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newbie here - wondering about videos

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    newbie here - wondering about videos

    Hi all. I'm sorry if this is covered somewhere else and I didn't see it. I've become a huge fan of the over the last two months. (I've been watching it pretty much non-stop since I rented the first episode a couple of months ago. I'm almost done with season 9 now!)

    Are there fan kits and/or DVDs of conventions that can be purchased? I love seeing the actors as themselves.

    Thanks in advance!
    Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner

    I don't know any official videos of such programs to purchase.
    But I think there was some special TV documentaries featuring the actors & stargate in general.
    I've got a broadcast from Sci-Fi channel, "From Stargate to Atlantis Lowdown", that starts with Amanda Tapping saying "Previously on the last 7 seasons of ...."
    It lasts 42 minutes.
    It has interviews, behind the scenes, retrospectives, but not about conventions.
    I remember I've seen a short doc about conventions but I don't remember where (maybe on a bonus on a DVD)...



      A lot of conventions do film what goes on there and produces dvd's of the events which can be purchased, but as far as i'm aware there is no central website where you could get them from, I think you would have to go to each con organiser and ask them about purchasing back issues of the event DVD's.

      I'm not sure where you live but here are the web links for some of the main UK Stargate cons: - Wolf Events. They have run many Stargate (And other shows) cons - Gate Con

      Other organisers include: - Creation organise loads of cons, mainly US based but also Canada and one in the UK. is a big Canadian con. It used to be purely Stargate but is now sci fi generic.

      Have a look at them, see if there are any past photo's and email them to see if they have any dvd's for sale and who is on them.

      Hope that helps.


        I don't know about DVDs but there is quite a lot of convention footage on youtube:

        Ben Browder & Claudia Black (It's a Farscape con but they talk about SG-1 and Michael Shanks a fair bit during their panel)
        Michael Shanks
        Michael Shanks & Chris Judge

        Banner by angelfire east

