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Fan-Made (Works In progress)

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    Fan-Made (Works In progress)

    A while back, i started to design a cd (in 2002)
    An Autorun style menu, like driver instalation disks have

    i contacted mgm but got no response, later i re-scoped the cd menu
    made it run full screen, removed some bits and added other bits
    but still no response, after a few years of sitting on them
    im dying to get responses & feadback, ideas, tweaks

    (may i just point out these are NOT disks full of episodes)
    In addition, they're NOT for sale {so please do not ask for links or downloads}

    with no mgm aproval = no release, wich means theres no beta testing allow'd
    (so like stated please dont ask for download links)
    but thiers no harm in showing them as fan art under the Fair Use Trade Law

    since i started back in 2002 ive amassed a lot of info (like most STÅRGÅTE sites)
    and the disk has grown a lot, also in the time between SG-1 season 6 & 7
    i started to create an Infinity disk and a Movie disk, also now an Atlantis disk.

    You can see screen shots of the disks running here
    (it has a Bandwidth Limit, so if it shuts, it Re-Opens on the 18th of each month)
    feel free to sign the guest book, leave comments, ideas,
    it may inspire mgm to take them {i only want a signed copy if they take em} lol

    You can also see a Video of the disks Running & being created on a pc (codec is) DivX 5.1.1
    Video link has no Bandwidth limit, Right click save as
    (Edited to update Video Link)

    Remember there NOT for sale, but theirs no harm showing them
    thier like a site, only created with AutoPlay Menu Studio Code {not html}

    i dont surf much these days, head in the pc 24/7
    so it maybe a few weeks till i check back, but please feel free to comment
    Genuine criticism will be accepted & expected lol
    Enjoy viewing my work
    Last edited by TheWraith; 04 February 2006, 03:33 PM.

    Looks good to me


      well i doubt 1 reply is enough to inspire mgm to take a look at them lol
      but 1 is better than none

      thats a great site on your signature, ive not looked around sites in ages,
      thats a realy nice and large collection of wallpapers

      its a shame no ones taken the icon files and converted them, thiers a few programs out now can convert .JPG to .ICO
      and thiers a fair few on that site would make great icons for desk top themes, although windows xp uses a weird file to store them in themes,
      but individual ico's can still be set by hand


        Well, I like them too.

        MGM, take note....there's money to be made off of this.
        Visit me on

