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Supanova 2008 Melbourne & Brisbane

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    Supanova 2008 Melbourne & Brisbane

    Well since I couldn’t find any other threads specifically relating to Supanova, I thought I’d make one myself
    Melbourne Event – 28 - 30th of March (Royal Showgrounds)
    Brisbane Event – 4 – 6th of April (RNA Showgrounds)
    For anyone who doesn’t know Stargate actors Teryl Rothery and Jewel Staite will be attending both the Melb and Bris Supanovas, there will also be a screening of The Ark of Truth prior to the April 9th release on the Friday night of each event.
    More information can be found at

    Anyway I was just wondering who was going and it thought would be really great to catch up with a lot of you. I was hoping that this thread would give some of us a chance to talk about Supanova before and after the event. Also anyone can share their pics/vids and what they thought of the day/s.
    I will be going to the Melbourne event…I was going to the Ark of Truth preview but I found it too hard to get there on the Friday so I’ll be going just for the Saturday or Sunday. I’m really looking forward to it!!

    Last edited by Amaunet; 26 March 2008, 07:12 PM.

    I'm going to the Brisbane one. At first I was, then I wasn't, now I am going. lol

    Really looking forward to it. I went to BrisNova last year, and it's definitely my fave out of the Brisbane and Sydney events. Although I'm curious as to what the Melbourne one will be like - like the venue and all that sort of stuff.

    Hope you have a great time!


      I was going to go to the Melbourne one (my first convention ever!), but then Jewel Staite said she couldn't make it, which was a bummer, cause that's the whole reason I wanted to go in the first place! No sooner had I spent my money on something else, low and behold, she got reannounced! Should of waited a bit longer, cause now I've got no money now *sigh*

      Anyway, hope the people that do go enjoy it! Remember to take heaps of pics as well!


        I'm going to Brisbane SN! All 3 days! WOO!
        ~8 days 5 hours!

        Gah cant wait! AoT! mmm AoT goodness *drools*

        i'm gonna be so poor after it though D: lol.


          I'm so out of the loop on this stuff! The main person I'd like to see in Brisbane is Teryl Rothery, but I've met her before, so I just tried to register as a Volunteer instead (even the cheap entry price is too much for this student) but the site told me I'd registered but now I can't log in to say I want to work at this one. Ah well.

