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how do you decide if someones a full-fan

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    how do you decide if someones a full-fan

    i'm lost.
    i know a few people who aren't as big on stargate as i am, and then i know people who are absolutly mad on it,.

    i met a guy a few weeks ago who seems to know his stuff, but he says other than me, in our town there are no 'full' fans.
    i told him i knew a few who knew their stuff and he started saying true fans know more and stuff like that., he cool but i think he's a bit overboard,.

    it got me thinking, if you meet a random stranger who says their a big fan of stargate, how do you define how big?

    its a bit of a sad question for 10am on a saturday morning from a girl whose been to convensions, but its been bugging me

    Paul Mcgillion - scottish Ambassador to the universe

    Everyone has their own view of what a "big" fan is. I don't think it can be defined in objective terms between strangers. IMO, it's always going to be subjective if two people do not have a common frame of reference. You have to clarify, "Are you an 'I watch every week' big fan or are you an 'I go to every convention, my house is decorated like the SGC, I installed a round door and painted it to match the Stargate' big fan?"

    Sad answer for 3:11 am on a Saturday morning, from a girl who's had a couple drinks (not enough drinks ) and some moderately tasty pasta.

    "Let's not be too quick to exclude the possibility that the woman might be, uh... what is the clinical term? Nuts?" -- Rodney McKay, PhD

    What does Cat have to say today?


      i don't think it really matters...

      I guess I'd consider a big fan one that watches as many eps as possible and has the eps on dvd or video etc..

      also perhaps buys merchandise and stuff..

      i guess there is levels of geekyness..

      This guy i had a one night stand with met remarked on how many stargate dvds i had in my room and teased me about being a geek... but then later he confessed to having about £2000 worth of doctor who merchandise at his house... so he couldn't talk!


        Originally posted by Midnight_of_Parabal
        i'm lost.
        i know a few people who aren't as big on stargate as i am, and then i know people who are absolutly mad on it,.

        i met a guy a few weeks ago who seems to know his stuff, but he says other than me, in our town there are no 'full' fans.
        i told him i knew a few who knew their stuff and he started saying true fans know more and stuff like that., he cool but i think he's a bit overboard,.

        it got me thinking, if you meet a random stranger who says their a big fan of stargate, how do you define how big?

        its a bit of a sad question for 10am on a saturday morning from a girl whose been to convensions, but its been bugging me
        That's such a hard definition to fill in. A 'big' fan can mean anything.

        I think the phrase 'real' or 'true' fan is highly overrated and just, well, a bit absurd, as in many cases I"ve seen it used to flame other people (this came about in the season six debacle when MS left the show and CN joined and those who complained were told by others that they weren't "real" fans becuase they should accept ANY change without question). That's sorta like telling a person to accept a pepperoni pizza when they ordered veggie

        Anyway, I'd say the bulk of fans you see on the net are those who love the show, visit these sites, participate sometimes, but definitely have lives outside of fandom. You will come across a few who are, well, let's just say it, obsessed fans. Their life revolves around the show. They're sorta easy to spot at cons


          You can't base it off of possesions or how many conventions someone goes to. I say a "true" or "full" fan is one who will watch the show no matter what (unless something really inappropiate is on it), and who will stand up for the show if anything happens (i.e. the cancellation of Stargate SG-1). A true fan won't want the show to end because one little piece isnt right (i.e. Jack gone, Mitchell on the show).

          Jesus is Lord!


            Originally posted by Midnight_of_Parabal
            i'm lost.
            i know a few people who aren't as big on stargate as i am, and then i know people who are absolutly mad on it,.

            i met a guy a few weeks ago who seems to know his stuff, but he says other than me, in our town there are no 'full' fans.
            i told him i knew a few who knew their stuff and he started saying true fans know more and stuff like that., he cool but i think he's a bit overboard,.

            it got me thinking, if you meet a random stranger who says their a big fan of stargate, how do you define how big?

            its a bit of a sad question for 10am on a saturday morning from a girl whose been to convensions, but its been bugging me
            I think that there is only one person who can decide if you are a fan and how big a fan you are: You.

            I've never believed that anybody needs to be able to recite every episode off by heart, adore every little thing about a show or anything like that to be a fan. Others may feel differently, but that is simply their opinion.

            If you think that you are a fan, a full fan, a true fan or whatever you want to call yourself, then you are one.

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              I figure a "big fan" of Stargate is someone who watches the show regularily/tries to see all the eps, beyond that the definition unique to each individual (personally, I only have one DVD set, have never been to a con, have no merch, but I call myself a BIG FAN of Stargate).

              I figure "big fan" is more in the spirit of the person then what they have (or have done) that's related to the show.


                I think the only thing that should preclude you from being a 'true' fan is that if you think ECW would make a good replacement for Stargate, you're not a true fan.
                Such a shame that I wouldn't know by now your revelations
                Cut me in, I don't wanna live without your revelations.


                  In my opinion, fan comes from the term fanatic. So a person who watches all the episodes, knows most of the characters and can carry on an intelligent Stargate conversation is a true or full fan. Being a fan doesn't need to involve major or expensive purchases because you can be dirt poor, not own a single Stargate item, and still be a fan. You've gone over the line, however, when you follow your favorite actor around like a puppy, believe they are in love with you, and talk about that person obsessively. Then you are no longer a fan, but a stalker.
                  Visit me on


                    My definition of a Big fan of stargate is anyone whose every decision revolves around stargate.

                    Best Stargate quote:
                    Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                    Green is your friend.


                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      I think that there is only one person who can decide if you are a fan and how big a fan you are: You.

                      I've never believed that anybody needs to be able to recite every episode off by heart, adore every little thing about a show or anything like that to be a fan. Others may feel differently, but that is simply their opinion.

                      If you think that you are a fan, a full fan, a true fan or whatever you want to call yourself, then you are one.
                      *applauds*....perfect post imo....sums it up exactly....

                      Deeds xx
                      Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                      MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                        in the latest SG mag thats out in the UK (not sure if its world wide or not) has a quiz at the back, one for sg1 and one for sg1 you answer questions and get a score out of 75, i gor 62 on sg1 and uh 75 on atlantis so you could maybe use that lol (although it might be a bit big to carry in your back pocket lol)


                          it freaks me out.
                          i'm out on a tuesday night, no sg conections around and this lad appears and starts talking sg-1 to me,
                          i'm begining to see what my friends meant when they said i talk sg-1 too much.

                          he's cool though,
                          keeps reminding me he's got atlantis s3 of an american

                          Paul Mcgillion - scottish Ambassador to the universe


                            Originally posted by Midnight_of_Parabal
                            i'm lost.
                            i know a few people who aren't as big on stargate as i am, and then i know people who are absolutly mad on it,.

                            i met a guy a few weeks ago who seems to know his stuff, but he says other than me, in our town there are no 'full' fans.
                            i told him i knew a few who knew their stuff and he started saying true fans know more and stuff like that., he cool but i think he's a bit overboard,.

                            it got me thinking, if you meet a random stranger who says their a big fan of stargate, how do you define how big?

                            its a bit of a sad question for 10am on a saturday morning from a girl whose been to convensions, but its been bugging me
                            I think it's all relative...

