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Stargate: Oblivion New Roleplay

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    Stargate: Oblivion New Roleplay

    Stargate: Oblivion
    A new roleplaying post-by-post experience.

    The Stargate has been opened. Instantly the Tau’ri have been thrown into the bitter infighting of the System Lords, the resistance of the Rebel Jaffa, the subtle machinations of the Tok’ra. But that is where the similarities end. New Goa’uld are rising into the gap left by the death of Ra, fighting for recognition between one another and the System Lords. New SG teams have been formed, ready to explore an unknown galaxy.

    The Pegasus Galaxy remains unknown and out of reach, but who can tell who will first discover Proclarush Taonas and the ZPM powering it? Should the Tau’ri retrieve it first and use the Ancient outpost to discover the location of Atlantis a new era of human technology and discovery will begin. But if one of the Goa’uld or the System Lords finds it first, the floodgates will be opened to the enslavement of an entirely new galaxy, and an implacable enemy with dominance to match that of the symbiotic parasites.

    Additionally, should the Asgard fail in their attempts to contain and destroy the Replicators, who can say what devastation will be unleashed upon the unsuspecting Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies? In Stargate: Oblivion, you will create an entirely new storyline.

    Features will include:

    Periodically revealed planets, including Proclarush Taonas and Tartarus.
    As Pegasus and Ida are uncovered new races such as the Replicators, Asgard and Wraith will become available as character options.
    Planets will be fought for throughout the galaxy, deciding the size of fleets, manpower and the total dominance or liberation of the enslaved humans and Jaffa.
    Your suggestions will be listened to. If you have a feature or suggestion to help the forum out of its infant stages, feel no hesitation in speaking out.

    Notes: All we require of you is at least some writing skill and dedication, and we are sure the forum can be a great place to enjoy yourself and create a new story for the Stargate universe!

    Well, I really hope that serves to attract some people, and when we thought of finding members, we thought of GateWorld! Thanks for reading this far, and I hope you give it some thought. Constructive criticism is always welcome on the site suggestion and complaints board.
    Last edited by SayleC; 04 March 2007, 04:15 PM.

    Our member base has grown and now we have a few more features plus a couple nice banners.



      Personally I love the site. It really makes you think on your feet. The universe is always changing and evolving. From week to week they might add more planets or ships. I have had to change my strategy for attacking planets three times so far. Not a bad thing but it keeps me guessing what other will do unlike other role play sites i have been on. Although it does take a little time for a response from another player but the admin decisions are usually swift.

      4 1/2 stars out of five. Great site just one complant. A lot more then what I can say about other sites.


        As far as I can tell there aren't a whole lot of Stargate RPGs, I wish myself to setup Stargate: Unending, slated to start roughly 50 or 60 years after the events of Unending, things have moved on, the Ori are no more and the fleet of worshippers were defeated long ago.

        Humans now enforce the protected planets treaty the Asgard started, but is more general instead of being specific to the Goauld, now most of the Milky Way is free of the threats that once threatened the Galaxy.

        Stargate Command has now been moved to the moon as a security precaution, in a facility built into its surface, personnel are beamed to and from the planet as necessary, it is protected by a shield barrier similiar to atlantis but only covers the actual surface based area to provide an atmosphere.

        The terrans now have consolidated their fleet and after several upgrades to existing designs for the BC-304 class ships, have come up with the mighty BC-305, the first 306 currently under development in the core of the moon under the supervision of Samantha Carter (is in final stages of development).

        The fleet consists of 10 BC-305s, currently in active service throughout the Milky Way and surrounding Galaxies, the F302s also have had an upgrade, the currently active in service F303's have a rear retractable wing system so that they can fit through a stargate, they also have shield technology and 2 basic ion cannon weapons, however they still do not have hyperspace capability, however they do have the "oblisk" type beaming technology that can be used similiar to how the wraith use their own beaming technology, to beam soldiers down to the surface, buffer can hold 5 people in total and uses a combination of ion thrust and anti-gravity systems for propulsion. It is capable of limited hyperspace flight, to save on space the device is very small and will heat up rapidly, as such the generator is only capable of 2.5 minutes travel in hyperspace, and can only travel a short distance in galactic terms, it could cross from the sun to planet pluto in 1.5 jumps so is more an inter-system drive.

        In regards to story I'm hoping to pull off a number of things, a lot of which would be up to the players, such things like the furlings, return of the Goauld (in another galaxy they have taken power after fleeing the milky way) and a whole lot more, the aschen for example.

        I would like to run it from a forum, as I intend to have seperate concurrently running sections, a crew for each ship which would recieve orders from Stargate Command, the actual Stargate Command itself based on the moon, and also the enemies, the potential is limitless really.

        Would anyone join such an RPG?


          Sounds like a fun RP. Plenty of room for you to expand and such. If you ever did make it contact me.

          All new members receive credits to buy a ship or a small fleet depending on how you use them. Most members buy a ship and trick it out with everything they can with their small amount of money. Most peole get 10,000+ credits. So if you wish to join make sure you find out how much money you have and buy the ships correctly, you may be as powerful one day as a Warlord or Supreme System Lord.

          Stargate Oblivion has expanded since the last update. So in more then a year we have expanded to Pegasus galaxy. We have also avoided the mistakes that destroyed Stargate SG-1. Introducing the Ori and the downfall of the System Lords. The System Lords play a key part in our site in the Milky Way. They have imposed a self-limit of three, however each System Lord is permitted two underlords. They are quite powerful and do threaten to take control of the galaxy for good. The Tau'ri have become inactive in Milky Way but have kicked it up in Pegasus. The only thing keeping the Goa'uld under control are the Warlords of Darkness. They keep a constant check on them and constantly destroy their ships. It is a balance between the two that keeps the Goa'uld from becoming attack happy.

          A new organization has arisen from the fall of the Greek Alliance, a SGO made faction, this faction shows promise. They have members and a small fleet. This new faction is called "The Syndicate" they seem more like pirates by the name, they are still yet to be determined their role in the galaxy.

          In the Pegasus galaxy the Asurans have been defeated. Their world destroyed, their fleet wiped out, and their traitorous ex-Tau'ri leader has been taken into custody. The Wraith keep up their normal tactics of feeding and attack all in sight, they haven't attacked Lantea in quite some time. A new force has gathered and seem to have a desire to defeat the Wraith, they are called "The Pegasus Confederation."

          Thank you for reading.

