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Creation Website Warning

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    Creation Website Warning

    Just wanted to give a heads up that the Creation website may be having some Malware related issues going on. If anyone knows how to get a hold of their Webmaster, could they please either copy/paste the following info and send to them, or PM an addy? Thanks!

    1. Problem only ever occurs when I click on 'Upcoming Events' link

    2. Browser window will completly shut down, and an official lookin blue prompt supposedly from "Windows Internet Explorer" will pop up in the middle of my desktop telling me preformance is low and I need to go a certain website to remove possible Trojans.

    3. The Website the link leads to, including the bizzare URL, doesn't look at all like something that Internet Explorer would associate themselves with. I also was unable to google any info about the two having anything to do with one another.

    4. When you go to the Site it will automatically 'scan' for virus'. In my case it claimed to pull up three Backdoor Trojans. In order to remove the supposed Trojans, you are prompted to 'run' their software. If you decline, you will not be able to leave the page without shutting down the browser window completly.

    At first I thought maybe it was a one time glichey spyware thing or something really was wrong with my computer, but now it frequently happens at that same place on the Creation page. It is so annoying that I will no longer go there.

    So now, I have two concerns: It's either an intricately thought up scam to convince people to download nasty software that really will put evil things on their computer, or I really do have these backdoor Trojans and I'm too paranoid to trust what could be an authentic Internet Explorer program to remove them. I tend to think it's the first theory though, so be careful!
    Never play Leapfrog with Unicorns.

    Thanks for the information, Fido.

    You can e-mail [email protected] to let him know about it. I'm sure he can contact his webmaster to fix it.
    Visit me on


      Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
      Thanks for the information, Fido.

      You can e-mail [email protected] to let him know about it. I'm sure he can contact his webmaster to fix it.
      Thanks AG. I'll drop him a line.
      Never play Leapfrog with Unicorns.


        Just an update in case others have been checking in:

        Adam passed along my email to the Webmaster, and he got back to me fairly quickly. Says he can't do much about it until the contract with the sponser ends and didn't seem sure when that would be.

        On the bright side, I guess that must mean I'm right about it just being a really unusual advert scam. I'm assuming the way around the headache is simply to use Firefox or some other browser as the prompt appears targeted to Explorer.

        I can't believe marketers these days. Must work though, because they continue to find ways of sinking lower.
        Never play Leapfrog with Unicorns.


          Originally posted by Fido View Post
          Just an update in case others have been checking in:

          Adam passed along my email to the Webmaster, and he got back to me fairly quickly. Says he can't do much about it until the contract with the sponser ends and didn't seem sure when that would be.

          On the bright side, I guess that must mean I'm right about it just being a really unusual advert scam. I'm assuming the way around the headache is simply to use Firefox or some other browser as the prompt appears targeted to Explorer.

          I can't believe marketers these days. Must work though, because they continue to find ways of sinking lower.
          I got that one too and shut it down. I never click yes or no as that usually leads you to the crud they're advertising. Yes, marketers sink low these days.


            i use firefox, no problems with it so far, ie is just so insecure i dont use it


              Thanx fido, it was nice of you to let us all know
              Music and Stargate

