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Pegasus 2006 - Germany Cancelled :(

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    Pegasus 2006 - Germany Cancelled :(

    Just got this email Very sad that the con won't be happening but i understand why it isn't

    This week already started with bad news for Stargate fans all over the
    world – The SciFi Channel has announced that Stargate: SG-1 will end
    after it’s current, 10th season.

    We deeply regret to give you even more bad news today:

    Unfortunately, we have to cancel the Pegasus 2006 convention.

    The whole FKM team has worked over 14 months preparing for this
    convention, devoted hundreds of hours, managed even the smallest details
    in order to make that convention an unforgettable experience for every
    single attendee, an exciting, wonderful weekend filled with lots of
    personal moments and memories.

    Unfortunately, all this wasn’t enough to motivate a sufficient amount of
    people to register for our show. There is probably a lot of reasons for
    that, many of them beyond our control, but that’s not what we want to
    discuss right now.

    As a fact, we’ve had an internal deadline, allowing us to cancel the
    venue and hotel rooms without paying penalties. We’ve reached this
    deadline now, and the registration numbers up to today is just not
    sufficient enough to run the show as planned, let alone to finance it.
    On the contrary, the financial risk at this moment would be way too high
    to cover, especially from a professional and economical point of view.

    Therefore, the only workable solution for us is to cancel the convention
    and refund all paid tickets and rooms of our attendees as quickly and
    uncomplicated as possible. There are various reasons why we also can’t
    go for alternatives (i.e. a smaller convention with just two actors or
    something like that). You can find all details about the refund process
    at the end of this email.

    We know that many of you will probably be disappointed now – belive us,
    we’re disappointed, as well. Even more than that. But the discussions
    within our team as well as with our partners convince us that we’re
    doing the only right and professional thing.

    We’re already working on a little consolation for all registered
    attendees, for all those fans who have supported us from the very
    beginning and have given us their trust. A big “thank you” for your
    support – the encouragement given by you as well as all the individual
    emails have shown us, that our philosophy is leading to the right
    direction – despite the fact that we can’t proceed with the convention
    right now.

    We know that there will be those who just want to run us down and bad
    mouth us. “I told you this wouldn’t work!”. We won’t let those people
    irritate us, because it’s not us, not the programming, not our partners,
    our guests or other reasons why the convention has to be cancelled –
    it’s just the lack of ticket sales. We feel it’s just fair, if we make a
    clean cut now, handle everything in a professional way, minimize other
    possible damage by announcing the cancellation this early (there have
    been conventions in the past cancelled just a few days before they were
    supposed to happen), and after that, have an optimistic look into the
    future. Yes, we’ll suffer some damage, but we’ll have a clean conscience
    at least.

    FKM-Events won’t be gone – we just love all the events too much, and
    there’s no real reason for us to Stopp doing them now. We’ll be glad if
    we can welcome you as attendee at one of our future events – maybe at
    one of our evening events, maybe also at another convention, with a
    different concept.

    For further questions, suggestions and other things, you can still reach
    us directly in our forum or by email.

    Until then, best wishes and regards,

    The FKM-Events team


    Refund of tickets and hotel rooms already paid for:

    First of all, EVERY ONE will get his money back. We have enough reserves
    to cover initial costs that already had to be paid for the show, so
    those costs won’t conflict with the refund. We find it very important to
    achieve and maintain an open and personal contact to you – we’ve
    experienced other conventions’ cancellations ourselves, cancellations
    where the attendees either didn’t get their money back at all, or had to
    get the help of lawyers and courts and wait months or years to get at
    least some of their money back. This WON’T happen with us
    Last edited by St@rbuck; 22 August 2006, 02:55 PM.

    That's so sad. Even sadder because there were a lot of SGA's actors going. And they have been renewed for a fourth!

    I hope this won't happen with any other convention also.

    Comfort Hugs to all those who where planning to go!


      thats quite sucky...... my mates not gonna be too happy


        Sorry, I DON'T understand why it isn't. My non-refundable 80 Euros spent on plane and train don't understand why it isn't. Sorry, but for me even 1 guests would be worth the trip, better than just throughing the money away.
        And they're trying to cancell our show ("trying" 'cause we won't let them!). Better and better...
        Francis from Italy

