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Anyone here serving?

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    Anyone here serving?


    -if there's anyone on this forum or if theres anyone on here that knows anyone thats a stargate fan thats currently serving in iraq or anywhere that would like a copy of the ark of truth, maybe gateworld could sponsor sending them a copy directly... seeing as how just sending a copy over prolly wouldnt be fruitful... dont even have a clue how down time overthere works. but its just an idea i got bc im studying abroad and theres nowhere around me that sells the ark of truth so im having mine shipped and itll arive in a long time. so it got me thinking... granted theres no really comparing serving and studying but i guess its the thought that counts...
    -so any ideas?
    ..not even moros/meirden/merlin nor the rest of the ancients, could find a cure... for male pattern baldness!

    What?.. Its a ship that goes through the gate.

    ...Or it could mean a piece of our leg...

    In the middle of my backswing!?

    That function is not possible

    However, I must admit that I am partial to the tater tots.

    Well, i know at least one person serving in iraq... Me. But i am waiting till i get back stateside so both me and my mother can watch it in the comforts of my own home.


      There are a number of groups online and listed with the USO, or simply go to the USO to ship dvds, that you can ship through. You can rally a collection together and donate them to one of these groups. There is no guarantee that they will go to strictly Stargate fans, but they will get sent to our servicemembers overseas. So, unless you are sure you only want them sent to fans of the show, the USO and DOD websites have lists of groups you can donate through.


        I too am a Soldier serving in Iraq, but Amazon ships to APO addresses. My copy should arrive by the end of the week.

        Thank you for the thought though.

        And Garhkal, where are you serving?


          Originally posted by wiseowl777 View Post

          -if there's anyone on this forum or if theres anyone on here that knows anyone thats a stargate fan thats currently serving in iraq or anywhere that would like a copy of the ark of truth, maybe gateworld could sponsor sending them a copy directly... seeing as how just sending a copy over prolly wouldnt be fruitful... dont even have a clue how down time overthere works. but its just an idea i got bc im studying abroad and theres nowhere around me that sells the ark of truth so im having mine shipped and itll arive in a long time. so it got me thinking... granted theres no really comparing serving and studying but i guess its the thought that counts...
          -so any ideas?
          The Iraq war was the greatest mistake ever. U.S.A people flexed their muscles like a big Ori bully and now are getting their asses kicked by a technologically inferior enemy but which is more tenacious and determined. Not that Saddam Hussein didn't deserve to die; he did. But as vital as oil is to our modern lifestyle, the lives of Human Beings are undesrcribably more valuable and killing them for oil should never be an option.


            Originally posted by NoobTau'ri View Post
            As vital as oil is to our modern lifestyle, the lives of Human Beings are indescribably more valuable and killing them for oil should never be an option.
            I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

            Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              Well, i know at least one person serving in iraq... Me. But i am waiting till i get back stateside so both me and my mother can watch it in the comforts of my own home.
              Originally posted by TDgamer View Post
              I too am a Soldier serving in Iraq, but Amazon ships to APO addresses. My copy should arrive by the end of the week.

              Thank you for the thought though.

              And Garhkal, where are you serving?
              I would like to thank those who are serving for your unselfishness and your dedication to see through such a difficult time. I hope you all come back home safe and sound...with no reservations from those who voice their opposition about the war.

              It doesn't matter who agrees with it or not...what matters is you and your unselfish act for your country.

              You are all in my prayers!

              Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

              Last edited by Jackie; 12 March 2008, 01:41 PM.
              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                Thanks and Godspeed to all those serving in our military. It takes a very unique and special kind of person who is willing to leave home and loved ones to fight for others, especially knowing how many others would never consider fighting for anyone, including themselves. God bless all of you who are giving so many people the chance to live without fear of daily terrorism in every aspect of life, both at home and abroad. This comes to you from the proud wife of a twenty three year military veteran. HOO-AH!!!!


                  Originally posted by TDgamer View Post
                  And Garhkal, where are you serving?
                  Camp Fallujah, with the 22nd NCR.


                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    Camp Fallujah, with the 22nd NCR.
                    Hmmm, I am MNC-I at Victory.


                      The sentiment of the OP is great. It's important to support your countries troops. Especially when you see events like here in the UK where there have been cases of people from our armed forces getting abuse from the public because they served in Iraq. That type of thing shouldn't go on.


                        The reception of the veterans from Vietnam War should never be repeated. I think in hindsight many of those who did "spit and abuse" the veterans from that war are aware just how wrong they were now...30 years later.

                        But in 30 years the world has changed. No longer can we tell an enemy by the uniform he is wearing, no longer can who our "true" allies are in this global community.

                        Now we hear about suicidal bombings that are not only aimed at the innocent men, women and children of Iraq, but also at our own soldiers who are trying to help rebuild the country and return to peace to a war torn area.

                        The WORLD has been in a reluctant war with terrorist for decades and these extremist want nothing more than to see their extreme form of worship adopted across the globe. They want all Christians to die. They want all non Christians such as Hindu and Buddhist to die. They have convinced themselves that suicide is a reward-able act and is looked upon as greatness.

                        These terrorist are not just enemies of the USA but of everyone for it your life they want to destroy as well.

                        I knew a refugee from Sudan. He grew up in the middle east when it was a British colony.

                        The moment the radical Muslims took control of his country everything changed for the worst overnight. No longer could his wife buy diapers for the grandchildren, for Muslim extremist forbid using modern diapers. They could not buy baby formula, could not get fresh food in the stores. Could not even find a baby bottle.

                        Next his wife, (who was Christian) was confronted by a POLICE OFFICER. He was going to arrest her for NOT wearing a veil over her face. She stated her religion didn't require the veil. He then tried to rape her and stated to her..."Then I'm taking meat." This was a woman with servants! She was upper class and college educated.

                        Another incident with a pilot who was Muslim, converted to Christian and was caught with a bible as he tried to leave the country. He was beheaded on the tarmac before the very passengers he was about to fly out of the country on a jet airplane.

                        The family left everything behind just to escape the tyranny.

                        The citizens who didn't have the means to escape or forethought are the very people who need the support of the world the most.

                        Before I met my friend Girgis, I would have stated that we just let the whole region go down the toilet and get our troops out of there.

                        But it won't stop once we leave, it will continue to grow and to spread to other small countries to eventually these radicals have enough strength and enough money and enough firepower to start a conventional war. Maybe even a nuclear war! Yes...that is the goal. To kill everyone who doesn't follow their vision of the world.

                        No true Muslim would back these radicals but they are too afraid of them to stop them. Think back to Hitler and the German people. The majority of the people were afraid of the SS. History is repeating itself as we all sit here and type our opinions on this silly computer. The very technology that the extremist are using to coordinate their next attack.

                        The Terrorist are a global problem and supporting our troops is a very small step towards concurring a bigger problem than any government had ever dealt with in the past.
                        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                          If this war is just or not is a big question. We could throw in arguments pro and contra for days without reaching any kind of consensus.
                          BUT even if it was an unjust war the blame should never be put on soldiers who risk their lives day by day in service of their country. The decisions are made by politicians soldiers carry out orders. They defend their country they serve the people of their country the way they are told to do. If you're not convinced of the rightfulness of the war (any war) blame the politicians who started it but NEVER the soldiers.


                            Much respect and love for those who have the balls to out their lives on the line to serve their country. Secondly, Iraq was one hell of a threat to it's neighbors and it's own citizens at the time of Saddam. While the war was unporpular(sp?), it did serve a just cause (regardless of what it's motive might be). It is difficult to imagine how bad Saddam hussein opressed his people. Imagine getting your tongue cut-off because you spoke ill of your president. Or having a live grenade strapped to you chest and detonated just because some @$$-h0\e of a president wants to make an example of you (loosely translated, use you as a tool to terrify your fellow citizens).

                            Sorry about being preachy, but I've experienced living under the rule of a megalomanaical military dictator (didn't exactly get as bad as Iraq did, but living in fear sucks).
                            1 Year 11mths without using the letter U on the thread: ask Morbo anything


                              Originally posted by Kelt'ar View Post
                              Much respect and love for those who have the balls to out their lives on the line to serve their country. Secondly, Iraq was one hell of a threat to it's neighbors and it's own citizens at the time of Saddam. While the war was unporpular(sp?), it did serve a just cause (regardless of what it's motive might be). It is difficult to imagine how bad Saddam hussein opressed his people. Imagine getting your tongue cut-off because you spoke ill of your president. Or having a live grenade strapped to you chest and detonated just because some @$$-h0\e of a president wants to make an example of you (loosely translated, use you as a tool to terrify your fellow citizens).

                              Sorry about being preachy, but I've experienced living under the rule of a megalomanaical military dictator (didn't exactly get as bad as Iraq did, but living in fear sucks).
                              Iraq is full of bad karma. The reason why Osama Bin Laden declared the US a threat to "good muslims" is because of the Gulf war back in 1991. despite the fact that we, (us troops) didn't invade Iraq and merely pushed Hussein out of Kuwait...he felt that us infidels (to osama that means anyone not following him) have tramped on "sacred" ground which was Kuwait, and all of us most die because of it.

                              I recall seeing an interview with Diane Sawyer and Bin Laden about 2 years before the 9/11 attacks.

                              I'll never forget the image of him nodding and smiling at Diane Sawyer as he bluntly stated he has declared a holy war on the US and will kill innocent civilians. He smiled as he bragged about how he would kill innocent women and children as well as men in the US and our allies. Gleefully he stated to the translator that all Americans are infidels and none are worthy of life. My mind recalled an old movie reel of Hitler declaring the same things of Jews.

                              The man has accused the US of being the "great evil" and thus all our innocent civilians are not worthy of life. Now, if Bin Laden was just a schmuck preaching on a soapbox I would bother with him. But this guys has followers who believe every lie he tells and are willing to die without hesitation. That is scary!

                              It's one thing to declare war and target the military it another to kill innocent civilians for the sole purpose of scaring people into doing what you want them to do.

                              As I recall, right after 9/11 the president, back by congress and the house had stated that war on terror would include ANY country that is aiding terrorist and that country would be declared an enemy of the state.

                              It's very hard to prove another country is aiding terrorist but at the same time I don't believe the terrorist would be this powerful if they were not getting aid.

                              Until these radical terrorist are eliminated once and for all we will continue to have acts of terror aimed at civilians and troops alike and not just in Iraq. We cannot eliminate these radical groups without the full cooperation of the middle east and right now, they are not cooperating.
                              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.

