoods

                Size: Any
                Text: Any
                Pic: Any

                "After a discussion on the Martin thread we'd like to put forward an idea for a challenge which is completely non-S/J. Basically the idea is pick your favourite PTB. (Obviously this includes Siler) and make any size, shape or theme of artwork you can from it."

                I figure we'll have a better chance at guessing who made what from the subject matter this week Have fun! And PM your entries to Aveo_amacus

                I need more volunteers for the next few secret challenges....and more ideas for challenges are always welcome!

                EDIT: I imagine you can guess who submitted it


                  *pops in, says something about the wonderful artworks of the week and an mumbles something about an incoherent apology of not being on this thread*

         there still enough time for little me to send something in for the challenge? Coz I just opened PS for the first time this week


                    I got the trial version of CS4. And decided to try it out

                    I'm not sure if I like it yet. There are some improvements from CS3, but some things are kinda messed up...


                      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                      I got the trial version of CS4. And decided to try it out


                      I'm not sure if I like it yet. There are some improvements from CS3, but some things are kinda messed up...
                      I love it! How did you make that background?

                      As for CS4, it's good, but it indeed has some annoying problems. I dislike the thing about windows opening all in the same...window, but I like the way that you can now do the adjustment layers and all, that's an improvement IMHO.


                        Originally posted by starlover View Post
                        *pops in, says something about the wonderful artworks of the week and an mumbles something about an incoherent apology of not being on this thread*

               there still enough time for little me to send something in for the challenge? Coz I just opened PS for the first time this week
                        Jann you still have time, just PM your challenge entries to Aveo.


                          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                          I got the trial version of CS4. And decided to try it out


                          I'm not sure if I like it yet. There are some improvements from CS3, but some things are kinda messed up...
                          I love this. The background is great.
                          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            I love it! How did you make that background?

                            As for CS4, it's good, but it indeed has some annoying problems. I dislike the thing about windows opening all in the same...window, but I like the way that you can now do the adjustment layers and all, that's an improvement IMHO.
                            Yup, that's what bugs me the most too.

                            For the background, it's a combination of few textures, brushes (the clock, the lines) and some gradients.

                            Here are the textures, for the snurchers



                              Made a little WP, snurching Jas' textures

                              Thunk Warning!


                                Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                                Yup, that's what bugs me the most too.

                                For the background, it's a combination of few textures, brushes (the clock, the lines) and some gradients.

                                Here are the textures, for the snurchers

                                <lazy snip, but a snurched snip>
                                Thank you if you don't mind, I liked the idea a lot and made my own kind of version on it...(at least it looks a lot like your idea me thinks!)

                                and it's the 200th sig I made

                                EDIT: Love the wp Sarai *thunk*
                                Last edited by starlover; 13 March 2009, 06:18 AM.

