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Creation SG Con, Burbank Nov. 17-19, 2006

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    Originally posted by Chelle View Post
    Okay.... Let's see who's going.......ROLL CALL!!!!!

    Chelle & Sis - A15 &16
    Space Monkey52 - C24
    rebelwriter03 - G26 & 27 (or 28)

    Anyone care to add their name to the list?
    ME! And you don't have G28 - I do!

    Hi, rebelwriter03, how you doin', I'm TJ. You'll know me because I'll be the one sitting right next to you.


      Im not attending, so everyone who gets a Photo op or Autograph please tell Jason for me...

      Mama Duck says "Hi hun" sounds weird I know, but I want him to know I wish I could be there for him
      *holds out hankie* excuse me, does this smell like chloroform to you?


        Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
        ME! And you don't have G28 - I do!

        Hi, rebelwriter03, how you doin', I'm TJ. You'll know me because I'll be the one sitting right next to you.
        Hey well that settles that!! I'm Christine... I don't bite, but do talk a lot... and get really silly. I'll probably be asking you "what did he say?" while scribbling notes... its what I DO... heheh (side effect of being a writer...)

        Weeee more people in the possey!!
        Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



          Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
          Hey well that settles that!! I'm Christine... I don't bite, but do talk a lot... and get really silly. I'll probably be asking you "what did he say?" while scribbling notes... its what I DO... heheh (side effect of being a writer...)
          Hi Christine!! *waves madly* I think I'll fit right in with the "talks a lot and gets really silly" crowd. That describes me fairly accurately.

          Well, if you're scribbling notes I might be proofreading over your shoulder. Side-effect of being a beta and former professional editor! )


            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
            Hi Christine!! *waves madly* I think I'll fit right in with the "talks a lot and gets really silly" crowd. That describes me fairly accurately.

            Sounds like I'll fit in, then. I'm Leah and I *really* talk a lot. I also have a habit of starting sentences with "what is it...", so if you hear me do that, call me on it. Trying to cut back on that.

            "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

            Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
            Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


              LOL there ya go... My friend Jessica giggles a lot so we should be a pretty loud group. errmm you may not want to edit me TJ, I do abrivations for non existant words half the time... essecially when I get excited... I may just abandon the notebook most of the day because I'm so excited... and talking too much....

              :-D But as long as one is in good company.... that's all that matters!!
              Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                So who is going to the breakfast on Saturday?

                "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

                Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
                Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


                  Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                  ME! And you don't have G28 - I do!

                  Hi, rebelwriter03, how you doin', I'm TJ. You'll know me because I'll be the one sitting right next to you.
                  i'm in F32, so.. row in front of you guys and further over?

                  i'm going to the saturday breakfast, too.


                    Originally posted by erink View Post
                    i'm going to the saturday breakfast, too.

                    I'm really excited about it because I'll get to see Michael and find out whether or not he remembers me from TD, but i just hope I don't freak out. I get kind of antsy around him.

                    "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

                    Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
                    Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


                      Hi all. I am Kat, from Atlanta. Hence the oh-so-creative username ; )
                      I have been lurking around for a bit but it seemed kinda rude to not introduce myself at this point. I'll be going to the Burbank con and also to the ADB screening on Thursday night.
                      I'm looking forward to all the guests and most of all for a chance to get away from RL for a bit.
                      I am pretty quiet and quite shy around new people but once I get warmed up watch out!
                      Y'all seem very nice and I am looking forward to seeing you there.


                        Ya we seem nice enough... we'll go easy on you Kat! So glad you are joining us on our split from RL adventure!! Can't wait to meet all of you!! We should do a GW group pic to remember everyone's smiling faces!!
                        Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                          Hi everyone:

                          Cliff appeared at the New Jersey Creation Convention over the November 3 -5 weekend. Everything went fine until Cliff was due to leave to catch his flight back to Los Angeles. According to Creation, his driver was late and there was no back-up car. So, Cliff had to depend on the generosity of a nice couple who offered to drive him to the airport. This is absolutely unacceptable for a huge company like Creation Entertainment. This is not the first situation for Creation either. They have fumbled more than once with the guests. It is irresponsible and disrespectful to anyone, and especially inappropriate to an actor the caliber of Cliff to mess up like this. It demonstrates a lack of professionalism. Because of this goof, Cliff is renegotiating his contract to appear at next year's Creation Conventions. He explained to me that he is doing this on behalf of all the talent that attend the Creation Conventions. If they are doing this to Cliff, they will do it to any of the actors who attend. I am hoping that everyone in this thread will join me in expressing that we want Cliff at the Creation Conventions and we also feel that Creation must take more care in their treatment of the guests. It makes good business sence to keep the actors happy. When the actors are happy, we are happy, and we are the ones who put all of that money in their pockets.

                          If you wish to write to Creation, you can contact them via:
                          [email protected]

                          Thanks everybody.


                          Note: Cliff has the Burbank Con left in his contract. He may not be doing any more Creation Cons in the future unless Creation smartens up, so if we put pressure on them to have Cliff attend and for them to act more professionally towards the actors, Cliff may still appear and we won't lose any other actors who may be miffed at Creation. Since I don't talk to all of them, there may be some that are really ticked off that I don't know about.
                          Visit me on


                            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                            Hi everybody ... I'm usually a lurker and not a poster, but I realized today that I'm going to this con and I know, like, ONE other person that's going to be there. So here I am introducing myself, in the hopes that I'll have people to hang with (and eat with, and more importantly DRINK with) over the weekend.

                            I got my ticket for the sneak preview of "A Dog's Breakfast" on Thursday the 16th - I am SO EXCITED! That was actually what prompted me to go to the con ... I figured if I was down in LA on Thursday, it was silly not to stay through the weekend. (I'm driving down from Santa Barbara.)

                            So is anybody else going to the ADB preview?
                            Originally posted by katlanta View Post
                            Hi all. I am Kat, from Atlanta. Hence the oh-so-creative username ; )
                            I have been lurking around for a bit but it seemed kinda rude to not introduce myself at this point. I'll be going to the Burbank con and also to the ADB screening on Thursday night.
                            I'm looking forward to all the guests and most of all for a chance to get away from RL for a bit.
                            I am pretty quiet and quite shy around new people but once I get warmed up watch out!
                            Y'all seem very nice and I am looking forward to seeing you there.
                            Yeah, I'll be going to ADB! I can drive exactly ONE other person to the theater with me... who's game?

                            Oh, and Kat? I always combine names with the same vowel sound like that. Katlanta... Ted Kennedy = Tennedy... etc So I like your nick

                            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                            I'm not going to the Friday night cabaret ... but I'm up for ordering pizza and having a room party, for any others who aren't going!

                            ETA: No wait, I just looked at my ticket info and it's included in the Preferred Weekend package. So I guess I am going!

                            I'm going to be at the Sunday Atlantis charity breakfast. Anybody else?
                            Not going to the Atlantis breaky (too poor after everything else ) but I am TOTALLY willing to have a pizza party in the lobby for dinner before the cabaret. The frelling "entertainment" won't start until 9PM! We'll have plenty of time for dinner!

                            Originally posted by Chelle View Post
                            Okay.... Let's see who's going.......ROLL CALL!!!!!

                            Chelle & Sis - A15 &16
                            Space Monkey52 - C24
                            rebelwriter03 - G26 & 27 (or 28)

                            Neelan_Liquor - B28

                            Anyone care to add their name to the list?

                            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                            Hi Christine!! *waves madly* I think I'll fit right in with the "talks a lot and gets really silly" crowd. That describes me fairly accurately.

                            Well, if you're scribbling notes I might be proofreading over your shoulder. Side-effect of being a beta and former professional editor! )
                            Two con-goers were never so right for each other!
                            I'm sure we'll manage to have fun with ya!

                            Originally posted by Space Monkey52 View Post
                            So who is going to the breakfast on Saturday?
                            Uh, I would. Can't miss out on anything that's INCLUDED in the gold ticket!

                            Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                            Hi everyone:

                            Cliff appeared at the New Jersey Creation Convention over the November 3 -5 weekend. Everything went fine until Cliff was due to leave to catch his flight back to Los Angeles. According to Creation, his driver was late and there was no back-up car. So, Cliff had to depend on the generosity of a nice couple who offered to drive him to the airport. This is absolutely unacceptable for a huge company like Creation Entertainment. This is not the first situation for Creation either. They have fumbled more than once with the guests. It is irresponsible and disrespectful to anyone, and especially inappropriate to an actor the caliber of Cliff to mess up like this. It demonstrates a lack of professionalism. Because of this goof, Cliff is renegotiating his contract to appear at next year's Creation Conventions. He explained to me that he is doing this on behalf of all the talent that attend the Creation Conventions. If they are doing this to Cliff, they will do it to any of the actors who attend. I am hoping that everyone in this thread will join me in expressing that we want Cliff at the Creation Conventions and we also feel that Creation must take more care in their treatment of the guests. It makes good business sence to keep the actors happy. When the actors are happy, we are happy, and we are the ones who put all of that money in their pockets.

                            If you wish to write to Creation, you can contact them via:
                            [email protected]

                            Thanks everybody.


                            Note: Cliff has the Burbank Con left in his contract. He may not be doing any more Creation Cons in the future unless Creation smartens up, so if we put pressure on them to have Cliff attend and for them to act more professionally towards the actors, Cliff may still appear and we won't lose any other actors who may be miffed at Creation. Since I don't talk to all of them, there may be some that are really ticked off that I don't know about.
                            Okay, you gotta remember that Creation has to "contract out" for services like cars, so it's not entirely their fault. I'm sure they've used that service before, so they probably figured that they wouldn't need a back up plan.
                            I am by no means defending Creation (they've done plenty of crappy things) but they are an independant company and have to deal with lots of details that we never hear about.

                            Oh and the person you really ought to contact about this snafu is GARY, not Adam. Adam was in Barbank last weekend, which means that GARY was in charge out in NY.
                            [email protected]


                              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                              Yeah, I'll be going to ADB! I can drive exactly ONE other person to the theater with me... who's game?

                              Oh, and Kat? I always combine names with the same vowel sound like that. Katlanta... Ted Kennedy = Tennedy... etc So I like your nick

                              Okay, you gotta remember that Creation has to "contract out" for services like cars, so it's not entirely their fault. I'm sure they've used that service before, so they probably figured that they wouldn't need a back up plan.
                              I am by no means defending Creation (they've done plenty of crappy things) but they are an independant company and have to deal with lots of details that we never hear about.

                              Oh and the person you really ought to contact about this snafu is GARY, not Adam. Adam was in Barbank last weekend, which means that GARY was in charge out in NY.
                              [email protected]
                              It doesn't surprise me that it was Gary. He messed up in Chicago too. Didn't have enough photos of Cliff left for fans so made some photocopies. Cliff was not impressed. He figured the fans got cheated.
                              Visit me on


                                Originally posted by Space Monkey52 View Post
                                So who is going to the breakfast on Saturday?
                                *raising hand* MEEEEEE! I'll be at brekkie! Both Saturday and Sunday. Yes, I broke down and shelled out the extra moolah for Sunday - Didn't wanna, but what the heck, this might be one of my last cons for a while...... We signed papers on a new house last night!!!!!

                                Updated roll call.... Not too many GWers yet, but you never know with so many people coming out of lurkdom!

                                Chelle & Sis - A15 &16
                                Neelan_Liquor - B28
                                Space Monkey52 - C24
                                Spacemonkey_Jackson - F16
                                erink - F32
                                rebelwriter03 - G26 & 27
                                TJinLOCA - G28

                                Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!

