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Pay raise for Carson Beckett

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    Pay raise for Carson Beckett

    ok, funny story. I was attending a convention in atlanta last labor day weekend and it just so happened that paul mcgillion was there. anyways, i was having a blast just partying and being a fun loving geek that i am when i got a fantastic idea: i'd invite my friend who happened to be doing some modeling stuff not too far from the hotels that this thing was being held at. ok, one thing about my friend, she's not really a sci-fi person and had never seen stargate atlantis...ever. so i sucked her into the weekend and we had a great weekend when on the last day i decided to go and get the rest of my of which was of the ever so cute scottish doctor. so we head and over and i introduce myself and notice that my friend is doing the whole shy thing she does when she thinks someone is hot...and i noticed that he had also taken something of a look at her. anyways, being the mean person i am i shoved her over there with him and made her take a picture. they laughed and i now have the funniest picture of them. point of the story being, after that she went out and bought the first season, watches the show every friday, and has decided that she's gonna buy anything atlantis that comes out on dvd. so mgm, give the guy a raise because he's just sucked in another who's gonna buy everything you guys put out on the show! lol (oh, and she's completely changed her modeling schedule to make sure she's there next year...d'oh) *sigh* here comes another money spending gater! jk
    Je refuse de partir avant de retrouver mon lézard familier!!

    Now this is a cool story. I did the same with my sister. She's gonna get her own DVD copy and she's gonna write fanfiction for Shep/Teyla. So I'm happy.

    And was he really sweet...he's in my top know you can't have just Beckett you need both McKay and Zalenka in there. Anyway again a great story and you and your friend were super lucky. I'm gonna have to make my way to a convention.

    Off I go to the Beckett Thunk Thread.
    Click statement above to read article.


      i totally agree he needs a raise!!!! paul is an absolute legend!!!!!! i met him when he came to ireland in december and he was really really nice to of the girls in front of me didnt have a camera to take pics so i said id take the pic for her on my phone and text the pic to her phone.. she said all her space was taken up so i said (very mckay like for some reason) that i would take it on my phone upload to my laptop and email it to her. all i hear coming from paul is 'ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!'and then i took out the phone and got another wooo and a 'you gotta love technology' after the session he stayed around and was talking to some girls and i was still there talking to people and he comes up to me and the person i was talking to and patted us on the shoulders and said 'thanks for coming' i was thinking 'you shouldnt be saying that!!!' so i was like 'no...thank you!!!' ...god that was a fun experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      MGM!!!!!!!!!! GIVE THE MEAN A RAISE!!!! you'll make a lot of people very very very happy!!!!!!


        he is an awesome guy like you guys said! i wish he and more of the sg people would come this year. i also got to meet Carmen A. (who of course is sam's dad in the sg1 series) along with gary jones! they're all incredibly sweet and hysterically funny! we had a lot of the "firefly/serenity" cast show up for the past 3 years...SG CAST CALLING ALERT! it's an awesome convention and we throw some serious parties at night. (in fact i went to one and low and behold there was adam baldwin dancing his heart out lol) seriously though...Rodney Mckay....purrrrr..everyone needs to come down to atlanta labor day weekend! y'all!
        Je refuse de partir avant de retrouver mon lézard familier!!


          Fine with me, give the doc a raise...he DOES make house calls. BUT please, can't anyone convince him to attend the Vancouver Con this far, only Joe Flanigan will there to represent SGA.
          On fighting:
          Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
          Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."

